View Full Version : Please help with anatomy!!

29-11-19, 15:01
I’ve had night sweats for over a year now. Intermittent and always around the chest area. I do have Lyme disease and always put them down to that however I felt a lump in my neck yesterday in the evening.

its quite low down, above the right close bone, I can feel it on both sides but feels a bit more prominent on the right.

if course I’m putting 2 and 2 together and I’ve got lymphoma.

I’m really worried. I can kind of see the lump on the right if I tilt and stretch my head to the left

not sure what to do I’ve been panicking all day today.

any advice???

29-11-19, 16:52
I cannot tell you how many time this fear has encompassed my life. Truly horrid night sweats and the more I worried about them the worse it got. One thing my doctor has always told me on so many occasions is that our bodies are not symmetrical. We might have two bones on each side of our neck and one might feel a bit more prominent and that’s okay and normal. Trust me on this one. If you look for something and
Constantly check and recheck your mind will tell you it’s what you think it is.

29-11-19, 17:24
Thank you so much for your reply, I’m going out of my mind. Have your night sweats stopped now? Did you ever find a cause? My husband had a feel of what I’m worried about on my neck and said it’s nothing. My health anxiety is so bad at the moment I just don’t know what to do for it anymore :(

29-11-19, 21:00
Lymphoma night sweats are usually absolutely horrendous so it wouldn't just be your chest. You'd literally wake up soaking and you'd have to change your bed sheets because they'd be so drenched.

Swollen nodes are extremely common in lyme disease.

Positive thoughts, love. xx

29-11-19, 21:19
I suffered from them off and on for years. The more I worried the worse they got. I get them every once in a while near my cycle now. The more you worry about them the worse they become and it starts this vicious cycle of depression and anxiety because it makes you think thereÂ’s def something wrong

02-12-19, 17:01
So I can feel 2 lumps on both sides of the neck. It’s symmetrical. They are above the collarbone. About mid way across each side and it’s like 2 lumps going vertically.

does that make sense?? Is this something I should be worried about or is it normal anatomy?

if I turn my head they are more visible

02-12-19, 17:44
Normal anatomy, especially if symmetrical. You're okay. :)

02-12-19, 17:59
Ligaments. You'd be in a lot of trouble without them. ;o)

02-12-19, 20:25
Thank you both so much, I’ve been a nervous wreck all day, wish I’d have paid more attention in science now!

03-12-19, 08:09

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