View Full Version : Health anxiety: what's real and what's not?

03-12-19, 17:50
Hi everyone,

Having a really tough time with anxiety at the moment. Triggered when a doctor referred me to cardiology for an irregular heartbeat. My ECG (48 hour) and echo showed POTS or inappropriate tachycardia. I've been put on a low dose beta blocker.

However, I've totally scared myself and keep thinking I'm going to have a heart attack. This has been going on for a month and my anxiety just keeps increasing. I don't know what to do.

I have chest pressure and an achy left arm and shortness of breath...that comes and goes... For a month! and all started with the doctors. I don't know if it's in my head or not. I know no-one can tell me the answer and I think I know it's all in my head... But can anyone relate?

03-12-19, 17:58
Oh gosh, can I relate. I have neuropathy / neuritis and vertigo and rapid heartbeat and tingling and nausea and diarrhea and visual disturbances and burning mouth and ---- the list can go on. They can all be attributed to anxiety. I know many are, but I also know some (science-proven, such as nerve conduction) are not. It's hard for me to tell what's in my head and what's real. I have a super hard time with it - my husband gets so frustrated because he thinks this is all due to anxiety, but to me, one small symptom can trigger larger ones - so anxiety comes into play, but I don't know what's a health ailment and what's anxiety, and that alone can be maddening. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, too.