View Full Version : Trying not to google 😩 speech

29-11-19, 05:54
For a few days now I’ve noticed I stumble over some words or have said a few things in the wrong order. I’m already freaking out about intermittent bowel issues.
I’ve also had the tinnitus thing in my ears off and on for several months and I feel hyper aware of sounds in my ears when I speak. I’m almost 33 and have two littles. I’m so worried about C. This issue - brain C. The stomach issues make me thing about a hundred other kinds.

Today I had the tinnitus sound in my right ear for about 15 seconds and then noticed later that ear was Feeling blocked And muffled for several hours. Just feeling out. Especially with the speech. Please tell me if any of you have had this happened?? I shouldn’t be mixing up words :/ so worried!!!

29-11-19, 05:58
Everybody mixes up words; this isn't a big deal.

Also, saying the word cancer doesn't mean you'll get cancer. This is magical thinking and really bad for your anxiety.

Accept that you're in alert mode right now, and that it's safe to ignore the fear signals your brain is sending you.

29-11-19, 06:03
I think I do that with not saying the word. It’s like I feel i’ll Jinx myself.

Maybe i’m Just paying extra attention to my words and phrases because I’m super anxious right now. It’s just unnerving, I’m trying to stay away from google and thought posting here would help me and keep me occupied and away from the temptation to google! Thank you for the reply.

29-11-19, 06:48
It's a great start! Just remember, the anxiety is the issue and not your bodily sensations.