View Full Version : How my mind works

12-12-19, 16:04
Hi all,

I have been here on and off over the last few years. But thought I had beaten HA until it reared it’s head recently. I’ve just had some good news but I thought I would share how it went this time for me as it might help someone out there going through it at the moment. It all started after I think my gallbladder started acting up again. I ignored it, probably not smart but I did. Anyway after weeks of worrying is it my GB or maybe it’s my Liver, what’s that lump, what’s that mark on my skin, does my poop look ok, Well let’s just say that I was no longer sure what was a medical symptom or an anxiety symptom. So I finally plucked up the courage to call my GP. I explained, she listened. She asked if I have any family history of anything, well gallbladder problems I said and I have had breast cancer but that was 5 years ago. I told her I felt like I was being blown up like a balloon, that something was touching my liver that shouldn’t be there. She was lovely. Blood tests she said I needed to check general health and then came the words that sent me off into a massive week long panic, we will just check for an ovary marker too she said, to be sure everything is ok there. That was all it took. Over the next week I had every ovarian cancer symptom going and I was convinced that there were spreading tumours everywhere inside me. You know, even after all the various times my HA has reared it’s ugly little head, it still amazes me that my mind can do this to me. Really, until she mentioned ovary I was in the liver cancer, liver failure camp and was ignoring gallbladder completely even though a part of me knew it was likely to be that. If you are going through this at the moment, keep the faith. Your mind is very powerful. Get it checked out, don’t ignore it but also even if you have the symptoms it’s likely you’re ok xx

12-12-19, 19:49
Glad you went for the checks and hope your bloods are all fine. Yes, it's amazing how the mind can jump from one area/topic to another, the mind-body connection is powerful indeed.