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View Full Version : Dent in ankle or shin...what is normal?

02-12-19, 21:05
I've been in a persistent HA spiral for a few weeks. I was doing so good and now...not so much. So about 1 1/2 weeks ago I noticed that my socks had left a pretty deep indent on my ankle area (they are low socks)...and then I kept pushing looking for "pitting edema" and I think I had "pitting edema." I freaked out. I put my feet up and in a half hour the swelling had gone down...and the next day it was all good. Since then I've been freakishly checking and checking. Seems like in the morning my ankles are all skinny. Now it's the afternoon and they are still skinny but if I press on my ankle or front of my shin really hard for a few seconds I get a dent that lasts for a few seconds. The logical part of me is telling me that this is normal. I know I've had swelling in the area before and dents that lasted from socks even when I was a teenager (I'm in my 50's now). But the illogical part of me thinks the worst. Please help me logic this out.

02-12-19, 22:33
Could be dehydration. Try upping your water intake and see if that helps.

03-12-19, 02:40
It could just be the water retention issues that come with age. My parents have been experiencing this for many years although they are now elderly.

Are you on any meds that cause this? But it seems to right itself which suggests it's nothing.

03-12-19, 06:56
I’m 37 years old and have been noticing the same this last year. I get deep indents from my socks and my feet swell from time to time and I have no idea why but it freaked me out when it first started happening. Just recently they swelled so bad it was painful and I had to see the doctor. He gave me a water pill and told me to take it only as needed, he also told me to elevate my feet at night. They were really swollen and he did not seem concerned.
I don’t know if you have ever seen videos or photos of pitting edema but I have and I think you would without a doubt know if you have it.