View Full Version : Hate myself

11-12-19, 13:21
Because Im so frightened and irrational and I can't get a bloody grip . Ive been having shooting pains right side of forehead ( no headache as such) Although neck is tender and tense , tender areas on head and tender eyebrow bulb that is where most of pains seems to come from . It just gives a very brief throbby pain sometimes if i move head quickly or clench teeth . Doc says not brain related but ive had bloods . My dad had a bt and his symptoms nothing like this .

Now reading that i can see how daft it seems BUT I cant stop catastrophising im so fed up with myself i could slap myself .Every time i get one of these twinges i spiral again . Thought theyd gone today but no and thats upset me . Just want to feel normal

Thanks for reading I needed to get it out , my husband is lovely but cant understand this . What normal person would ??

Nohelp x

11-12-19, 13:24
Normal is an illusion. Anxiety is a tricky beast, and with your father having a brain tumour it's not surprising you have them on your mind.

Take some time to be kind to yourself, okay? There are ways of dealing with this, but they have to come from a place of goodwill towards yourself.

11-12-19, 14:47
Thank you for replying . Im crying my eyes out and feel like screaming . Its so pathetic and selfish . These symptoms been going on for two weeks but feels like forever, just want these pains to stop . Dr said not bt symptoms but stupidly googled and read case of someone who had same and it was . I deserve a slap . Sorry for be so self pitying but am really scared , although I know its ridiculous :weep:

11-12-19, 14:48
It's not pathetic or selfish to be ill, it's okay. Stop being so mean to yourself - if your friend was upset, would you say the things to them that you're saying to yourself right now?

11-12-19, 16:00
I'm in the same boat, I've been convinced (more than usual) over the last few weeks that I'm dying. It's worse when there /is/ something "wrong" (I've been feeling ill and have some pain, and you with your pain and twitching). It's easy for me to write here but when I really do think rationally (I'm sure you're the same) I realise that these symptoms are most likely benign.
That only tames the anxiety for a few minutes though, in my case.

My advice is to take care of yourself. Be easy on yourself. Don't feel bad for being anxious. It sounds like you have some reasons to be a bit down (with your dads bt and sounds like you don't get a lot of support?)
So I really believe that your twitching and pain is heightened by anxiety and then you feel worse because you feel guilty for being anxious.
A family friend and family member in my life are going through c**cer so I've also been feeling so guilty for how I've been feeling.

But just try your best to be kind to yourself.

12-12-19, 00:10
Normal is an illusion.

That's a such a true statement. I've always said that everyone is whacked. To different degrees yes, but everyone has their own mental issues and challenges. Its when we're around others who are similarly whacked that it feels normal. That's why for me, the vast majority of what I read here isn't 'normal' but many others can relate.

Positive thoughts

12-12-19, 00:33
So true Fish.:yesyes:
What's normal for one person isn't for another.