View Full Version : Blood pressure

05-12-19, 00:13
Long time no write!
I have been doing ok for a few years. No major issues.
One thing that triggers me is my blood pressure. I actually avoid my annual checkup due to this.

Well I went to my checkup two weeks ago. To no surprise my blood pressure was high! 180/105. It dropped to 150. But I was told to take it at home and come back in one month.

This happened 4 years ago, and it ended up being ok. It also happened 9 years ago. I did the 24 hr monitor, again all ok!

Here is my issue. Generally when I first take it, it is about 168. It drops.
If I have time, it will go to 135 or so.

But sometimes I am nervous, and it stays at 150 and I don't have the time to calm down.

I am not sure if I should just accept the 135 reading and stop taking it. Or push myself.
I feel a panic everytime i take it. And when I get a few bad readings, and don't have the time to calm down, it ruins the rest of my day - which causes more stress the next time.

Anyone relate?

05-12-19, 00:36
Absolutely! I get so nervous going to the doctor because of it. Someone told me that they monitor at home and bring the doctor the readings . They don’t even get it taken at the office. I’m going to do that for my next visit.

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05-12-19, 02:10
Follow best practice nursing guidelines for taking them so that you are doing all the things you need to that are aimed at taking a sensible reading e.g. sitting in the correct position, position of arm, no talking, normalise breathing, no exercise prior to reading, etc.

If you do that then if you get a high reading normalise your breathing whilst focussing on a spot on the wall or an object. Really stare at it. It will help to distract your mind away from anxious feelings and help you to concentrate on normal breathing. Do that with the cuff on so you are getting ready.

06-12-19, 18:24
I am like you bad bp Phobis started 4 years ago when I got a reading of 129/85. Lol I’d love that now. I bought a monitor and obsession checker at first I got decent readings Then I got a bad One leading to spiraling and obsession. Is he 150 something then down to 120 on recheck. I binned monitor. I still was high at dr. Recently it’s been better readings in 130s over 70s. Yesterday at doc it was 137/65. I was nervous. That’s pre or stage 1 hypertension but I was happy

06-12-19, 20:42
Frankly, it sounds like white coat syndrome ;)

Positive thoughts

06-12-19, 20:59
Frankly, it sounds like white coat syndrome ;)

Positive thoughts

Yup. Happens to me EVERY time I see the docs.

My average BP is 115/70. It was 180/95 when I visited my GP a couple of weeks ago.

07-12-19, 10:56
Wow, that's a huge difference Jase.
Doesn't the readings depend on age too?
I never find it reliable.
One GP told me it was about average for my age.
Another wanted me to wear a monitor.
And another said its absolutely fine.
I also read somewhere that the rule of thumb is normally 100 + your age, but I know from knowledge that GPs like even a 80 year old to be around 120 ish, probably why most care homes are full of comatose residents. :scared15:
I also found differ GPs have different responses and they make you chat about your worries and problems, then take the reading forgetting also to tell you not to talk anymore because it affects the reading.
I absolutely cringe of the thought of it and most of the time high readings are a result of hypertension.
A bit difficult not to be when you've been waiting before hand in a room full of coughing patients, screaming kids and a dower atmosphere.
Terry is right, focus on something in the room and maybe read a mag in the waiting room.

07-12-19, 12:10
Same thing happened to me years ago. The doctor prescribed me blood pressure medications. I told her I have white collar syndrome. I purchased a machine and then became OCD checking my pressure. Turns out I don't have high BP and after a while threw the machine out. I check it at the doctors every visit as they have a machine in the patient area. I always have to take it twice. First time is high, second time is always normal.

07-12-19, 14:19
Nice to know I'm not the only one with this issue. I feel like I could have written this post myself.

bin tenn
07-12-19, 14:44
Ask your doctor if they recommend the multiple reading approach. Some professionals agree with it, others don't. My doc told me that if I ever feel the need to check my BP (because I don't actually need to outside of regular appts) to take two or three readings, about a minute apart, discard the first and take the second (or the average of readings two and three). It's not uncommon at all for the first reading to be high, especially for those of us anxious about our blood pressure already.

07-12-19, 15:05
Just as an aside, I own a BP monitor. A few years ago, my doctor made changes to my heart/BP meds and wanted me to monitor and note readings to make sure we were reaching the desired results. The instructions were to place the cuff on your arm and find a place to sit and relax. I was to chill for 5 minutes and then take three readings. The lowest of which I was to notate. While none of my readings were high, it was always the case the 3rd reading was the lowest. It makes total sense the same would happen with anxiety sufferers as they calm down.

Positive thoughts

09-12-19, 19:39
I am thinking very similar to you. I don't know whether to accept the reading I had after a super high one either and recently have been really anxious about whether I need to get my BP checked again. I would love to be able to just check it every six months or so, but it appears I am terrified. I have never been diagnosed with high BP and rarely visit the doctor. They have taken it when I've been there, every few years.

The last time was by a nurse and I think she mismanaged the situation entirely. It was an automatic machine which I had never used before and the cuff was very tight and I felt anxious immediately, then she said oo ooo it's high and I started getting really anxious, she left the cuff on and kept talking and I said I was anxious - she said it's not coming down and eventually gave up. I was super worried and she said, oh don't worry it's your anxiety, just take it in reception sometime. I said what if it isn't? She said very non chalently, well you'll get some medicine from the doctor if it isn't. I was so worried and woulnt accept that it was only anxiety, I thin it was something like 170/100!! But I was having a full on panic attack. I went back to the surgery that afternoon and used the automatic machine in reception and again, I got anxious as soon as the cuff tightened but didn't panic, the reading was 140/79 and reception said that was fine as the anxiety was still playing a part, they made a note on my records. Previous to this I had a readings of 130/70 ish and taken with old fashioned machine a few times at each test by my GP. I've always presumed it's actually lower than that otherwise my doctor would have said. In the UK the ideal is 120/80. I can't get it out of my head what happened with the nurse but others have told me she shouldn't have talked, left the cuff on etc, she said forget the test at the time, but I can't.

Anyhow, I have recently worried I need to check it again or at least get in the habit - but the last experience has really created a fear. I'd love to just go and check it as a matter of habit every few months in the hope I will desensitise myself - did you get to be ok when you had to take it at home? I fear getting a home monitor and triggering a checking habit. I guess I'd just love to feel confident the reading is true and I am ok to just check every few years arrrgh it is so hard. So I have every sympathy but with you checking it after a month, I feel sure yours is higher due to anxiety alone and I would try and not test it, but not avoid your annual checks?

11-12-19, 21:16
Thanks for the feedback and stories everyone! What I did that ended up helping was setting a fixed time to take it - and a fixed day. And it had to be a time I wasn’t rushed. I get nervous just at the thought of taking it - even my breathing gets shallow! My first readings are usually 165 or so and it even goes up after. If I keep taking it, it doe drop steadily. Usually I ended up in the mid to late 130’s. So it’s borderline but... I force myself to stop because I can do it for the whole day. It usually takes 20min or so to drop. And sometimes by then I get nervous again (cause I want it to stay lower) and it goes back up. I am going to leave it alone now as I don’t see what more can come of taking it.