View Full Version : Anaesthetic/Local Anaesthetic

11-12-19, 22:48
Hi everyone....(apologies if this is in the wrong thread is has a cross over between phobia and health anxiety so I do apologise if Im in the wrong zone)

I have alot of procedures at the hospital and I have done for the last ten years, unfortunately now my HA has divulged from Heart attacks I am now over thinking dying from anaesthetic....in the sense would local anaesthetics cause a heart attack or death in any way? I have literally drawn a chart in word to try calm my thoughts in the retrospect i have figured out i have about 26 local anaesthetics and 2 general anaesthetics in the last ten years... but ive never had this fear before.
My fear comes from since having this severe onset of anxiety and panic attacks i now cannot tolerate even the smallest amounts of alcohol, caffeine etc and would this now transpire to anaesthetic reactions as they contain a stimulant in them??
My next option is to have a G/A to avoid having many more multiple local anaesthetics which is something i would consider and then it would take me off the drugs i am currently on also and maybe make my life a little easier overall but that's another major decision if i choose to do that.

I react worse to local anaesthetic when it is in the facial area ie dental and I had a mole removed in 2013 when i sat up i couldn't stop shaking for an hour or so after and they wouldnt let me leave the department without having tea and biscuits. I often experience this shaking now after severe panic attacks and looking back further im seeing more and more patterns in the past of when this has happened.
My last local anaesthetic was abdominal (where they usually are) and it was in October this year, i had began this bad episode of anxiety and panic and had hoped the treatment may have helped resolve some of the issues..... i got through the procedure seemingly quite well but i remember in the car ( and we left quite quickly after) i didn't feel very well at all. I kept feeling like i was going to pass out for a while after and i lay down on the front seat all the way back hoping it was just a panic attack. I dont remember if my heart was racing i think i just thought i was got to die more than anything else. But part of me wonders if some of it was fear making me feel unwell or was it the local anaesthetic in my blood stream. Im so confused and baffled? Is this all in my head or is some of this actually physical reactions to the drugs? Something strange happened when i had an injection for vertigo at the hospital I went so dizzy and my heart was pounding i thought i was going to die but my blood pressure had dropped dramatically and my heart rate was 151. Again was it normal for m blood pressure to drop and my heart rate increase and i just shot into panic again I dont know.
Im very concerned very scared, not too sure who best to approach with all my concerns and questions, doctors just still keep thinking its all panic but im starting to dig a little deeper, there is an element of panic but there is also an element of drugs triggering something in my body.

Has anyone else had these fears or experiences?
I am aware if i have had these so many times before it might not be real but also because i am reacting so badly even to chocolate now i am concerned a physiological change has happened to me....
Thank you
(really couldnt cope without this place genuinely i think you guys are great!! thanks for reading)

12-12-19, 10:05
I have a similar fear, but after asking the same sort of questions, my conclusion is the effects are mainly shock and fear with a rise in adrenalin.
If you think about logically, none would give you anaesthetic with major health risks.

As for the other elements of adrenalin induced products such as coffee, alcohol and chocolate.
Well that's all it does, feeds you more adrenalin, it can not kill you. Adrenalin has a peak which is harmless. And what goes up, must come down.
If you worry, limit your chocolate intake, drink decaf coffee and alcohol occasionally.
And basically most adrenalin will wear off after a walk, but it dissipates of its own accord, but not life threatening. x

12-12-19, 20:33
I have a similar fear, but after asking the same sort of questions, my conclusion is the effects are mainly shock and fear with a rise in adrenalin.
If you think about logically, none would give you anaesthetic with major health risks.

As for the other elements of adrenalin induced products such as coffee, alcohol and chocolate.
Well that's all it does, feeds you more adrenalin, it can not kill you. Adrenalin has a peak which is harmless. And what goes up, must come down.
If you worry, limit your chocolate intake, drink decaf coffee and alcohol occasionally.
And basically most adrenalin will wear off after a walk, but it dissipates of its own accord, but not life threatening. x

The problem being that all local anaesthetics are fuelled by adrenaline to make the effective quicker....
I live on decaf coffee, normally never eat chocolate it was a moment of weakness and im tee-total now due to all the side affects ive been having :( im old before my time now :ohmy:
Thanks again carnation for you kind words of advice much appreciated x