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View Full Version : Night sweats every night

13-12-19, 11:09
Hi everyone, I've been having night sweats every night for last 4 weeks and I'm now worried something sinister is going on. It's to the point where I'm soaking literally everywhere! My room is cool and I have a large fan on also, thin duvet and sleep in nude! The sheets are damp when I wake through the night aswell😥 I've even been to the doctor last week who run a good amount of blood tests(not sure what ones but there was a fair few) but my mind still makes me think that it's being missed and wont show anything on bloods! I think it's because I've read a few stories of cancer where people have had normal bloods to find out they still had it and now it sticks in my head!!! Thanks for listening.

13-12-19, 20:50
Are you female? It could be hormonal depending on your age.

14-12-19, 14:14
I suffer with night sweats for weeks at a time if my anxiety is high and / or I have a particularly nasty period. Go back to your GP if you're concerned though!

14-12-19, 16:26
I deal with localized nightsweats from time to time. By localized, I mean my chest and the back of my head and neck, mainly. It is pretty gross.

Mine is very likely related to my betablocker I take for a heart issue, some meds can definitely be the culprit.

14-12-19, 16:28
I should add, according to my doc, being sweaty at night and night sweats are two very different things as well. My night sweats are positively drenching. They sheets aren't damp, they are soaked through to the mattress like I dunked them in a lake. My wife also gets them and has for a while as part of her perimenopause fun.

15-12-19, 17:32
Hiya! I'm a female age 41..I thought hormone originally but doctor has done bloods for that ... its freezing in my room at night and even with a thin duvet I'm soaked!😥

15-12-19, 17:51
You sound exactly like my wife. "Normal" blood work as well, but she is a mess hormonally regardless of her blood tests.