View Full Version : Went to dentist still no answer

12-12-19, 15:30
After years and years of dealing with the pain in my tooth I went to the dentist. I faced my huge fear and went. They did xrays of the side that hurts and looked at it with a camera. She used some cold stuff to check for sensitivity and pain. She thinks I might need a crown, or to have a filling replaced. I opted to replace the filling and go from there. They didnt find any decay or cavity. She thinks it might be a crack or sinus pressure. She just seemed quick to assume it's a crack and want to do a crown. My tooth hurts almost constantly. I dont know what to do. I've never had anything more then a filling. I do have a big filling where the pain is so I hope the filling is just bad. I'm afraid of getting a crown. Anyone had similar experience?

12-12-19, 19:16
Yes I’ve had similar and replacing my old filling helped immensely. When are you having yours replaced?

13-12-19, 13:00
Not until Jan 8th. I'm nervous about being stuck in the chair helpless for that long. But the filling has been uncomfortable since I got it
So I'll be happier when its replaced. I hope it's also sinus pressure. I do have some pain under my eye around my temple.