View Full Version : Strange taste in mouth?!?

29-11-19, 18:23
I've put this in symptoms because I wondered if it could be anxiety.
I'll do my best to explain....
It started about a month ago.
A taste similar to when brushing your teeth and having the taste still there, but more of stale taste.
Or eating or drinking something just after brushing making the food or drink taste funny.
This taste comes and goes. Disappears for days, then comes back for days.
I suffer with acid reflux and wondered whether it was connected, although I've never had it before.
Has anyone else experienced this?

29-11-19, 18:29
That sounds like ordinary repeating to me; it's gross but harmless.

29-11-19, 18:37
Yes, I've had this, exactly what you describe, numerous times and over many years ! You've just reminded me of it actually, I've had it only once this year for one day, but going back a couple of decades I had it for a week and the only way I could deal with the annoyance of it was by sucking throat sweets to override the taste. I don't really have acid reflux, so I don't think its that in my case (though I know that can cause it, and it could be in your case). In my case I think it is a combination of having a dry mouth (anxiety/stress) and I have a 'natural' habit of clenching my teeth and pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth. The combination of these seems to disturb the taste buds or something and cause changes to the flora of the mouth. (is flora the right word ?) I have really good oral hygiene and use a variety of interdental brushes and two different electric toothbrushes daily one after the other, lol, so I know its not gum disease - but that is another possibility I've heard of being the cause.

29-11-19, 19:00
Thank you Blue and Carys for replying. xx

Carys, I'm so pleased I'm not going mad by imagining this.
Yes, yes and yes! The dry mouth. So dry, I sometimes wake up in the night with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. Sorry, sounds gross.
I know I jaw clench and bite my tongue too. :blush:

I am also very thorough with my oral hygiene. Brush daily, floss and use that miniature brush thingy.
I use mouthwash and occasionally Corsodyl, not sure how you spell that.
I had X Ray's done about 9 months ago and everything looked ok. But I do get bleeding gums from time to time, normally after cleaning too much and my ongoing sinus issues.

To add to this, I had a burning tongue about 4-6 weeks ago and read it could also be anxiety.
I've had that before and it goes away eventually.
I've been over sensitised for the last few months and did wonder whether it could be my taste buds gone crazy.
I even went deaf briefly today.
Anyway I'm rambling on and if you've read all that, I've probably sent you to sleep. :blush:
Thanks for replying xx

29-11-19, 19:43
Sounds same as me Carnation, and I make myself 'deaf' too with my jaw/tooth clenching (once for a week in one ear lol) on a regular basis, or get whistling noises and buzzing. Its deffo all stress stuff, I'm sure it is. I would say though, why don't you dispense with the mouthwashes and certainly the corsodyl for a while and see if that helps (I've used that for mouth ulcers and it is heavy duty on causing mouth burning!) I think both of those products can disturb your taste buds and cause ongoing taste changes if you are using them on a dry mouth. Your brushing is already epic and the washes won't be needed (any hygienist will tell you that :o)

29-11-19, 19:57
I think you are right Carys.
I've probably been overdoing the products in a bid to get rid of the weird taste. I've actually caused a ulcer on my tongue now so I'm feeling pretty miserable with myself.

Yep, buzzing and whistling ears too.
Watery eyes another one and sensitive to bright lights.
So no discos for me. :D

I've just pinched Mr C's sweeties to help that horrid taste, needs, must! :noangel:

29-11-19, 22:31
I've just looked on the back of the corsodyl bottle - side effects - burning mouth and change in taste !

29-11-19, 22:36
Oh really Carys, that's interesting. Thank you for that. x

30-11-19, 01:15
Hey C,

I get this issue when I'm having sinus problems. It's almost like for me I'm tasting the inside of my nose :S It's like I can smell something gross up in my nasal cavity, and then I kind of get that weird taste of it.

30-11-19, 09:15
Thanks for for answering Antsy.
Yep, sinuses had crossed my mind too and your description is close to the taste.
It's strange because it has not affected my eating or changed the taste of the food.
It's more like a lingering taste coming from the roof of my mouth and not my tongue.
And it waivers from strong to mild to disappearing and coming back again.
Obviously using loads of corsodyl and mouth wash didn't help at all, so stopped using them.
It's one of those niggles, "I have to know what it is!"

30-11-19, 19:20
Have you tried eating a pop-cicle or a milkshake? Usually I find cold, sweet things get rid of that sensation.

30-11-19, 21:12
Yes AntsyVee,
I'm drinking a lot of iced water, wine gums and chewing gum helps too.
The taste is a little less today.

30-11-19, 21:27
I get burning tongue as well am not using washes or corsodyl. I also get an odd taste in my mouth and dry mouth.

30-11-19, 22:47
That's reassuring for me PKstracy, but not nice that you get it too. x

01-12-19, 23:05
Today the strange taste and burning tongue has almost gone :yesyes:

02-12-19, 02:31

02-12-19, 04:41
Hey C,

I get this issue when I'm having sinus problems. It's almost like for me I'm tasting the inside of my nose :S It's like I can smell something gross up in my nasal cavity, and then I kind of get that weird taste of it.

I have a habit of getting plaque stuck in my 2 lower front teeth and it does that. When disturbing a build up there will be bacteria stuck on the inside of it next to the tooth and it can smell pretty bad. One of the "funky" smells like with belly buttons.

Also on strong mouth washes they also kill the healthy bacteria in your mouth so might be worth looking into that too.

Tongue stuck to roof of mouth? One of those classic anxiety symptoms where we mess up our normal breathing and a jaw clenching issue too. I have had this loads, it's a mouth breathing thing I think as well (asthma sufferer so comes with the territory).

02-12-19, 05:55
I have a habit of getting plaque stuck in my 2 lower front teeth and it does that. When disturbing a build up there will be bacteria stuck on the inside of it next to the tooth and it can smell pretty bad. One of the "funky" smells like with belly buttons.

Also on strong mouth washes they also kill the healthy bacteria in your mouth so might be worth looking into that too.

Tongue stuck to roof of mouth? One of those classic anxiety symptoms where we mess up our normal breathing and a jaw clenching issue too. I have had this loads, it's a mouth breathing thing I think as well (asthma sufferer so comes with the territory).

Wow, Terry, you just know how to talk sexy to all the ladies in here, huh ? ;)

02-12-19, 10:50
Wow, Terry, you just know how to talk sexy to all the ladies in here, huh ? ;)


02-12-19, 11:01
Lol :roflmao:
He's very thorough! Appreciated though. :)

03-12-19, 02:34
Wow, Terry, you just know how to talk sexy to all the ladies in here, huh ? ;)

Well, I get all my dating tips from Al Bundy :yesyes:


03-12-19, 03:40
:roflmao:I think we made KK throw up, Terry!

03-12-19, 03:41
BTW, I love Married With Children. Classic.

03-12-19, 04:03
I reckon he's just worked out where he's been going wrong :whistles:

Yep, classic comedy. Currently watching the box set...11 seasons! :ohmy: And back then a season/series meant a lot of episodes and not todays measley 6 max. :whistles:

03-12-19, 04:13
I know, seasons are extremely short now!