View Full Version : Black Lines on Nail

12-12-19, 15:10
Hi, I have been treating my toenail for a fungal infection, it seems to be clearing up but now I’ve noticed two lines on it. Not sure if it’s been there a while and is part of the infection or it’s something else. They are two small black vertical lines, they look like they could meet to make the one big line. That’s what I’m terrified of, not even sure if that’s a thing but keep looking at and reading about nail cancer. Has this happened to anyone?

13-12-19, 11:53
Hi, I have been treating my toenail for a fungal infection, it seems to be clearing up but now I’ve noticed two lines on it. Not sure if it’s been there a while and is part of the infection or it’s something else. They are two small black vertical lines, they look like they could meet to make the one big line. That’s what I’m terrified of, not even sure if that’s a thing but keep looking at and reading about nail cancer. Has this happened to anyone?

13-12-19, 20:02
I’m going through the same thing, so I’ve read into this quite a lot! Apparently it’s not uncommon for fungal nails to carry debris which can appear grey or black. (As in my case too)
But it could also be blood. We can injure our big toe without even being aware we’ve done it...such as by wearing ill fitting shoes, running etc. That can produce blood under the nail which can look linear and black.

Toenail melanoma is INCREDIBLY rare! A GP can work 10 years and only see it once!
It’s very, very likely that what you are seeing is just blood and will grow out with the nail. It may also start to disperse soon which might look like “spreading”...but it’s just the dried blood moving under the nail.

One thing that reassured me is that IF it were melanoma, the line would have to be vertical AND start from the bottom of the nail, right at the nail bed. If it starts part way up the nail, it can’t be melanoma. (But even if it did start at the bottom, it still is likely just to be blood)

13-12-19, 22:57

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02-01-20, 21:29
Hi, sorry not been in here in a few weeks, trying to stay off the internet and stop googling! Was not worried or thinking about it for a while not tonight I can’t stop looking at pictures of lines on nails. Mines seems to not be growing out, the infection doesn’t seem to be clearing up and now I’m convinced it’s melanoma! It’s vertical but starts half way up the nail, I thought maybe it were two lines but think it might just be the one but part is hidden by the nail infection. How are you getting on?

03-01-20, 03:33

03-01-20, 07:36
It’s probably splinter hemorrhages. I get them all the time.

03-01-20, 21:11
I should go to the doctors, I’m just too scared. How long do splinter haemorrhages take to grow out?

04-01-20, 04:57
A long time, normally mine grow out with my nail. They really aren’t anything to worry about. You can easily get them.
Every time I get my nails done I get a lot of them and I never knew what they were. I get them a lot, in fact there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have one or more for some reason. I have seen the doctor and I also saw a dermatologist. I really don’t think you have anything to worry about but if you feel you need to see the doctor then make yourself an appointment but don’t go googling for information about them.

04-01-20, 19:53
I know, no more googling, sometimes I can't help it though! I’m trying to be rational about it then all of a sudden a wave of panic will come over me about it!

05-01-20, 02:01
Yea but all google will do is freak you out and convince you that you have some illness or condition you don’t really have. Majority of symptoms one could possibly look up will return results of scary things because most symptoms are non specific and can present with all kinds of conditions but just because one has one of the symptoms or even two or three doesn’t mean they have any of the conditions.

17-02-20, 14:42
Hi, I have not been on here in a month or so, the black line is now bigger or it’s a different one! It was growing out with the nail then I bought Curanail, the one you use once’s a week, it was my second time applying it today and I noticed I now have two lines one is bigger then the other. I feel sick, I’m really really panicking! I was doing so well, not I genuinely feel like I have something wrong with me. My body always aches, my head and mount is always sore and I’m constantly grinding my teeth in my sleep!

17-02-20, 15:36
If it’s causing you distress, make an appointment with your primary or dermatologist and have them take a look at it.

21-02-20, 12:46
I think I will, I’m trying to be rational about it and think it’s probably nothing but then I just freak out about it and the most random times.

23-02-20, 07:58
That’s the nature of health anxiety unfortunately but just because one has health anxiety doesn’t mean they don’t or can’t have legit medical conditions or concerns. I’m not saying you have one as I think it’s more likely then not that you are just fine but it’s obviously causing you great distress and it’s always good to have any concerns addressed because we ourselves aren’t doctors. I mean most of us know a lot of medical stuff from researching and looking up symptoms on google but all that knowledge really doesn’t mean much because we didn’t go to medical school and we don’t have the necessary tools and proper training to apply all that.