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View Full Version : Groin node feels longer.

14-12-19, 03:36
The nodes I have enlarged in my groin and both armpits are still there after all this time, enlarged since 2007. I noticed yesterday when I was poking around in my groin after finding something hard and tubelike in my abdomen that I'm hoping is just a muscle that one the first node I found way back in 2007 felt a bit longer than usual. Like elongated and the edges a bit tender. So now I'm of course worried about lymphoma again -.-
The ball like nodes in my armpits still feel similar to how they have always felt . All been checked out by doctors and ultrasounds but I'm still worried. Could soemthing be developing now after all this time?
Also, I get this sensation sometimes of being off balance when moving around and having this feeling of not being able to take a deep breath. So that makes me worry about it being in my brain and lungs.


14-12-19, 03:50
All been checked out by doctors and ultrasounds but I'm still worried.

If drs and ultrasounds did not help you, what would?

Surely nothing anyone here could say.

15-12-19, 19:08
I dont know......suddenly the first node I felt in 2007 feels a bit elongated. But is it true that the length of the node doesn't matter, they measure the width of the node instead? I also in my right groin feel some pressure and tightness, maybe pulled something. But also in my abdomen on my right side I feel some swellings by my pelvis. I found nodes in 2007 and again in 2011, I hope I've not found some more swelllings now or that something has started after all this time.

15-12-19, 21:36
From 2016...

Several nodes in armpits and few very small ones in groin.
Been like that for over 8 years or since I was 18
Remnants of viral infection found on an old blood test from 2007
All test show normal nodes

We have over 600 lymph nodes in our bodies. Many of which we can feel if we poke and prod. "All tests show normal nodes" means that the nodes are not swollen nor are they sinister in any way, shape or form. What you're feeling are "normal" nodes (proven by medical science). Everyone has them. You just happen to be hyper-aware, have a rather obsessive self checking behavior and use words and verbiage to affirm and feed your dragon. They are not "swollen" nor do you have lymphoma based on tests you've had.

Positive thoughts

15-12-19, 23:28
From 2016...

We have over 600 lymph nodes in our bodies. Many of which we can feel if we poke and prod. "All test show normal nodes" means that the nodes are not swollen nor are they sinister in any way, shape or form. What you're feeling are "normal" nodes (proven by medical science). Everyone has them. You just happen to be hyper-aware, have a rather obsessive self checking behavior and use words and verbiage to affirm and feed your dragon. They are not "swollen" nor do you have lymphoma based on tests you've had.

Positive thoughts

The nodes I can feel ARE enlarged, they were called enlarged nodes on ultrasounds and CT scans but were said to be clinically insignificant despite the nodes in my armpits being very large, 2cm at least! I guess that's good though.