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View Full Version : How to stop the fear of brain tumours constantly?

28-11-19, 01:20
This is honestly the one fear that keeps coming back. It seems like once I’m over one fear the fear of brain tumours comes back. I hate it because it’s such a deadly and vile disease that whenever I get afraid of them it takes me to an incredibly dark place. I have been having numbness in my pinky and ring finger and today I started getting a strange milky after taste after my coffee. That taste is still in my mouth 12 hours later. Apparently phantom tastes and numbness can be neurological in nature. I’m so afraid and I wish I could get just stop being so afraid. I wish there was no such thing as these vile tumours. I absolutely hate this vile fear because all day I’ve been so gloomy and distracted and morbid thoughts keep coming into my mind.

28-11-19, 08:58
I share this with you. It’s the fear that keeps on giving. But the symptoms you talk about don’t sound especially worrying- numbness in the pinky and ring finger is usually cupital tunnel thing. And I often get weird tastes that worry me (oh thank you dr google!). I think a lot of it is to do with hyper awareness?
At the moment I’m getting random dizzy slightly “odd” feelings, which are setting me off. So.... sigh.... I feel your pain xxx

29-11-19, 10:50
For me it was an MRI that helped. A clear MRI stops the brain tumor worry for a while.

29-11-19, 11:19
Apparently phantom tastes and numbness can be neurological in nature.

How do you know this?

29-11-19, 12:28
This is honestly the one fear that keeps coming back. It seems like once I’m over one fear the fear of brain tumours comes back. I hate it because it’s such a deadly and vile disease

Exactly you would NOT be here posting about it, you would be dead.

Really think about that.. brain tumors are deadly and vile, you would be DEAD.

and... you might want to stop googling, it's adding to your torment, not helping you.

29-11-19, 12:34
For me it was an MRI that helped. A clear MRI stops the brain tumor worry for a while.

That's an expensive and unnecessary test for reassurance that in most cases is fleeting at best for many.

Positive thoughts

29-11-19, 13:37
Maybe. But it helped me.

29-11-19, 13:42
Maybe. But it helped me.

For me it was an MRI that helped. A clear MRI stops the brain tumor worry for a while.

Or not?

29-11-19, 14:19
I said a while because I think most people understand that a clear MRI at age 30 means a clear MRI at that point in time. Maybe 10 years later things have changed. So you’re comforted “for a while.”

I find the hostility toward MRIs to be astonishing and the contempt toward a person seeking relief from fear to be sickening. If this person gets an clear MRI and it stops their brain tumor worry, that is a good thing. Happy thoughts as therapy don’t work for everyone.

29-11-19, 14:23
I'm not hostile towards MRI's if a Doctor thinks it's warranted. But it's an extreme, extreme reaction to an imaginary ailment, and counter productive in the long run.

What age will you get to before you think you need another one?

29-11-19, 14:28
Hopefully I’ll be good for a long time. Not worrying about a brain tumor has been a blessing. A weight lifted. And when I see a post like OP’s which quite frankly sounds like she’s overwhelmed with worry (I.e., morbid thoughts), I want that person to consider all options for relief. Even if an anonymous opinion on the internet thinks it’s too expensive or an overreaction.

30-11-19, 00:36
Perhaps take the replies into consideration with the thread history of the OP. There's a distinctive pattern to the threads and this thread, while asking for advice on quelling a recurring fear, has been answered dozens of times before over the last couple of years. Katniss doesn't have a brain tumor nor any of the other diseases she's feared. With the money and resources she would spend on an unnecessary test for reassurance, it could be better spent on real life professional help.

I'm glad the test worked for you. It appears to me by your threads/posts that you have a pretty good handle on your dragon and despite a niggle here and there, you're thinking pretty rational (your chicken/egg thread is thought evoking and an example of your train of thought and affirms my opinion). Sadly, for some, that's just not the case.

Positive anonymous thoughts :shades: