View Full Version : *Oh heck!!*

27-09-07, 18:28
Just found out at school today that I have to go on a day trip tomorrow to Morwellham Quay nr Tavistock.......

Lovely place of historical interest, lots of dressing up in Victorian clothes.....great fun ....but.....

There is also a mine dating back to Victorian times...and you reach it by going on a little train.....down .....down.....into the depths of the earth!!! Very dark and very confined...:huh:

I don't do 'very dark and very confined' very well at all.

And my bottle of Rescue Remedy is still a wet patch on my wedding handbag!:ohmy:

I knew I should have bought another one.

I find it very easy to advise others how to cope with situations like this...and not at all easy to apply it to myself I'm sorry to say.

I'm feeling just a tad wobbly........:huh:


27-09-07, 18:36
Hi mate, it'll be PLAN "A" then

1. shut eyes
2. There's ya mate Dave holding ya hand:flowers:

go for it GG, your friends are there for you xx

27-09-07, 18:37

Hi, sorry to hear about your rescue remedy, don't know what to tell you.
I don't like dark places either.

Hope this works out for you.

Take care,


27-09-07, 18:44

Sorry to hear you're getting anxious.

if you're going with the kids and have to keep all eyes on them maybe JUST maybe you won't think about the dark place as much............

If you do get anxious, look around and point a few things out to the kids, do anything to try and distract yourself. A few discreet deep breaths wouldn't go amiss either.

I have every faith in you that you'll come through this GG and no doubt be posting tomorrow telling us all the GG funny moments you had.

i'll be thinking of you :hugs: :hugs:

27-09-07, 19:31
Oh no, that would freak me out too! :ohmy:

Just try and focus on the kids, breathe deeply anmd get yourself some new rescue remedy!

Best of luck to you :hugs: x

27-09-07, 19:36

GOOD LUCK for tomorrow hun, i think you are so brave, i wouldnt even think of attempting to go down a mine!!lol:blush: so you have one up on me already!!:mad:
I have faith in you GG, i will be sending you lots of positive vibes tommo !!:yesyes:
Will look so forward to hearing all about it, :yesyes:


Love and hugs

27-09-07, 19:57

you know you can do this matey, and I know tomorrow we will be reading a legendary GG success story lol

Have a brilliant day


Trac xxx

27-09-07, 20:11

You wouldn't get me down there if you paid me!!!!!:blush:

Hope it goes well and loads of good luck to you :hugs:

27-09-07, 20:29
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! GG, if that was me...I would be freaking....not about the tunnel...but about all those kids being in there with me!!!!! (I know...I know....a mother who is anx about kids....never said I wasn't strange!:wacko:

Reminds me of years ago (well before anx and well before this odd problem/fear that I have of kids) I was a student and I had a placement at a school for children with learning difficulties. We were out at this country house garden and there was this tunnel under the house. The kids went in and I dutifully followed, not anx at all...until I got in there:ohmy: I didn't say anything at all but the anx started to rise.....and the little boy next to me that I was supposed to be looking after, slipped his hand into mine and said
'It's ok...I'll look after you' bless his wee cotton socks!

So GG, the moral of the story is....don't worry, the kids will look after you!


27-09-07, 21:42
If you can look after a toddler for 2 weeks then you can go down a dark place for a few hours - you know you can. I'd go with you anywhere - you have that sort of confidence that instills it in others (even if that's not how you feel).

I can't wait to hear about it all tomorrow night. :yesyes:

Love Pringle Pants :flowers:

27-09-07, 21:46
Can't you distract yourself by shouting and screaming at the kids? Tell them it's education, Victorian style ;)

You will be fine GG :)

27-09-07, 23:51
Oh my,

You lot are awesome.....truly you are.

I nearly deleted this thread because I felt so cowardly and silly - but, no way now!

Thank you, all of you, for the encouragement and support.

Dave - thanks mate....hope you wash 'em first though :winks::blush:lol!
Believe - I'll believe I can do it!
Nanny - yep, I'll need eyes in the back of my head - even in the dark!
Kittykate - I'll focus and breathe, but got no RR!
Andrea - please don't stop sending the vibes!
Trac - I'll keep a pic of 'miss whiplash' in mind as a distraction lol!
Nic - I'd pay you whatever you ask if you'd swap places wiv me!
Happyone - you crease me up you do, and what a lovely moral to the story!
PringlePinkyPants - I like the comparison!
Jaco - Brilliant advice! I'll give 'em your name when I get hauled before the Education Board lol!

