View Full Version : Symptoms of panic from Terrys chocolate orange

08-12-19, 00:38
Tonight has been a mixed old bag.....and I broke all my rules and consumed six pieces of a chocolate orange....
Not only did my heart rate soar through the roof it’s left me being startled trying to sleep I now feel pooped and won’t sleep easy if at all tonight..... anyone else have triggers as bad from chocolate? Genuinely first time I’ve had some chocolate in so long I can’t even remember so upset!!!!

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08-12-19, 04:19
Not that I don't indulge anyway, but chocolate can be a definite trigger for me. I've had to quit buying Bournville buttons.

08-12-19, 09:22
Not that I don't indulge anyway, but chocolate can be a definite trigger for me. I've had to quit buying Bournville buttons.

I’ve woken up feeling dreadful something else startled me and I hadn’t quite recovered from the first episode so I had another massive panic meh I’m still exhausted from it. Not fun. Anyhow I didn’t let my head run away into the rabbit hole of heart attacks I have a report saying I’m not having heart attacks I have solid evidence so I won’t entertain such thoughts now, even if my head tries I don’t go into it. I’ve woken up writing a definitive list of what to avoid. Bizarrely I detoxed from a lot of things in the summer and it’s on the back of that I’ve had increased sensitivity and anxiety attacks. Don’t know why food would be such a trigger? I do feel like I’m a bit broken but no need to feel like that I hope it will continue to improve

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08-12-19, 09:29
Chocolate contains caffeine and sugar, both of which can have a dramatic effect on your body. It makes sense, really.

08-12-19, 09:30
Chocolate contains caffeine and sugar, both of which can have a dramatic effect on your body. It makes sense, really.

And theobromine which is the one which affects dogs because of the toxicity interestingly a couple of other foods in intolerant to contain theobromine but not caffeine

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