View Full Version : Good news from neuro... trying to fight the feeling of doubt

11-12-19, 16:34
Hi all,
So I had an EMG and was able to see a neurologist yesterday regarding my fears of having a neurological problem. I have this weird pain/ fatigue sensation in my right arm and leg. This fear has been going on for over a year now. The emg went well everything came back normal, also the muscle strength test went well as well. I am not clinically weak in my
muscles. Yay!!! She did not seem at all worries about a anything neurological. She said this feeling and dull ache I am feeling in my right arm and leg could very well be a musculoskeletal issue. No big deal.

While she was examining me I brought up my worries of MS. I asked if I should be worried about it, and she stood there and shook her head no a few times which was really reassuring. She said an MRI is usually the way they would diagnose that, but said that MRI doesn’t seem to be necessary and there is no need for that from what I was showing her. Everything she saw from me was healthy.
My main thing is me trying to accept that and understand that she has been a neuro for years and knows her stuff. How can I accept this diagnosis and not go into a tailspin again about doubting her??

11-12-19, 22:12
Stop thinking about it and get on with your life.

If you can't stop thinking about it, try harder. There's really no secret to it, it just takes practice.

If you find yourself feeling doubt, then distract yourself by thinking or doing something else. If that doesn't work then practice doing it another 1000 times (no, really) until your brain gets it.

And don't use words like 'tailspin'. You're just reinforcing the idea that something that is in your control, isn't.

20-12-19, 15:56
Thanks Joe!
Has anyone else been through something like this?

20-12-19, 16:40
Try and listen only to what she said and not your internal doubtful voice. My brother's ex-girlfriend was diagnosed with MS a few years ago and it was completely obvious when she went to the doctor - no waffling/wonder, no back and forth, no long protracted symptoms. The symptoms came on, she went to the doctor, they ordered an MRI, they diagnosed her - all in a matter of 2 or 3 days. So, if you've seen a doctor who has examined you and given you the all clear, you can trust that result!

03-02-20, 16:39
Thanks Erin!
Just wanted to update everyone that I have been going to see someone regarding my anxiety.
I still get feelings of doubt once in a while like today! But I’m working on it.

Anyone else have any advice?

03-02-20, 17:39
Anyone else have any advice?

I'll tell you what my dr told me... get out of the house and go do something for someone else. Volunteer your time somewhere you have a passion for.. animals, church, nursing home, your community...

I thought she was crazy but it was the best advice I have ever gotten and it was 30 years ago.

I've made this suggestion countless times and I feel it always gets ignored. Are you going to ignore it too?

03-03-20, 14:11
Thanks everyone!
I have gotten myself reading postings and this for some reason has heightened my anxiety again.

I was doing good but now am feeling anxious again. How can I remember what the doctor told me and start to move on?

04-03-20, 02:26
Wingo22 are you ignoring my response?

No appreciation for someone who took the time to offer you solid suggestions a month ago? Kind of rude, isn't it?

08-03-20, 15:19
Wingo22 are you ignoring my response?
No appreciation for someone who took the time to offer you solid suggestions a month ago? Kind of rude, isn't it?

How am I ignoring. I’ve just been worried about it recently. Wondering if someone else has any good words of encouragement

08-03-20, 17:38
I had the same issues as you with doubting doctors until I started working in healthcare.

After working with doctors every day for years now, you have no idea how kind, caring, intelligent, and careful they are. I would trust any board-certified doctor with my life any day.

08-03-20, 20:18
I'll tell you what my dr told me... get out of the house and go do something for someone else. Volunteer your time somewhere you have a passion for.. animals, church, nursing home, your community...

I thought she was crazy but it was the best advice I have ever gotten and it was 30 years ago.

I've made this suggestion countless times and I feel it always gets ignored. Are you going to ignore it too?

Genuine question. How does this work? How quickly did it take to work? Sounds like a win win situation and if nothing else the people you help gain.