Big hugs for Mike - who's chatted and kept me sane all night on msn!:winks::hugs:

Going to bed now - night night all!



28-09-07, 01:37
Hello Gg Wishing You The Best I Know You Can Do This Its That Damn Anticapation That Gets The Best Of Us.........take Care..........linda........positve Thots And Vibes To Ya........

28-09-07, 06:25
Thanks Linda,:blush:

Been awake since 5.00am:huh:, decided best get up in case I fall back asleep and miss the alarm clock at 7.00am.

JFDI eh?


28-09-07, 12:38
GG, just caught up with your thread, I will be thinking of you but I know you will do it. Cant wait to hear your synopsis of the event, GG style :yesyes:

28-09-07, 18:01
Hope today went well for you GG !!:yesyes: :yesyes:

Been thinking of you while doing the ironing !!!:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


28-09-07, 18:30
Yeah GG, we are all busting to hear the Blog! :shrug: xxx

28-09-07, 21:00
haha! Bust ye no more Dave matey....here it is!:madness:

And only one GG moment.....I think that's worthy of worship and commendation don't you?:emot-worship:

Well, the fact that I'm typing this is evidence that I survived my trip to 'Mole City'.

The reason I survived it at all is mainly down to all my mates here who never hold back when it comes to encouragement, support and patience! And the odd telling off when necessary!:blush:

I woke at 5.00am after a fitful night - and got up at 6.15 afraid of falling asleep and missing the alarm.Went to the toilet.
Managed to eat some breakfast whilst trying to think of last minute excuses to avoid the excursion. Bad dose of Denghi fever was top of the list!
Got to school at 8.45am - sent some pm's and emails (thanks Coni, Nanny,Mike and Dave :blush:)........went to the toilet.
9.00am had huge cup of very strong coffee (big mistake!) and a bio-buggy-yogurt-thingy drink (another big mistake!):lac:.......went to the toilet.
9.10am took my group of kids to the toilet........went to the toilet
9.15am the coach arrives.......we all climb on board and are soon on our way.......need to go to the toilet.
three kids sick en-route......one misses the sick bucket........feel the strong coffee and bio-buggy-thingy-yogurt drink fight for first place to be expelled from my body.:huh:turn on air-con blower to find only the left side is working.
10.00am arrive at destination with a hot flush on one side of face and frostbite on the other.:wacko:

hm, never mind it'll thaw by lunchtime thought GG, feeling a bit bravado as she walks on wobbly legs from the coach to the reception to sign in her group! Then flips the lid of her mobile phone to txt a friend who has promised to txt at intervals throughout the day only to find that.....there is no ruddy mobile signal:ohmy:!! Finally went to the toilet...heaven!:)
To make matters worse Deputy Head calls everybody around and speaks the words GG is dreading..."ok everyone, the most exciting part of the day is to happen first - down the mine we go!":meh:
Hmph, she might as well have said "into the lions den we go!" or "into a lake full of pirhanas we go!" All meant the same to GG.
Anyway, off GG wobbled child on each hand and 4 more trailing behind - and there it was.......a train consisting of little yellow 'cages' all chained together! And there was the train driver explaining that the narrowest part of the mine was the exact size of the train carriages! omg, it's going to be like being in a coffin (we'll get trapped, the wals ! " don't worry, says the train driver, there are 7 levels in this mine......and we're only going down to level 4!" Yeah right, journey to the centre of the earth more like! It is at this point that GG takes an instant dislike to the man who will, in a short while, have her very life and sanity in his hands.:mad:

It is also at this point that one of the older girls says "you alright Miss?" "Of course, I'm fine thank you dear" GG replies in a high pitched voice comparible to a Westminster Abbey choirboy:noangel:. Then, salvation is at hand -the Deputy Head offers a 'get out clause' - "If you're nervous, you can stay back with the teaching assistants and meet us later" - Oooh, there is a god! Was being tempted to accept this glimmer of hope when one of my liittle charges pipes up sweetly, "Miss, you won't leave me will you? I won't be frightened if you sit next to me".........well, what would you have done?:shrug: Yep, I did to. There was no way I could stay behind now was there? And, I saw all me NMP mates lined up against the wall nodding their heads and grinning from ear to ear!:shades:
So three stomach churning, throat tightening, heart thumping minutes later we are in darkness........Mole City here we come! OMG it was horrendous, dark, damp, and a very tight fit in places for the train! Now and again it opened up and low glare lights turned on automatically to show little 'cameos' of miners in by-gone days. How on earth did they cope with all this - and by candlelight no less? I was suddenly overwhelmed with the greatest respect and admiration for all who had worked this mine all that time ago. And, I took pictures! They're a bit shaky cuz the photographer had a bad case of the trembles, but I think you'll be able to see some detail. And, by the time we emerged into daylight again I was totally goo-goo-eyed and in love with the train driver as he brought me safely out of the bowels of the earth!:cupid:

