View Full Version : Panic. Burnt eye with candle flame. Please advise

20-09-19, 20:12
Hi, all, as you can tell I am in a very panicky state today hence two posts.

This sounds farfetched (according to my husband), but we've had some issues/aggro with our neighbours in the apartment block opposite ours, and today i was looking out off the balcony (4th floor), and they looked up at me, probably thinking i was staring them out...

Anyway, i was sitting in my living room a while later (dark outside) with the lights on and door onto balcony open, and i saw two red flashes coming from a window in the opposite apartments. I instantly jumped off the sofa, thinking it must've been a laser pen being shined into my eyes by one of them.

I have had fears about laser pens being shined at me from when I was a young, but now i can't help think I've been targeted by one and my retinas potentially damaged.

ARGH! I want to tell myself it didn't happen but I can't help but worry it did, and might happen again! :(

20-09-19, 20:29
That's a very far fetched and irrational thought/scenario.

Positive thoughts

20-09-19, 22:24
I work professionally with lasers 10 hours a day. That sort.of exposure isn't even worth mentioning. There is literally zero chance of danger in your situation. I would be more worried about settling things in a positive manner with your neighbors.

20-09-19, 22:42
You have a longstanding preoccupation with lasers.

You see lights that could be ANYTHING

And you immediately think you've been blinded by lasers.

That's Anxiety, always ready to trick you, at your finest.

Maybe worry about lasers if you actually KNOW someone was pointing a laser pen at your eye, at close range...If that happened to me, I wouldn't even consider lasers (and I do have neighbors that hate me, lol) and that is because I haven't predisposed myself to that. You have, though, so please keep that in mind as you calm yourself down.

21-09-19, 13:16
Thanks for your responses. I KNOW I'm being irrational...but I can't stop the paranoia ... I keep checking for laser beams etc.... even worried they are gonna attack me or something when I go outside :( :( :(

21-09-19, 13:19
You have to ask yourself, are you really that annoying that you'd get attacked in the street?

22-11-19, 16:15
OK... so i lent my mobile phone up so the light was going directly into my face (and eyes) so I could look at my skin in detail under a magnifying mirror. I did this for about 10 minutes. Obviously the light was bright and my eyes were all spangly after.

I'm now asking myself, is that enough light to cause permanent damage? A phone torch shining directly into your eyes from about 20cm away?! Eyes are still feeling sensitive half an hour later....

Why do I always do stupid things??!?! :(

22-11-19, 16:20
Because you're mentally ill like the rest of us here.

You'll be fine, though, I'm sure phones have safety standards that won't allow them to be weaponised. Oh, and stop checking yourself!

Pea Tear Griffin
23-11-19, 16:51
It would take a lot more to damage your eyes and a torch isn't strong enough to do it.

03-12-19, 18:19
Hi all. Like 15 mins ago i STUPIDLY put my eyeball within a couple of inches of a mini Yankee candle flame (above it) so durectly in the line of heat. The candle flame was right down and i was trying to get a whiff of it before it went out. I felt an intense heat on eye ball before i jumped back. I immediately swilled cold water on it and have been doing so since.

It is not hurting now, my vision is normal and it isnt red or swollen. Maybe a bit weepy but that is from the water.

Is eye damage from heat/fire something that would be immediately obvious or would i only find out it was damaged hours/days later? Should i go to A&E? Do you think my eye will be ok?

I cant believe my stupidity... Please reply as soon as you can. Panicking big time right now. Thanks

03-12-19, 18:27
You're fine, relax, you got some hot air in your eye.

03-12-19, 18:29

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