View Full Version : Worried about cancer.

30-11-19, 23:03
Hello everyone. I'm a bit worried cause last night I guess by luck or maybe not I'm not too sure, I felt this hard non moving lump infront of my ear on my sideburn. It feels like its attached to the bone but I dont know. It's on my left side and not the right. I instantly felt sick and started breathing very fast. I guess I had a panic attack. However I'm obviously worried its cancer. I stressed about skin cancer, and colon cancer before. I'm only 21 years old. My grandmother had ovarian cancer so I'm worried that I may get some form of it. Also I think a few others in my family had it. Not too sure though. I have an appointment scheduled for December 17th for my doctor but I'm just sitting here feeling sick.

30-11-19, 23:14
I'm assuming you're male (based on your username and reference to sideburns). It is physiologically impossible for a male-bodied person to get ovarian cancer, as you do not have ovaries.

The lump in front of your ear - assuming it *is* a lump, and not a normal ridge of bone - is likely just a cyst or pimple. At the age of 21, the chances of you having cancer of any sort is close to zero, I promise you.

30-11-19, 23:19
Yes I'm male. And I know it's impossible to have ovarian cancer. I meant that I guessed that since cancer did happen in the family. I may have gotten another form. As for it being a bone ridge. That's what I was assuming but on the same spot on my right side there is no lump. It's hard to pinpoint where but it's like on my sideburn just infront of my ear. I think its next to the lymph node infront of my ear. Maybe it is a swollen lymph node? I'm not sure.

30-11-19, 23:22
I also have to press in a tad to feel it. Hence why I feel it may not be a pimple. But attached to the bone.

30-11-19, 23:29
It could be just your anantomy

30-11-19, 23:54
Also I'm not sure if this even matters but there is a ganglion cyst on my right ring finger. On the lower flexor sheath. I'm not positive it's a ganglion cyst. I'm getting that checked out to. I'm not sure if it's me overreacting or if these bumps are spreading around. Aka cancer

01-12-19, 00:04
None of this points to cancer - it is just your HA taking over

01-12-19, 02:10
I guess I am just worried cause usually a hard non moving lump can indicate cancer. Sorry to be such an annoyance. It's hard to think its benign

01-12-19, 03:28
No not “usually”, sometimes is more appropriate. More times then not the lumps and bumps we find are benign. There is no need to panic at this time. It may very well be part of your anatomy. The most logical thing to do would be to relax and if you find it gets bigger or changes characteristics in some way, then make an appointment with your dr and let he/she check you over.