View Full Version : Anxiety about brain tumour

11-12-19, 12:30
Around 4 years ago, I had an episode when I was in a restaurant where I felt like I was going to faint. It was the first time it had ever happened to me. I felt dizzy and had to rest my head on the table and felt weird for a few days after. This freaked me out completely. Since that time, I’ve had episodes of feeling dizzy that come for a week or so and then go. I reported these to my GP but she didn’t seem desperately concerned. I also started getting what my GP thinks are ocular migraines maybe once or twice a year. Also terrifying.

I got a cold last week and a few days before it properly started, I had an episode of dizziness which has persisted on and off until today. I haven’t had an episode for quite a while so it freaked me out. When it started, it almost felt like I felt in the restaurant and like I was about to faint. I’ve also had a headache on the left side of my head throughout my cold that has been quite painful.

My crazy mind is now fixated on the idea that I have a brain tumour and that all these symptoms are connected. Am trying not to do the Dr Google thing but it’s hard. So instead I am trying to rationalise here. My rational mind is saying “your dizziness comes and goes and a tumour probably wouldn’t just abate”. It’s also saying “your headache is probably your cold and maybe this episode of dizziness is related to your cold starting”.

But my mind is not entirely rational unfortunately. Ugh. When I don’t have symptoms, my HA just goes away. But as soon as something crops up, it’s total catastrophe.

11-12-19, 13:05
Sounds as though your sinuses might be playing up.

16-12-19, 19:32
Thanks for the reply. So I had a day yesterday where I was basically headache free. But from after breakfast today, it’s felt like I’ve been wearing someone else’s glasses in my left eye. My left eye feels really tired. And this is the eye that I get ocular migraines in usually (as in, the four or five times I’ve had one over the last few years). The headaches have pretty much now been replaced by this eye feeling (although with the occasional jolt). It’s weird. And scary. I wouldn’t describe as debilitating at all, but I’m usually pretty healthy (save for the awful anxiety when I exhibit basically any symptom).

I’m at my parents in law outside of the UK too so can’t see a doctor for an exam realistically until I get back.

Am trying to stay calm and rational but you know how it goes...

26-02-20, 17:24
Thanks for the reply. So I had a day yesterday where I was basically headache free. But from after breakfast today, it’s felt like I’ve been wearing someone else’s glasses in my left eye. My left eye feels really tired. And this is the eye that I get ocular migraines in usually (as in, the four or five times I’ve had one over the last few years). The headaches have pretty much now been replaced by this eye feeling (although with the occasional jolt). It’s weird. And scary. I wouldn’t describe as debilitating at all, but I’m usually pretty healthy (save for the awful anxiety when I exhibit basically any symptom).

I’m at my parents in law outside of the UK too so can’t see a doctor for an exam realistically until I get back.

Am trying to stay calm and rational but you know how it goes...

Hey there! I wonder if you could help me actually. I’ve started getting this thing where my right eye feels like tired and hurts almost?!
Can’t explain the feeling but it’s like it’s slower than the other eye?! Does that make any sense?
Don’t really get headaches but I have bad dizzy spells out of the blue for no reason.
My right eye just feels really odd and dry .. I can’t explain it?! Xxx