View Full Version : Peculiar Smell

Elly 2
28-09-07, 12:19
Does anyone get the same as me. For the past 6 months maybe even longer I keep getting this peculiar smell. It smells like burning toast. I get it a lot, almost every day. Sometimes I get a metallic taste as well but it's the burning smell that is driving me nuts. I have mentioned it to my doc and he hasn't a clue what it could be. Any suggestions would be grately appreciated.

28-09-07, 17:16
Hi Elly,

When I was acute, I used to a a strange, smell, now I would say it was like this, forgive me, I may woffle LOL

Mine was like a smell, but it also was a tast, it was at the back of my throat, but also at the very top of my nose, where your nose meets your mouth, inside, at the back, ohh do you know what I mean, mmm very strange.

Mine was with me all the time, at a very low level, BUT at times it would come on even stonger, in waves, ohhh boy, did it scare me. Now this was with me when I was acute and having lots of panic and hgih anxiety. I did at that time go in search for someone with the same, but never found anyone.


My friend who suffer health anxiety started telling her problem, I stopped her from talking and said, "can I tell you what its like " I now full well that if you have never had this symptom, you cannot explain it, so I told her, she was gobsmack and asked how I new, I told her because I had had it, I went on to say, I think its an anxiety symptom, this did not reasure her so I told her to get herself checked by a gp, she did but the gp did not know what it was, just said she may have a slight infection in one of her nostral.

The next time I spoke to her she told me what the gp had said and that her symptom had gone, even though she had only been taking the meds for 2 days (antibiotics) I just smiled and said "great^

She called me back a few weeks later, she was very stressed and said, the symptom was back and that she thought I was right, this time, the symptoms lasted a day or so and she has not had it since.

I myself have not had this in a while, may feel it a little sometimes, but not as bad or as strong as it was when I was acute.

I have my own ideas why this happend to me, all anxiety related.
Not sure if this is the same as yours,

I do hope it goes soon hun, IF NOT pop back to your gp and have another chat.


28-09-07, 17:35

I always thought I was mad. I haven't had it a whole lot, but I remember being at work one day and smelling burnt cheese/toast. It seemed to get stronger and stronger, and was making me feel physically sick. No-one else could smell it! It started happening every time I worked there.

I've had it a couple of times recently, elsewhere. I have no idea what it is, I just assume I am more sensitive to certain smells or something. It's really bizarre, but I am glad I'm not the only one!

Elly 2
30-09-07, 10:11
Oh what a relief to know someone else gets this too. When I saw the neurologist and told him about it he said it could be a symptom of epilepsy but that there would be other symptoms too but wouldn't tell me what they were so of course I convinced myself that I was going to have a seizure but of course have NOT. It just worried me but now I know other people get the same thing I feel so much better. Thankyou so much x