View Full Version : Cancer Fear, neck spine.

01-12-19, 14:17
Sorry guys,
Feeling down.
So I do CrossFit a lot and have very tight muscles. My traps tend to get very tight as to pectorals abs scaps. We over last week I can tell my traps and neck muscles were getting tighter and tighter especially after working out and noticed that I was getting more knots in muscles. Then this past Sunday and Monday I was blowing nose all day long with watery eyes etc, so I slept propped up in bed bad then Tuesday morning I felt even more tight and sore. I worked out today and felt bad pain and tightness in traps and neck . So it feels like my neck and shoulder is sore like when you “sleep the wrong way and get that awful tightness”. I feel pain and tightness along muscles on spine as well. Like between scap and neck trap. Throbbing pain when I make certain movements are stand for too long.
So here is my fear that I have some tumor present that’s pressing on things and causing this. What makes it worse is I knew a young kid that had muscle pain for months and has a sarcoma or something like that that was Terminal. I know I sound like a fool but my mind goes to a tumor pressing on spine/nerves.
Sorry friends, this is consuming me :(

02-12-19, 16:41
I do F45 training and I am going through the same thing as you right now. My back feels inflamed, but I think it may have to do with one exercise that I did with a sledge hammer a few weeks ago, but I am always thinking the worst. Its probably just a muscle pull or strain.