View Full Version : Food Poisioning Fears

Nighttime pacer
02-12-19, 14:13
Hi all,
This is crazy but I'm worried I may have given myself food poisoning.
I had some precooked presided chicken in a packet in the fridge. I opened the pack and made a sandwich and then decided to heat it in the microwave. I only heated it for about 1min 20 secs and have now read on the back of the packet it needs to be heated for 2 mins. That's for the whole packet though so I assume I'm probably ok. I even checked with a pharmacist and he said it'll be ok as the problems with reheating meat are when it's been at room temperature for quite some time and then not heating high enough to kill of any bacteria which have multiplied. I know I'm overreacting but I've got to have a Colonoscopy in 2 days so am on a restricted diet anyway and I guess I'm edgy about that too.
Sorry for rambling.
Nighttime Pacer

02-12-19, 19:51
I know I'm overreacting

you know you will be fine, you just have to believe that now

Nighttime pacer
02-12-19, 20:56
Hi Venusbluejean,
I’m sure you’re right. I still feel ok though I’ve got a slight headache but I’m sure that’s more likely to be anxiety than anything else as I keep doing that “do I feel ok?” Question to myself.
Thanks again for replying.
Nighttime pacer

03-12-19, 03:22
Trust me as someone who has been ill with food poisoning (I was hospitalized for 3 days) you would not even have a second to understand what was happening. In my case it was a batch of raw chicken when I opened it, it was clearly bad, so I threw it out. I got
Sick very fast and very extremely. I didn’t
Even think it was food poisoning. The hospital didn’t know until the salmonella test came back positive. You def don’t have it. My bet is you’re gonna be fine. Headache wasn’t even an issue for me.

Nighttime pacer
03-12-19, 19:10
Thanks Scaredtoo,
Well I don't think I have food poisoning as I feel ok except I'm now dreading my colonoscopy tomorrow as I hope they don't find anything. My specialist doesn't expect to but he said he can't be sure until he looks. I guess it's better to know either way. I just wish I was like other people and din't really worry about stuff so much as my health anxiety worries always seem to end with me having some sort of procedure. I think the main thing is that when we worry it can cause gut problems or at least symptoms and then that makes us worry more!

03-12-19, 20:28
Thanks Scaredtoo,
Well I don't think I have food poisoning as I feel ok except I'm now dreading my colonoscopy tomorrow as I hope they don't find anything. My specialist doesn't expect to but he said he can't be sure until he looks. I guess it's better to know either way. I just wish I was like other people and din't really worry about stuff so much as my health anxiety worries always seem to end with me having some sort of procedure. I think the main thing is that when we worry it can cause gut problems or at least symptoms and then that makes us worry more!

That’s exactly what happens. You’re so right. I had the same issue and had a sigmoidoscopy without anesthesia and all was fine. I even had blood in my stool prior to the testing. Worrying is the hallmark of
Hypochondria and I agree and I hate it too!!! Testing and appointments always cause me such anxiety also

03-12-19, 21:07
Put it this way. When I had food poisoning I wouldn't have been able to post on this forum at the time. Sure you're fine

Nighttime pacer
25-12-19, 22:42
Hi all,
Tonight I cooked Christmas dinner for myself and my mother.
I bought a pre prepared Turkey Breast from M&S. I've only just realised it said to put the foil tray it was in on a baking tray. I didn't do that am now worried the turkey wasn't cooked properly. A couple of pieces did look ever so slightly pink but the packaging said that can happen because of the bacon on top. I did cook it for longer than it said so I'm going that will help, The instructions said to cook it for an hour and then remove the foil and cook for another 30 mins. I cooked it for an hour and twenty minutes, removed the foil and cooked it for another 40 mins. That's a total of 2 hours, I just hope that's enough. I don't feel ill at the moment just scared that I will. I really really hate this health anxiety.
Has anyone got any reassurance for me?
Nighttime Pacer

26-12-19, 00:09
You cooked it at the right temperature for longer than recommend it.... the only reason they tell you to put the foil tray on a baking tray is so it is more stable when taking it out of the oven when scalding hot and you don't drop it. nothing to do with how it cooks. you are fine

26-12-19, 00:26
You're fine, take comfort in the fact that you cooked it longer than the instructions said.

