View Full Version : Chances I could have pancreatic cancer?

29-06-19, 20:29
(I'm on my phone and accidentally deleted my post while trying to edit it. This is the original post text. I have new "symptoms" that I'll add in a comment)


I've made a couple of similar posts with similar issues over the period of two years, and this last week this back/side/under rib pain has been back. Its a mostly dull pain and every now and then feels sharp. It's been mostly on my left side but I've had it on the right and around my back the last few days too.
I'm worried because I googled and saw that random intervals of pain like this over time can be a symptom of pancreatic cancer.
I saw a doctor a few days ago and she tried her best to reassure me, she felt my stomach and noticed I was a bit bloated and prescribed me some meds to help with gas pain. She said I'd actually been to see the doctor there in 2016/2017 with similar symptoms and she wasn't worried especially since I'm 25.
It reassured me somewhat but it's more painful today and I'm feeling so anxious. I don't know whether to go back tomorrow and ask to be seen by someone else?

Has anyone had pain like this? Can it be just from gas? I do admit that when the pain is particularly bad a little time later I do pass gas. And I've been diagnosed with IBS for years and often am constipated.
I'm just worried because the pain is high on my body.. under my ribs, my upper back..

29-06-19, 20:30
The original pain hasn't been super noticeable for a few days, but I just had a few minutes where when I breathed in I had a sharp pain on my left side and it was hard to take a deep breath. It made me nervous about PE although I don't have any symptoms of leg swelling or anything.

29-06-19, 20:39
You're talking about serious medical situations that require immediate medical attention. There's no mistaking something is seriously wrong. Yet, here you are, posting on an anxiety forum about the irrational worries of these serious medical conditions. You wouldn't be here seeking reassurance as you would be at A&E. What does that tell you? No 'what ifs' or yeah buts'...

Positive thoughts

29-06-19, 20:53
You can ask an admin to re-open a post.

29-06-19, 22:12
You're talking about serious medical situations that require immediate medical attention. There's no mistaking something is seriously wrong. Yet, here you are, posting on an anxiety forum about the irrational worries of these serious medical conditions. You wouldn't be here seeking reassurance as you would be at A&E. What does that tell you? No 'what ifs' or yeah buts'...

Positive thoughts

Thank you. I'm just so anxious tonight. I'm so worried about P.E. I still have some minor pain on my left side when breathing in. I don't know whether to call a family member and ask them to take me to hospital. I don't want to waste anyone's time but googling got me so anxious.

29-06-19, 22:15
I don't want to waste anyone's time but googling got me so anxious.

Dr Google strikes again! :doh:

Positive thoughts

29-06-19, 22:18
Dr Google strikes again! :doh:

Positive thoughts

I appreciate your replies and I know I'm seeking reassure here. But, if it was P.E, I'd probably have the swollen/leg blood clot too, right? And it wouldn't have been painful/uncomfortable over a few weeks, right?

29-06-19, 22:24
I appreciate your replies and I know I'm seeking reassure here. But, if it was P.E, I'd probably have the swollen/leg blood clot too, right? And it wouldn't have been painful/uncomfortable over a few weeks, right?


Positive thoughts

01-12-19, 16:22
I've had pain/discomfort under my left rib for months now.. I went to the doctor when it first started and she refered me for an ultrasound scan of my upper body, I had it and nothing was found. I didn't worry too much about it after that even though the pain remained. I've been having a hard time recently and started worrying about it again, especially since I've realised my stools are a little lighter in colour. I'm so anxious about this.

01-12-19, 16:25
Did the pain go away though?

01-12-19, 16:28
No, it's there almost everyday, not every single second but most of the time.

01-12-19, 16:50
Why not pop back to the docs and ask them ?

01-12-19, 17:51
Why not pop back to the docs and ask them ?

I will, I just hope it's ok. I'm currently waiting for another scan on my ovaries because they found cysts (they reassured me it's common) I'm not sure how much more waiting for results I can take. The last couple of weeks I've been so stressed about that. I'm convinced I have pancreatic cancer that's spread to my ovaries or vice versa.

01-12-19, 21:01

I had a cyst on my ovary, it went away on its own. They are indeed common, try not to worry too much (easier said than done). If they screened your pancreas and it came back clear, then its clear. Have you changed your diet lately? That can affect the colour of your stools. Mine vary in colour, and I assume other peoples do too

take care


01-12-19, 22:27

I had a cyst on my ovary, it went away on its own. They are indeed common, try not to worry too much (easier said than done). If they screened your pancreas and it came back clear, then its clear. Have you changed your diet lately? That can affect the colour of your stools. Mine vary in colour, and I assume other peoples do too

take care


Thanks Inanna. Was your cyst tracked with scans? Mine was identified with a scan and they want to check it again in a few weeks.

And I haven't changed my diet I don't think, but I do eat a lot of fatty foods usually and a lot of dairy, so maybe it's that.