Anyway, I must shut up now before I use up all the space on the nmp server!! But, here is the one GG moment of the day (if you don't count the horse poo incident:ohmy:!) ooh, I'm sooo proud of meself! - tadah! We were in the tiny gift shop and I turned around quick to check on one of my group and knocked a container of super-bouncy balls flying off the shelf with my ruck-sack. Unfortunately as I hopped around the shop shouting "mind the balls, mind the balls!" and trying to catch them, I tripped over the very child I was checking up on and sent him flying into a wicker basket full of windmills......think the shop assistant was contemplating letting us off payment just to get rid!:ohmy: So, there it is my friends - all over now thank goodness - and I do not intend to repeat anything remotely like this for a very long time to come - am still having adrenalin 'ripples' as I type this.

Once again, you all know me so well, sorry to have gone on and on - but all the advice and encouraging words helped tremendously and I just know I couldn't have JFDunIt without you ! here are the pics:

http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/enginedriver.jpgengine driver:wub:
http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/themine.jpgThe mine :huh:...
http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/lookingup.jpglooking up the mine shaft:ohmy:
http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/waterwheel.jpgwater wheel inside mine:ohmy:
http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t299/wrinklytech/freedom.jpgfreedom at last:yesyes:

PS: Andrea love.....you iron? I wondered what that peculiar thing with the pointy end was in my kitchen cupboard lol !!

PPS: Jaco - got a lovely pic of a Victorian School Mistress if you're interested !! Couldn't post it here as I reached the allowed limit lol !!


28-09-07, 21:14

You could become addictive lady, I love the way you tell them ;)

You done very very well my friend, WELL DONE xx

PS: This pic of the Victorian Mistress, is she wearing a skirt all the way up to her ankles? ;)

:hugs: Jaco

28-09-07, 21:14
well, bloomin' 'eck you did it GG :yesyes:

What a girl :)

I get stressed on the London Underground, but I think I'd been all right here. I would treat it as an exciting adventure!

I loved reading your eloquent prose - I only scraped through English Lit O level!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-09-07, 21:16
GG yay you made it LOL! I'm so proud of you :D

OMG the pics look as if it was scarey, dont think I would have been that brave lol.

Well done you x

28-09-07, 21:31
Well GG what a Star you are !!! We knew you could do it !!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

I was that worried i was going to send my little seven dwarfs down your way to give you a helping hand, had some signs made just for you !!


Joking apart GG ya did fab, im so proud of you !!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:
Snow White oooopss sorry i mean Andrea:winks:

28-09-07, 21:33
:yesyes: I am mega proud of you my friend :yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Today you conquered one of your biggest fears.

As Piglet you have so much confidence and are an inspiration

Loads of love

Mike x :)

28-09-07, 21:55
Hi Buddy,:hugs:

A HUGE WELL DONE YOU! Absolutely Fantastic Sugarhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_75.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/18/18_1_107v.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

What a sucsess GGhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_17_8.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

I been there a long time ago me lover and I live to tell thee tale! I know how you felt though I didn't like it much either so i can emphasize with you sweetie.:hugs:

Did you visualise that Janner Light at the end of the tunnel whilst breathing through ya paper bag! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_18_5.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Do you ever remember that Radio Devon show Trap Door or Secret Pannel? Did you go through one of em. :ohmy: Oh rrrr

As for not getting any more Rescue Remedy you could have always sucked on your handbag! :wacko: LOL

Take Care me lovely.

Love 'N' Hugs

Pip's http://www.myspacedev.com/img/icons/heart/08.gifX X X X (Sorry GG had to have a bit of pink in it) My Pringle Pants understands! :winks: LOL

P.S Did you find any Rose Quartz for me & Pringle Pants while you were down there?http://www.hedegaard.com/Photos/Quartz/QuartzRosePitorra12027.jpgLOLhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_4_123v.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

28-09-07, 22:17

Thanks for such a fab post and what a day you had.