Nighttime pacer
26-12-19, 00:38
Thanks venusbluejeans and NancyW,
You've put my mind at rest or at least as at rest as it can be with this damn health anxiety. I'm still slightly anxious and I can't logically think why, it's soooo annoying.

Nighttime pacer
26-12-19, 16:56
Hi all,
I'm still really anxious about this, I'm frustrated that I'm bothered so much but just can't seem to turn off the worry.
I read online that some food poisoning can take 3 days to show symptoms and so I feel like I'm counting the days now. I've done one day so 2 more to go.
I still can't stop thinking why didn't I read the cooking instruction properly!
I'm trying to calm down about it.
Nighttime pacer

26-12-19, 17:14
It was fine, there’s no reason that it wouldn’t be cooked properly - probably overcooked really! You’re worried unnecessarily

26-12-19, 17:23
I agree with VenusBlueJeans, they tell you to put it on a baking tray for stability, so when you take it out of the oven you don't spill hot gravy on yourself or drop your turkey. I've made these turkey breasts before myself (well, the American version) and made whole turkeys, and you definitely cooked it long enough. If anything, it was probably a bit dry because of how long you cooked it. I like mine that way, though, to the annoyance of my family.

Nighttime pacer
26-12-19, 22:47
Hi all,
I can't believe this after my worries about Turkey yesterday I've done something soooooo stupid today.
I cooked dinner for myself and my mother. A beef stew and discovered after we'd eaten it that the use by date was yesterday. I did fry the steak first to seal it and also then cooked the stew in the oven for 1hr 30mins at 170 degrees Celsius.
The meat was definitely cooked right through I'm just soooo scared now that I may have poisoned myself and my mother. I'm hoping that use by dates are for the safety of the producer as well and hopefully have a day or 2 leeway.So this meat was only technically 16 hours out of date when I started cooking it.
What does everyone think? I'm sooooo scared.
Nighttime pacer

27-12-19, 00:05
Use by dates are suggestions and conservative ones at that. If the meat was bad you would have smelled it the moment you opened it. If it didn't smell strongly bad and it tasted fine, it was still fine. Also, I learned a while ago that spoilage bacteria - that is, any bacteria that may grow when food "goes bad" is typically not very worrisome for us. It may give you an upset stomach is something has completely turned, but it won't kill you. Plus, you would have killed all the bacteria when you cooked it anyway.

Nighttime pacer
27-12-19, 00:23
Thanksfor that ErinKC, I just need reassurance and although I know I'm completely overreacting it doesn't stop me doing it. Isn't health anxiety frustrating? I worry and then beat myself up because I"m worrying.

27-12-19, 00:42
Yeah, I've done this hundreds of times. Usually if it's spoiled you can taste it.

Nighttime pacer
27-12-19, 01:22
Thanks AntsyVee I’m starting to calm down about this now. Not completely but better.

27-12-19, 02:07
I hear you! And I have struggled with food anxiety a lot in the past. Thankfully I've been a lot better lately, but I totally understand your food worries. Food anxiety is particularly tricky because - at least for me - I always knew in my rational mind something was safe, ate/served it, and then spent all day second guessing. It's terrible! But, you'll be totally fine in this situation!

27-12-19, 08:56

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-12-19, 10:11

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


Could you please advise how I rename a thread previously as I would like to add additional symptoms not related to the original title due to warnings of multiple post. Many Thanks

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27-12-19, 10:40
Could you please advise how I rename a thread previously as I would like to add additional symptoms not related to the original title due to warnings of multiple post. Many Thanks

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If you go to the first post in your thread and click edit post.

Then click 'advanced'

Then the option to edit the thread title is there, you just delete the current title and then add the new one.

I see you are on a mobile though so hopefully the process isn't different.

if you can't manage to get it sorted then let me know which thread and what you would like it renamed to and I will do it for you

27-12-19, 10:53

If you go to the first post in your thread and click edit post.

Then click 'advanced'

Then the option to edit the thread title is there, you just delete the current title and then add the new one.

I see you are on a mobile though so hopefully the process isn't different.

if you can't manage to get it sorted then let me know which thread and what you would like it renamed to and I will do it for you

Thank you it was the headache one I’d rather it be named something like “reoccurring symptom log- Phoenixess”

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