View Full Version : Nearly .... but nope

27-11-19, 18:57
So I’ve had nearly 2 months of crappy stuff again, fuzzy head, floaters, numb shoulder ( which I’ve seen the chiro about and he said my left side is unbelievably tight and it’s the side I sleep on etc) buzzy feeling occasionally in my foot etc .... I was yet again heading the way of cmon cmon it’s just anxiety - get it together - having CBT etc

Anyway the last thing I’m struggling to let go is this weird feeling in my genitals, it’s like restless leg syndrome - like a tingling / burning type thing, comes and goes and stupidly ... yep I googled and what comes up ... MS

To go with the worry and the other symptoms! Can that really be anxiety?! It’s so uncomfortable and I can’t shift it!

27-11-19, 19:48
I think anxiety is likely the culprit. Think how many muscles you have down there. If you are tense then it is probable. If you type in tingling into Google you know what is going to pop up.

If I remember rightly you have feared ms before. If ms is on your mind then you will be hyper sensitive to these sorts of sensations. I think you would know if you had ms.

We are all the same. If I am fearing something I get symptoms that I associate with said illness.

The mind is a powerful thing.