View Full Version : Anxiety/Panic attacks back with a vegence.

09-12-19, 05:55
Hey guys

So I've had panic attacks/anxiety for a while now and I know the direct cause is from a traumatic event I experienced. I was given apparently appropriate treatment at the time and also diaged with ptsd.
Over the past few years I've been doimg quite well until my IBS got quite bad. At the begining of the year when my gut was super bad I'd have multiple intense panic attacks during the day, and once I managed to placate it somewhat I showed slow improvement to the point where I was partially functional. However my partner recently left just under a week ago for a month long trip to the states and I'm almost back to square one. I'm filled with anxiety daily, and end up having panic attacks every few days. I'm thinking the stress has caused a cycle of upsetting my gut more, anxiety, gut anxiety and so forth. She's not due back home for another 23 days and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope. I currently have no medication for the anxiety which probably Is not helping in any way. However getting outside the house for any appointment is also very hard for me to manage like this.
I'm sorry for the huge wall of text, but any help would be amazing.

11-12-19, 20:59

its horrible cycle anxiety and physical symptoms which leads to anxiety again, you need to get some help, can you maybe call your doctor and explain on the phone how you feeling if you can’t get out at the moment. I just worry you get worse if you don’t address it now.
You don’t want to develop full on agoraphobia because of this.

16-12-19, 13:53
The anxiety isn't back. It doesn't pop out on vacation and come back 2 weeks later.

You're more worried. This in turn is causing the vicious OCD cycle of overthinking negatively. The result is worry and panic attacks. I have been there so many times. You're trapped in your own thoughts.

You've got to break the cycle. You need to think about yourself, and what you enjoy and what makes you happy. I've been in your shoes. I'm on medication, and without the medication I would be where you are now. It might be wise to seek some medication.