You did so so well and I for one am so proud of you :hugs:

Way to go

Well done.:flowers: :flowers:

28-09-07, 22:21
Aaw, I luvs you lot sooo much!:hugs:

Jaco - will send pic.....not suitable for public forums:winks:
Ray - nothing wrong with your prose mate!
Kitty - I reckon you would you know!
Andrea - there would have been 8 dwarves including me - extra dopey, tell you why in a minute!!
Mike - my knight in shining armour, oh i looks luvverly in that grey boiler suit! Do they do it in beige??
Pips - me ol' janner mate! I'll forgive your pinkness because i luvs you, but er, I dunnit today me 'ansome lol!

Now, would you all like to know exactly how ruddy jumpy I was this morning?

Here (with his permission!) is a PM I sent Mike at 9.07am this morning:

Hi Mike,

just a quickie to say we're back online lol !:smile:

feeling wobbly but ok so far. we're off in about 5 mins!

just hope there's a signal when we get there :huh:

can't thank you enough for your support :hugs:

luv Dee xxx

Now, nothing wrong with that you say......until I tell you that I sent it to 'Mike' and not 'Nibbles' !!

Mike, whoever he is :shrug:, joined on 14.04.05 and hasn't posted since that day lol !!

Won't he have a shock if he ever logs on again !!!:wacko:



PS: Pips, you snuck that one in right under my nose ya so-and-so!! No, 'fraid not......just all this shiny black stuff....will that xxxxxxxhttp://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t184/anicoradiuju/coool.jpg

28-09-07, 22:47
Aaargh,another GG classic, proud of ya mate, gold star award for you !
:yesyes: xxx

28-09-07, 22:54
:yesyes: I knew you could do it!:yesyes:

I thought the carriage floor and surrounding areas looked decididly pink in the photo - did that not upset you hun!!!

Me and Pips would have loved it in that case - not sure about the whole black coal-y thing going on, why can't these things be in a pretty colour eh???

You is flippin marvellous is what you are, is what you are!!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-09-07, 23:43
Thanks Nic - but I'll still offer you whatever you like to go in my place if there is a next time!:flowers:

Dave - ta mate, that made me twinkle :winks:
PigletPringleChopsPinkyPants - nah, no pink me luvly.....borderline maybe, just borderline! Mixed with subtle hews of a nice beige I thought? Of course if you and me janner buddy had come you would have just had to have worn one of these each.....http://www.tasco-safety.com/hhats/o2c-pink.jpg

Big PPS: Hi Darkangel - didn't see you hiding away there mate! Er, I've misplaced Scrabulous again...and I can't remember if it's your move or mine lol !! See you on FB, thanks for all your little gems there! :flowers:



29-09-07, 08:49
:yahoo: :yahoo: "it's the way you tell em GG" as i've told you before you should write a book.

back to your dreaded trip............. SEE!!!!!! told you i had every faith in you, i knew you'd come through ok and thanks to those little kiddies that helped:yesyes:

You're braver than me, after looking at those pictures i could NEVER have done that, well i could have if i had a longing for a ruddy massive panic attack, hyperventilation, pumping heart and one of me heads, but i don't long for those sooooooooooooo
heres a great big :bighug1: to show you how very poud i am of you gal

A BIG WELL DONE :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

29-09-07, 12:00
For Xmas I am gonna ask for a toolbox and tools that are all pink to match the hat you've given me yay!!!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

29-09-07, 12:23
Sssssh everyone:secret:.......don't tell PigletPringleChops,

but I've sent a letter to Santa and ordered these!!.....


29-09-07, 12:51
Nanny, (not long now ! :blush:)

Thank you for having faith in me my luvly friend :flowers: - and what makes you think you're not brave when you face all the mud and gore and wind and rain each weekend so you can watch and support your beloved on his mean machine??:lac:

That's dedication that is!!!:wub:



29-09-07, 18:49
Soooo proud of you matey :D you did fab, see we all knew you would, we knows you better than you do lol

Loads a love

Trac xxx

29-09-07, 20:11
Well done GG, I knew you could do it.....very proud of you my friend!!!

luv Coni XX:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

29-09-07, 22:46
Oh GG Im sitting reading this with tears running down my cheeks - you just tell it as it is. You done brilliantly and lived to tell us the tale. Knew you would do it :yesyes:

Im soooooooo proud of you

Luv Darkangel xx:flowers:

29-09-07, 23:34
Lmao. I didn't see this thread until now, but once again GG reduces me to guffawing. This time it was the balls and windmills!

