View Full Version : Perimenopause, periods and flying.

08-12-19, 20:43
So, can a seasoned flier, who is also afflicted by heavy and erratic cycles tell me that they have coped with this fine and without nearly bleeding to death on a plane.:winks:

I have missed a cycle, only the second time in my peri journey and I reckon the next one is due right on the day/s I am due to go away. I was dreading this, firstly because it will limit what I can do on a couple of days (mind who knows which those two days are and for how many days or weeks this one will last !), but mainly because someone told me that periods can 'just start' on flights and they are much heavier. Well, I already have the heavy thing going on for most of mine, though some can be 40ml and some 240 ml or above. I am terrified of flying anyway, and sometimes I stay home on days that are that bad - but clearly I don't have that option here. Basically I am major stressed about what is going to happen. Its not a long flight at all, less than 2 hours. Of course if its not the way out that it happens, it could be the way back...arghhhh.

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

08-12-19, 21:59
Wish I was a seasoned flyer and could help you Carys. But I can’t. I’ve never heard that about periods though.
I hope you enjoy your trip away.

08-12-19, 21:59
I think we’ve talked about this before (if my memory isn’t failing me) but I used to fly every six months, inevitably it would be when I was bleeding. My bleeds can be VERY heavy, I never noticed any particular change. Just took a couple extra pads etc in carry on, uncomfortable, annoying but not too bad at all.

I can’t imagine there’s any real issues at play when you consider a huge amount of the staff on a plane are usually female, safe to bet that a good portion of them would have similar issues to us and not take time off work for it.

Positive vibes,


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08-12-19, 23:23
You are right ! This did come up with me before Mouse way back in the summer - that was a point at which I was also waiting for it to come and it came at 43 days just after I arrived at destination. So, its kind of the same fear thing, BUT this time I guess I'm feeling extra emotional as I've skipped one (I'm already at 49 days) and am up and down like crazy with swinging hormones at the moment and just freaking incase its even worse because I've missed one. I should have added it to that thread, now you've reminded me I'll go back and read it - which I had cleverly forgotten about. Thanks for your reply. Ta Scass, I'll do my best to be calm and have a nice time x Damn this female stuff.

(I won't object if Admin want to merge me, to my thread back in June was it ?)

09-12-19, 05:03
Pretty sure I've joined the skipping club this month; I should be worrying but I'm doing my best not to.

Anyhow, you were okay last time and I'm sure you will be this time - as Mouse says, it doesn't seem to be a hazard for flight crew.

Hoping you have a wonderful time!

09-12-19, 05:05
Oh no, I'm entering one of those women's threads :sofa:

Could it be not the plane itself (surely if this was the case we would have a men's only section for those too terrified to sit near women just in case this happened?!!!) but the stress the women is under due to anticipation messing up cycles and how they exhibit?

Also, if it were the case that a plane could bring on a period I expect Ryan Air would have slapped a £10 charge on your flight for the privilege. :yesyes:

09-12-19, 08:07
Oh no, I'm entering one of those women's threads :sofa:

Could it be not the plane itself (surely if this was the case we would have a men's only section for those too terrified to sit near women just in case this happened?!!!) but the stress the women is under due to anticipation messing up cycles and how they exhibit?

Also, if it were the case that a plane could bring on a period I expect Ryan Air would have slapped a £10 charge on your flight for the privilege. :yesyes:

100% agree with all of this! And the last part gave me a giggle too!

If it’s safe for pregnant women and most of the crew tending to be female (I certainly wouldn’t keep a job that brought me on all the time!) I really don’t think it brings things on, stress however as Terry said definitely does!

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09-12-19, 09:05
Guys thanks so much for your replies, I don't often have wobbling times nowadays, very rarely actually, but knowing you guys will respond is really great.

Pretty sure I've joined the skipping club this month; I should be worrying but I'm doing my best not to.

I wouldn't even mind if I was at home, that skipping in itself doesn't worry me as its a positive sign things are moving forwards - I'm trying to rationalise and be sensible but struggling here due to the flying fear.

Also, if it were the case that a plane could bring on a period I expect Ryan Air would have slapped a £10 charge on your flight for the privilege.

How dare you come on this female thread and come out with sensible, observant and amusing comments ! :roflmao:Do you know, yes, of course you are right its probably the stress and the changes in time zones, that can screw things. I know this really, I even say this to others on this forum, but you know when you get your knickers in a twist....... Anyway, I seem to be a 'missing it altogether' rather than 'it coming earlier' person, and chuck being over 50 years old in there, and having no clue what is happening and when, and major missing is a possibility.

If it’s safe for pregnant women

Yes, you are right, hadn't even occurred !!!

The person who told me these facts said that it was about air pressures and it caused heavier bleeding as vascular 'opening' (can't think of the right word' ) happened. It was someone in my family too that set me off on this fear last Spring and said it was the case with everyone they knew who flew ! However, I think it is interesting that it could be one of those cases where some women draw a conclusion based on what they think is one reason, and the reasons are totally different.

09-12-19, 12:33

In my opinion, flying would have quite the opposite affect to your body. You are more likely to have your period when you are relaxed. More likely to happen after the flight.
And If mum's to be and babies fly, then the safety measures are tenfold. x

09-12-19, 14:56
How dare you come on this female thread and come out with sensible, observant and amusing comments ! :roflmao:Do you know, yes, of course you are right its probably the stress and the changes in time zones, that can screw things. I know this really, I even say this to others on this forum, but you know when you get your knickers in a twist....... Anyway, I seem to be a 'missing it altogether' rather than 'it coming earlier' person, and chuck being over 50 years old in there, and having no clue what is happening and when, and major missing is a possibility.

I'm doing it for the brotherhood! :yesyes:

Anyway it might make an interesting legal case; woman sues airline for not bringing on period. https://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/money/t3903.gif (https://yoursmiles.org/t-money.php) Most people just ask for a window seat :winks:

Like Carnation says wouldn't it be more a case of messing up cycles so less likely to occur? Along with the time zones interfering with the diurnal rhythm?