View Full Version : Anxiety/panic caused by bad flares?

09-12-19, 06:44
Hey all,

Just wanted to see if anyone else on here gets super bad anxiety and panic attacks when they are having bad ibs flares? It's not the symptoms or anything that I am afraid of or anything, but when my gut is "active" so to speak I'll get into an state until the problem making poop in the bowel moves from an area or is eliminated. I've found when my gut is pretty empty that I have basically negligable anxiety.

09-12-19, 10:06

Off to the docs in an hour to discuss it as my relief is chewing my nails and shaking whenever i need to "go" and has resulted in absolutely AWFUL anxiety that no one understands ...

Out of all the IBS forums I've been on, no ones ever described it as you have "I've found when my gut is pretty empty that I have basically negligable anxiety".

10-12-19, 02:07
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one, though also give my considerations as it's nothing fun at all to go through.
I find mine is from further back than just having to go, like somewhere up the colon somehwhat. When food items it isn't happy with pass through it gets set off. Of course they can also stop in the exact wrong place, which is there and make for one hell of a day!

16-12-19, 19:02
If you look in my profile you can see I asked this some time ago. I have been searching the net for answers, the closest I have come to getting any info is if you Google Healthunlocked panic before bowel movement and also Healthunlocked strange feeling before bm

16-12-19, 19:08
Please let us know if you get any info