View Full Version : Mystery to medical science?!

28-09-07, 13:35
I am just about to start my 5th week off work with.....nobody seems to be able to help. It is so frustrating. My GP has been very helpful through all this and I have seen ENT consultant, have an MRI in October, had numerous blood tests including for Addisons, all clean and have now been referred to a general physician at our local hospital. No idea how long that will take to come through.
My symptoms started in August with a sudden right-hand side head rush/numbing/tinnitus blurring. From then on it has been a nightmare of dizziness, light-headedness, helium and pressure head, flu like symptoms, cold, brain fog, tears, horrible sleep incl being dizzy in sleep, nausea, neck ache, throbbing ears, tinnitus, headaches.
Finally went to see a cranial osteopath last week who was lovely and has noted that there is a definite problem with my right-hand side TMJ and will put a programme of treatment in place to correct balances etc. Research on web. suggests that this could be TMJ related (mimics inner ear disorders), but can't understand the colds/flu type symptoms.
I can't afford to stay off work much longer and feel completely at my wits end.
Has anybody else had these bizarre problems?
My balance is fine, a hearing test suggests the my hearing is fine, my thyroid was tested but my dosage of levothyroxine is OK and my levels are fine, blood pressure low..but always low so no alarm bells there. Have had two major panic attacks earlier in September. Assured that this is not a brain tumour or stroke.
What the hell is it? Help.

28-09-07, 19:34
Hello !
I had a similar time like this after pneumonia two years ago and one infection after another. I was finally diagnosed with post viral fatigue. There's no tests for this, its a diagnosis reached by excluding everthing else ! No wonder we get panic attacks whilst we go through the testing-mill !I was having all kinds of problems : sudden allergies, vertigo, breathlessness, aching joints, feeling like I had the flu without the snots ! sleeping round the clock .....
I accepted that I was knackered and that recovery would take as long as it takes - this seemed to take a load of pressure off my shoulders. I was off work 6 months and was made redundant - its been a financial struggle but I know now that I needed this time to let my body recover. All these symptoms are telling you to take care of yourself.
Ask your Doc if this is possibly what is happening to you.
Be kind to your self.