View Full Version : hot face and cold hands, nervous system??

28-11-19, 14:23
Ive been highly anxious and have had a lot of stress and worry the past few months. Intermittently for the past few days ive been getting a hot face but cold feeling hands. When i start to calm a bit later on in the evening it goes away. Is this my nervous system on alert? Im on no meds at the moment.

28-11-19, 14:50
It's just the stress, promise. Nothing to worry about.

28-11-19, 15:12
Thankyou. Ive been feeling physically unwell for 3 weeks. Thought it was some virus. Ive called the drs earlier and my gp isnt in today who i trust. As he knows about all my health anxiety and mental health issues. Right now im in a mental health crisis and need to see someone asap but dont know who to turn too :(

28-11-19, 15:16
Try contacting your local branch of MIND? They tend to be brilliant with this stuff.