View Full Version : Health anxiety regarding ex partner: currently on the edge of the abyss

09-12-19, 06:58
Hey guys, I’m a long time HA sufferer, I’m actually also a medical professional and I assure you that doesn’t make me any more rational in fact it probably makes me worse. Anyway, I don’t experience HA frequently just once every few years but when I do it completely ruins me for at least a week or two, I completely descend into non-functional panic.

This time is was triggered by a phone call from my recent ex a few days ago. She was emotional about many non health related issues but one included a non healing mouth ulcer she needs to have biopsied. This combined with how overall emotional (even hysterical) she was made that phone call genuinely traumatic for me and I haven’t been the same since.

It does, as usual, focus primarily on the health aspect. If the ulcer is not cancer then I will be able to resume my normal life again. Until then I am constantly panicking about it, even though we aren’t talking much. I know that a 30 year old who doesn’t smoke or drink is extremely unlikely to get such a thing, but subconsciously my brain has decided it’s cancer and I am having vivid visions of the terrible consequences.

Not really sure why I’m posting. I’ve been through this 4-5 times now; each time the gap between events gets longer and sometimes I manage to skip what would normally be a trigger but it seems like sooner or later it gets its hooks into me and down I go. I just hope I get better with time, but most of all I just hope she’s ok.