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View Full Version : Insecure and Upset over being underweight

29-11-19, 04:44
So here's the deal. I'm 4'11", and at the doctor's I clocked in at 88 lbs. My last visit, in October, I weighed about 95. I'm not concerned about how I've lost weight, not really - I know how it happened. I work long, overnight hours, have very little time to eat a meal, and spend most of my free time either in commute or asleep. I've always been a very small girl, most of the women in my family are. It doesn't take much to feel full for me, and I eat a lot less than when I was a teenager.

THe doctor told me I shouldn't worry, because my heart, blood pressure, and breathing were all fine, that I had a BMI of 18.5 and if my health was otherwise okay, my being underweight was nbd. That I should only gain if I wanted to.

But honestly, I'm super insecure now and wondering if that's even true. Today at Thanksgiving I had a smaller plate than everyone else did, and a relative snarked "No wonder you only weigh 80." I snack when I can, I just grabbed a leftover roll, and I FEEL okay but. I feel so bony and small and everyone else I know gets frantic and demands I eat more and "Go to the hospital!"
I do not have an ED - I just don't need as much as my friends do. Just to reiterate.

My roommate, whom I lived with for three years, once heard me throw up when I had the flu, and then cornered me saying she KNEW I had an ED and this one instance proved it, nobody could be as small as I was naturally!

I just feel like maybe the doctor was wrong and there is something wrong with me after all.

29-11-19, 05:06
Listen to your doctor. I don't know why people think it's ok to body shame thin people. It's no different than if you were overweight and your friends and family were mocking you for how much you ate, but that would never be social acceptable. Just imagine someone saying to a person getting seconds - that's why you're 200 pounds!! What they're saying is no better than that! Your doctor said you're healthy and wouldn't have if that wasn't true. I'm sorry people suck. Try try to ignore them or say, "My doctor and I are comfortable with my weight and overall health and I would prefer to not discuss my weight or eating habits anymore."

bin tenn
29-11-19, 14:31
Listen to your doctor. I don't know why people think it's ok to body shame thin people. It's no different than if you were overweight and your friends and family were mocking you for how much you ate, but that would never be social acceptable. Just imagine someone saying to a person getting seconds - that's why you're 200 pounds!! What they're saying is no better than that! Your doctor said you're healthy and wouldn't have if that wasn't true. I'm sorry people suck. Try try to ignore them or say, "My doctor and I are comfortable with my weight and overall health and I would prefer to not discuss my weight or eating habits anymore."

Very well said. Couldn't agree more.

30-11-19, 02:02
If your weight were concerning then your doctor would have told you and wanted to correct/monitor your health.

Daily weight can vary 4-5lbs over the day anyway dependant on when you take it because the food you eat, whether you have had a bowel movement, exercise, hydration and various other factors can all influence it. Considering that it may not even be as much as you think. And since this was at a surgery I'll take a guess you were wearing clothes which can adds lbs anyway.

So, that first reading could have easily been slightly higher making the loss less than in reality.