View Full Version : Migraine with Aura both eyes ?

02-12-19, 12:02

Just need some reassurance really, im feeling really low, I've been suffering from what i think are Migrane with aura's, Starts off with a shimering line, i think its both eyes below centre vision,

Then i get the dreaded blind spot very small but its there Until it creaps accross my field of vision till its out of site,

Always seems to happen after ive had a late night, ive been struggling sleeping and suffer from GAD i dont usually get a headahce but when i do they usual follow about hour later.

The attacks only ever last upto 30 mins. I also feel washed out afterwords. Im scared tbh been having these for 7 months usual once a month. Dont want to see a doctor as i dont want to him to stop me driving.

Feeling low :(

02-12-19, 12:05
This is a classic aura; it won't stop you driving, although you'll need to pull over if you have an attack.

I used to get these several times a week, and sometimes several times a day; my GP never seemed overly worried.

They're horrible, but they're also completely harmless. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about this or need extra reassurance?

03-12-19, 03:52
Yes I’ve gotten these since I was about 13ish. For me It’s occurs regularly around my cycle. But when I’m stressed, anxious and not sleeping well I get them more often. Also when I go without caffeine it seems to trigger one. I drink a lot of iced tea and if I go a morning without coffee or tea I tend to get one. Always starts with the aura - then tunnel/like vision for a few minutes - then I get the headache and sometimes nausea and I always feel worn out after. I’ve never taken a regimen of anything for them though. Usually if I can take excedrin and drink a little soda at the onset of the aura I can avoid the headache.

03-12-19, 09:46
Textbook aura migraines! I'm sorry you get them, but consider this: it happens for just 30 minutes over 30 days. If you can do something for your GAD and your sleep you'll see migraines become much less frequent.

03-12-19, 15:53
I'm trying Olivia, I had a long course Hypnotherapy for my anxiety which worked wonders but ive had a few issues spring up recently that have been stressing me out, they seem to have got the better of me, These Aura's are putting me back abit. :(

04-12-19, 06:13
I had these for 3 winters in my late 20s. I found that if I stopped what I was doing when it started and just sat quietly then it wouldn’t go to the other eye. If I didn’t stop it would go to the other eye & i would feel terrible.

I was never told to stop driving. In fact I drove through one once - obviously not recommended.

My triggers were often bright lights and glare - so if I walked into a bright supermarket when it was dark outside, or the lights above my pc at work were too bright so I had them remove the bulbs!

But after 3 winters they stopped. It was very odd.

I wish you well & I hope some of the replies to this thread help cx

04-12-19, 11:10
The thing that helped me the most was psychotherapy with a focus on psychosomatic disorders. Now I deal with stress much better.

05-12-19, 12:10
I took what I think is a silent migraine on Sunday. Basically my eye started flickering and had a blind spot that moved to the side of my vision in an arc shaped and kept flickering for around 5 or10 mins, no headaches afterwards or any other symptoms. It freaked me out so got all clear from the optician and GP but still feeling very anxious for when it happens again. It may have been caused by red wine but if it isn't that I havent a clue. :-(

05-12-19, 12:19
It might not ever happen again. Or, it might happen repeatedly - I've gone well over a year between them but I've also gone an hour and a half.

What you describe is textbook scintillating scotoma and utterly harmless, no matter how scary it is. Inasmuch as I've found anything helps, I tend to have the most luck with either lying down in a dark room or aggressively getting on with my day.

05-12-19, 14:08
Thanks I am not sure it was in both eyes as mainly focused on my left eye. Think it must have been a bit in the right but can't say for sure. Can it be just be1 eye or both?

05-12-19, 14:23
Because they normally come from the brain, you should be able to see an aura from either eye. If you can only see it in one, it might be a retinal migraine - these are different but also harmless.

05-12-19, 14:26
Thanks will pay specific attention if another one occurs. :-)

05-12-19, 14:39
Thankyou for all the replies peeps, I get them in both eyes at the same time, I can also see the multi coloured rainbow effect when both eyes are shut too. Im trying Magnesium supplements at the moment only the 2nd day in but will keep you all updated if you wish, you never they may help.

26-12-19, 00:15
My auras are in both eyes. I started taking a health supplement for them and they went away. migra T was the name of the supplement.

27-12-19, 11:07
Hi Todd31, thanks for the reply, im now taking Magnesium as have heard good things, i see thats one of the ingredients also in that. I also take q10

29-12-19, 17:44
"Migraine with Aura both eyes ?"

I didn't read the replies or much of the question so I do apologise if it's already been said, but an aura in both eyes is very reassuring because it's specific to migraines. It's when the aura occurs in only one eye that it would point to other things like small seizures coming from the back of the brain or glaucoma etc.

So no, you can move on reassured that this is not a form of seizure or anything worse.

29-12-19, 19:30
I was diagnosed with migraines with aura as a child. At first I didn't know what had hit me and was really worried. I found going to the GP and being told what was going on with me was really reassuring. If you haven't already done so, I would recommend it so they can provide you with reasurance/ possible medication to help. Will also be good to keep them 'in the know' that you suffer from them.

29-12-19, 19:32
Oh and just to add, I have never been told that I can't drive.

29-12-19, 19:53
Just had this 2 days ago, I was coming down with the flu, it was in both eyes, blind spot first and then flickering zigzag lights in my far left field of vision.. lasted about 20 minutes. Dull headache after, nothing terrible.