View Full Version : New and diabetes fear

27-09-07, 21:03
Hi everyone, I'm new here and have really found this website helpful so far in getting reassurance for my panic/health anxiety. I've had a rough couple of weeks with worrying about every little symptom, so I went to the doctor, who seemed to think it was all due to anxiety. She blood tested me anyways, and I got the results today. Everything's normal, except my blood sugar level is 123, when the max normal level is somewhere around 100 (I know the scale is a bit different in the UK) I wasn't fasting when my blood was tested, and I had a bit of sugary food about an hour and a half before the exam, so is it possible that this could have caused the spike? Has anyone ever had high blood sugar for some reason other than diabetes?

Can it be elevated by stress as well?

Thanks! :flowers:

02-10-07, 21:21
I dont know anything about blood sugars, but just wanted to say that if your doctor thinks it could be diabetes is he/she doing further tests? I have just done a test but a urine test.
Also, if it is diabetes, millions of people lead happy and full live with diabetes. I'm sure if it did turn out to be that you would get an awful lot of help and support from your doctor.
Have you to go back to your doctors about this?