01-12-19, 22:34
Maybe change your diet and watch and see

06-12-19, 11:14
I weighed myself for the first time in a month today and I'm 10lb lighter than I was before. I've been going through a lot of intense anxiety and I haven't been eating much & I've been feeling sick a lot (although yesterday I ate about my normal amount)

Obviously I'm worried about cancer - that's what I've been anxious about over the last month. I'm awaiting a second scan on my ovaries to check a cyst, my doctor has tried to reassure me that she and the people who did the scan don't suspect cancer at all (my scan will be 6 weeks after my first one)

I had blood tests checking hormone levels, liver and kidney function and full blood count etc about a month ago too, also in the summer I had an ultrasound on my upper body because of pain in my left side under my ribs, the ultrasound was clear.

Is it likely this weight loss is from my anxiety? 10lbs seems like such a lot

06-12-19, 11:17
I've been going through a lot of intense anxiety and I haven't been eating much

^ cause and effect.

10 pound over four weeks isn’t actually that much to be honest.

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-19, 12:05
Totally anxiety. Happens to
Me a LOT.

06-12-19, 20:45
Ok I weighed myself tonight after forcing myself to eat more today, and I'm about 3lbs heavier than this morning. Does weight loss with cancer fluctuate like this or if you put pounds on, does it seem unlikely that the loss was cancer related?

06-12-19, 20:48
Of course you’re heavier, you have food in you!

We often fluctuate even as much as 5 pounds in a day depending on toilet habits and what we eat or drink.

I’ve lost a lot more than you have during a stressful month.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-19, 20:51
Only weigh at the same time each day and if you don't eat then of course you will lose weight.
It has nothing to do with having cancer

06-12-19, 20:58
01) It's totally normal to drop 10 pounds over a four week period if you're not eating much.
02) You'd have more concerning/additional symptoms if it was cancer - it wouldn't just be a case of you're losing some weight.
03) If the doctors were concerned at all they'd be fast-tracking your scans.

You don't have cancer. You're losing weight because you're not eating due to being so anxious. Positive thoughts, love. xx

06-12-19, 20:59
I've lost 15 pounds since October. Cause? Back to work, not sitting on my ass and eating less. I'm actually thrilled! :yesyes: You have an obvious cause and effect as well. To think otherwise, especially after seeing the normal fluctuation is totally irrational :lac:

Positive thoughts

06-12-19, 21:45
Obviously I'm worried about cancer - that's what I've been anxious about over the last month.

Why obviously cancer? You have just said you're going through a bout of intense anxiety (which in itself burns way more calories) and also not eating as much. That's what's obvious.

For the record, I moved house about 9 months ago and lost 21lbs in 3 weeks.

It's normal.

06-12-19, 22:01
For the record, I moved house about 9 months ago and lost 21lbs in 3 weeks.

Dang dude! What did you do? Starve yourself? :huh:

Positive thoughts

07-12-19, 02:10
Did you measure yourself under exactly the same conditions though? Daily weight can change by 4-5lbs due to eating, drinking, not having a poo, the weight of clothing, etc. So, maybe it's less weight than you think?

07-12-19, 12:21
Dang dude! What did you do? Starve yourself? :huh:

Positive thoughts

I was struggling to get 1000 cals a day in I felt so stressed. Not anxious, but you know when stress levels are so high you're almost buzzing?

But, as I'm about 30lbs overweight anyway, losing 10lb in two days is really very easy. In the short term, 'starvation' is not an issue at all. It takes months of undereating to really do any harm, so I just rolled with it.

07-12-19, 12:23
Why obviously cancer? You have just said you're going through a bout of intense anxiety (which in itself burns way more calories) and also not eating as much. That's what's obvious.

For the record, I moved house about 9 months ago and lost 21lbs in 3 weeks.

It's normal.

Since I have a followup scan, I've just been terrified/convinced of cancer. In the past when I've been checked, there's never been a follow up so I guess since there is this time, my mind has gone to the worst possible scenario.
My brain is going from either ovarian cancer (because of the scan follow up, and I had some minor bleeding outside of my period last month) and pancreatic cancer, because I've had pain under my left rib for many months now and 9/10 of my stools for months have been loose.
It's just really hard to know if my symptoms are anxiety or not. Noticing I lost weight just made me feel worse.

11-12-19, 15:35
I've had intermittent left side pain for months. In summer I got an ultrasound which came back clear. The last month or so the pain has been worse, I've also been only having loose toilet visits and I noticed sometimes they even look a little pale.
Yesterday I was in the ER for pain and feeling unwell, they took all standard bloods and a urine sample, the bloods were fine but I was dehydrated so they put me on a drip for a bit with anti sickness and hydration.
The nurse said since my bloods were ok she wouldn't send me for an emergency endoscopy but would write to my doctor who can organise one.

So yeah, my question is, would they have picked something up through my bloods? I'm just nervous about waiting and I wonder if I should push them.

11-12-19, 16:39

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