View Full Version : Please help what could it be?

07-12-19, 18:47
So I have very flare ups of gerd that leave me bloated and refluxing acid. My blood pressure is good, my blood sugar is good, I don’t know my cholesterol but I am overweight and 35 years old although I am in the middle of losing lots of weight.

I have no problem with exercise, I play golf all the time, I can walk 30,000 steps in a day without issue and never feel short of breath or anything.

For some reason whenever I’m bloated and I do anything that causes me to activate my core (squats, overhead press lifts, deadlifts) or today lifting an 85” tv out of a truck, and carrying it into my house.

Could it be that my bloated stomach is causing me not to take breaths? Could it be cardiac? But why can I run or walk long distances or take stairs without issue, but not do a few squats?