View Full Version : Wasp sting - reassurance please

28-09-07, 13:55
I've been in a real state today :weep: Last night on a dog walk, almost dark, I brushed against some ivy and something stung me, it was VERY painful, like a nettle sting but a LOT LOT worse. I searched with a torch to see what it was but couldn't find anything, DH reassured me that it was probably just a wasp but I was in panic state by then as the pain was so intense, there was a very small hole in my finger but nothing else and the painful stinging feeling. Anyway I went home and put ice on it, still panic stricken over what could've stung me. This morning it was still fairly painful and I'm still aware of it this afternoon, although nowhere near as painful as it was, it's on the joint of my little finger so I'm kind of thinking that everytime i move it I'm aggravating it.

Does all this sound like a wasp sting? It's been 30 years since I was last stung and that was on the foot, I cannot remember what it felt like. Will it just get better by itself. I feel so stupid, I wish I didn't worry so much about every thing. My kids have both been stung by a bee and wasp last week and didn't make any fuss at all.

Please can someone put my mind at ease that I'm not about to lose my finger or worse.
Thank you

28-09-07, 14:06
Yep sounds like you got stung.
Put a thick paste of baking soda mixed with just a little water on it and that should help with the pain.
Look on the bright side - you aren't allergic cuz you'd know it by now!!
I'm allergic to wasps and believe me - it ain't pretty - LOL


28-09-07, 14:07

Yes it does sound like a wasp or a bee sting. Am I right in thinking that is is most likely Queen Wasps around at the moment? Making nests etc. If so, it probably would be more painful than a regular wasp sting.

Having said that, it's bloomin' painful even if it's a normal wasp or bee! It could be that it was a bee and the sting is still in there (Bees leave their sting in, wasps don't). Have a look, and if you can see it, gently pull it out with some tweezers, and clean the area with some antiseptic or salt water.
Alternatively, it could be a Spider bite. I really don't think you will lose your finger whatever it is! You could try asking the pharmacist about anti-histamines, which can be good at taking the swelling down and making it less painful.

Hope that helps xxx :flowers:

28-09-07, 14:36
Yep sounds like you got stung.
Put a thick paste of baking soda mixed with just a little water on it and that should help with the pain.
Look on the bright side - you aren't allergic cuz you'd know it by now!!
I'm allergic to wasps and believe me - it ain't pretty - LOL


Hi Sandy
Thanks for your reply. How awful for you, I'd be terrified of wasps if I was allergic to them although I think initially that was my worst fear that I would have an allergic reaction (I'm allergic to other things) now I just want the tingling pain to go away, I'll give the baking soda a try - thanks :)

28-09-07, 14:49
Hi Dying swan

Thanks for your post, it's helped to put my mind at ease a little. I think that's why I was so scared, I didn't see what stung me. I can't see a sting left in and I hadn't considered a spider, - why can't I EVER put these things in perspective? :sad: .
Thanks again for your post :)

28-09-07, 15:01
This time of year wasps are still around and I think the mild weather makes them stay around longer. They also get very lazy and tend to sting more readily when it's late Summer/early Autumn. A few years ago I was sweeping up some leaves in the front garden, bent down to pick some up with my bare hands and suddenly felt this sharp pain in my finger. I dropped the leaves and rummaged through them and found a wasp amongst them :ohmy:

Having never been stung before I was petrified that I could be allergic and just ran indoors and had a panic attack. It took me a few hours to calm down and I have to say I really do try to be more careful when I am gardening now

28-09-07, 15:18
I was stung in my bed!!!!!!

And I hate wasps.......Grrrrrrr

I put vineger on my sting

Oh I was once stung on the bum 3 times by the same wasp while cleaning windows(I was a window cleaner at that time) I jumped off the ladders pulled my jeans off just has the owner of the house was looking out the window....Thankfully I explained my situation and her husband gave me vinegar (hence how I know about rubbing it on stings)

28-09-07, 22:27
Hi Delta,

I was stung twice a few weeks ago on holiday. I was in the middle of a Fjord when it happened! AHHHH http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_39.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB) I panicked and thought what if i'm allergic and stop breathing :ohmy: but you would know right away if you were and I'm still here!:blush:

Mine was sore for a few days hun. I put some bite & sting relief on it and that helped. Hope it eases soon.:flowers:

Take Care,

Love Pip's

28-09-07, 22:31
All this talk about getting stung makes me want to walk around in one of them bee suits all the time :)
