View Full Version : Pharmacy have let me down fuming

little kyle
04-12-19, 20:34
So short summary had to get an emergency Script from 111. You would think that would be it go to the pharmacy and pick up meds. well no they went Arse about Tit with it now im left with now meds until tomorrow and im having the panic attack of a life time.

Heart rate through the rough sweating like a banshee and agitated like crazy.

Never felt so frustrated in my life with how the PHARMACY ARE SO BACKWARDS

04-12-19, 20:40
What med is it and why did they mess you about? :lac:

little kyle
04-12-19, 20:57
venlafax and beta blockers. they said they never received the script which 111 clearly sent

05-12-19, 00:53
Sorry to hear that, Kyle. I hope it's sorted out ASAP.

05-12-19, 02:18
They normally get funny about things like benzos but I don't why with those. They can just issue a couple of days worth so you can get to your surgery for a proper script.


If it's your regular pharmacy they can easily verify you. And it's not like anyone is going to want some Ven for kicks (unless they are sadists!)