View Full Version : Base of head pain

01-12-19, 01:47
The last few days I have had reoccurring pain on the back of my head it was on the right side the first time I noticed now it’s on the left. It hurts only when I push it in not a light touch. Has anyone had this?

02-12-19, 03:08
I posted about this exact thing last month. I was So worried about it. It seemed to be occipital neuralgia to me which freaked me out. The more I worried and pushed and prodded the more tender it got. I noticed when I turned my head there was a slight pulling in the muscles there so I am more than sure (now) it was tension related. The more I thought about it the more I felt it happening on the other side too. I decided If it’s occurring on both sides then that’s probably more like tension. Personally,
I have bad posture and I sleep super crooked and curled up usually with one of my little ones taking up all the bed space. . I was busy and distracted for a couple weeks and I totally forgot about the pain and now it’s gone.

Try to give it some time and see if neck stretching helps. :)