Well done for going through with it!! xxx

30-09-07, 10:46
Hiya luvly people!

Had a bit of an adrenalin downer yesterday - was ready for it though as it was expected and anticipated, but over and done with now!

Trac - you are absolutely right mate !!:blush:
Coni - we both done good, eh girl?!:flowers:
Darkangel - thanks for the glitter-hugs mate - only way to do it is tell it like it is. Oh, did you notice I found Scrabulous?......eventually lol !! Your move I think!:winks: (unless you have and I haven't checked yet lol!)
Swan - if you guffawed at the balls and windmills, you'd fair thunder at the horse poo incident lol !!



30-09-07, 11:09

Well thanks for saying i'm brave, but i think you've got it wrong gal i'm just stupid...........:blush:

Well i've put me foot down with hubby and his ruddy mean machine:mad: after the last episode i've told him just one more like that and it's me or the bike (best start packing coz i'll be out on my ear):lac:

here's the nightmare...................................

4 weeks ago he found out he had carpal tunnel in his right hand so off work and injections, 3 weeks ago found out he had it in left hand so still off work and more injections:wacko: 2 weeks ago went racing (he shouldn't have done with hands like that):mad: but would he be told no he ruddy wouldn't.

!st race all ok
2nd race, pulled off the start line clutch went he couldn't stop so caused a pile up which he was underneath:ohmy: got run over all ways.
He said he lay there thinking where's mark, where's mark (huh not me, he wanted his our son) his excuse for that was, mark could pick bike up i couldn't.......do i believe that:mad:
off he was taken to the ambulance, had ruptured his leg and banged his ribs.
Couldn't drive home, good job i can drive isn't it? mark drove van with bike and i drive marks car.

day later he couldn't move his leg and from his bum to his knee was as black as black could be so still off work. Ribs hurt but not too bad:) then a couple of days later he's bent over sink cleaning teeth and he sneezes and cracks his ruddy ribs:ohmy: wheres the gun i thought, if he was a horse i'd have put the b****r down.

Glad to say back to work tomorrow:yesyes:

The moral of this story ladies is.................. don't let hubby's/partners have anything with an engine!!!!

30-09-07, 11:42
Hey GG!
I suppose it is a bit late but....
:yesyes: :yesyes: :bighug1:
I'm well proud of ya GG!
As always , love the way you tell your stories, a writer at heart you are! The GGmoments made me chickle too. Well done for conquering your fear, you are truly an inspiration to all :flowers:
you certainly kicked ass:buttkick:

01-10-07, 22:12
Naughty nanny! :mad::noangel:

Now what have I told you about saying you're stupid?:lac:......now stoppit at once!! Anyway, I thought we agreed that although our blokes drive us absolutely round the bend sometimes we still :wub:'s them lol !!

Ruddy good job or I'd be after second go with your shotgun lol !!:ohmy::blush:

Jitter! Well, I shall take that as a compliment indeed coming from someone who writes so eloquently.....and ooooh, I quite like the idea that I :buttkick:!!



01-10-07, 22:17
Sorry GG been away and missed this altogether!!!:lac:

WELL DONE MATEY:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-10-07, 19:02
hi gg
jjust been reading your thread sorry its a bit late!!!!!!:blush:
i live in plymouth and i went with my daughter on her school trip there!!!!
i know how scary the caves are!!!!!:ohmy:
you did really great
you should be really proud of yourself!!!!!!!!!
can i just add that i went before i had anxiety and it scared me even then!!!!!!!
take care

rach x x x

02-10-07, 21:59

Another Plymothian - what a cause for celebration!!

We just got to have a natter lol !!

Yep, I also went years and years ago, before anx days, when my girls were little and I went down the mine then no prob.

But the memories came flooding back and just nearly overwhelmed me this time - I lived to tell the tale but don't want to do it again in a hurry thank you very much lol !! :ohmy::blush:

Thanks for your encouragement ceecee :)


02-10-07, 22:16
GG, you really make me smile and laugh. big snorting belly laugfhs! But in amongst all that is someone who has just managed something really difficult. Than k you for the laughs, but a real serious serious WELL DONE! You are fantastic hun. You really and truelly are!

02-10-07, 22:45
Just read your story GG!

WOW!!! You did brilliantly!!!

You must be really proud of yourself. You are an inspiration to the rest of us. :yesyes:

You write your stories so well and you certainly made me smile! :D :D :D

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx