View Full Version : Weird feeling in eyes, don't really know how to explain it

09-12-19, 19:54
First I will start off by saying I have been battling a cold with lots of congestion for about two weeks now. It is getting better but last week this weird feeling started. It feels like it is in my eyes, like when I move my head at certain times, it is a dizzy/jerky feeling I suppose is the best way I can describe it. Could this be a form of vertigo? Can colds cause this? Of course my anxiety goes up when I get strange symptoms. Naturally what comes up when searching is brain tumors...stupid Google, and stupid me for Googling! I do have a Drs appointment tomorrow but I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever experienced something like this? I am a nursing mother so throughout the duration of my cold I am not able to take many meds to help me feel better. Thanks for any insight anyone may have!

26-02-20, 17:27
First I will start off by saying I have been battling a cold with lots of congestion for about two weeks now. It is getting better but last week this weird feeling started. It feels like it is in my eyes, like when I move my head at certain times, it is a dizzy/jerky feeling I suppose is the best way I can describe it. Could this be a form of vertigo? Can colds cause this? Of course my anxiety goes up when I get strange symptoms. Naturally what comes up when searching is brain tumors...stupid Google, and stupid me for Googling! I do have a Drs appointment tomorrow but I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever experienced something like this? I am a nursing mother so throughout the duration of my cold I am not able to take many meds to help me feel better. Thanks for any insight anyone may have!

Weirdly I’ve been getting this eye feeling: and like a sudden dizzy feeling in my head. It’s more my right eye but it’s as if it’s dry, tiRed?! Pressure?! And I get This out of the blue dizzy feeling like light headed out of the blue?! Xx

26-02-20, 18:21
Definitely can be tied to a cold! I’m on week three recovering from influenza b and still am having sinus drainage/cough. So every time I have sinus pressure/drainage (it affects my ears too) it kind of gives me a little vertigo type sensations. It’s very normal!!