View Full Version : Freaking out over rib pain

29-11-19, 05:31
It's 530am and I am having an extreme panic attack. My boyfriend says I'm ridiculous and has gone back to sleep. I have an off and on deep ache in my left rib and I can feel it in the middle of my chest too and I'm convinced I'm having a heart situation. I had this pain about 8pm tonight too, like a stabbing rib pain but it went away. Can anyone tell me something it could be to help me rationalise. Would heart pain be that far down? Like the rib cage? I am so so scared and alone. Its like a stabbing ache every few minutes

29-11-19, 12:25

29-11-19, 12:32
You're still here posting over 7 hours later for a shred of reassurance so rationally, what does that tell you?

Positive thoughts

29-11-19, 12:40
I know it's a long time but I read heart attacks can last days. Its a really intense pain every few minutes from my left rib into my chest and feels squeezing. I am so freaked out I really think this is something

29-11-19, 22:34
Your not having a heart attack

30-11-19, 00:10
but I read

Stop googling

30-11-19, 00:16
If it was that serious you would not login to NMP and post you would be calling 999 trust me

30-11-19, 03:42
Look up costochondritis. I’ve had it for 6 years... mine is due to a back injury- I’m currently laying on ice- took advil- do yoga and go to the chiro...it can take a while to go away and is sometimes chronic but manageable with lifestyle changes... Go to a dr first and get checked out- it mimics a heart attack and a pulmonary embolism... after 16 Drs and every test in the book.. I found out what it was..... now I go all natural and it’s manageable.

I literally could Spend day’s talking to
You about this condition... I’m only 29
And it has changed my life, it can cause panic attacks and heart palpitations as well..

Again.. get checked out first...
But when drs tell you your fine- if it continues.... highly likely this is what it is..... they will tell you to take Advil and not workout.... don’t listen.... you need to keep working out. If this is indeed a condition you have- I urge you to
Join the group on Facebook called “costochondritis is a pain in the chest” there are dozens of us who have suffered For years but are finding relief and support here... I pray you are not plagued with this terrible disease- but if you are, know
There is help.

30-11-19, 23:02
Thanks all for the replies. I didn't actually Google, I didn't allow myself as knew it would send me over the edge! I did read a year or so about women's heart attacks, it was on a local newspaper page on Facebook, the usual scaremongering type. And it stuck in my head, I never read that stuff anymore. But boy did I retain the information haha. It went away not long after I posted that and hasn't come back today so next time I'll refer to that situation and try to be rational. Thanks again X

01-12-19, 00:04
Look up costochondritis. I’ve had it for 6 years... mine is due to a back injury- I’m currently laying on ice- took advil- do yoga and go to the chiro...it can take a while to go away and is sometimes chronic but manageable with lifestyle changes... Go to a dr first and get checked out- it mimics a heart attack and a pulmonary embolism... after 16 Drs and every test in the book.. I found out what it was..... now I go all natural and it’s manageable.

I literally could Spend day’s talking to
You about this condition... I’m only 29
And it has changed my life, it can cause panic attacks and heart palpitations as well..

Again.. get checked out first...
But when drs tell you your fine- if it continues.... highly likely this is what it is..... they will tell you to take Advil and not workout.... don’t listen.... you need to keep working out. If this is indeed a condition you have- I urge you to
Join the group on Facebook called “costochondritis is a pain in the chest” there are dozens of us who have suffered For years but are finding relief and support here... I pray you are not plagued with this terrible disease- but if you are, know
There is help.

Another fellow Costo sufferer checking in. Been dealing with it for close to two years, and whold I am learning to live with it, it still throws me from time to time. It also doesnt help that I do have an existing, non related heart issue, and I have to remember that the chest pain I feel is the costo, not something more sinister (I admit I resort to pressing my chest to feel that the pain is coming from there.. which I know makes it worse, but. )

Anyway, keep fighting the good mental fight LF, and remember that almost every ache and pain we feel is passing and harmless in the end. The serious issues have a way of letting us know they are actually serious..

04-12-19, 08:41
I'm still worried about this guys :(its not the same place or as bad as the other day but I do have a pain that keeps coming back every few minutes, same run but this time just at the back. I'm trying to keep rational and think it's just wind / indigestion but my HA is telling me it's an attack or build up to one. I did google costocondritis, I don't think it's that though. Please help :(

04-12-19, 08:42
Rib* not run

05-12-19, 08:05
Anyone? It's like an ache in my rib. It disappeared for most of yesterday but has come back. Can be a stabbing pain or a longer ache type pain. So scared it's my heart