View Full Version : HA returning

14-12-19, 08:27
Hi everyone,

I recently posted on another thread regarding some issues I was having health wise. But its caused be to spiral back into HA and its making me so ill. I've gone from worrying about one thing to now being scared about my breasts after giving myself a breast examination. I'm poking and prodding every chance I get and thinking everything I feel is a lump.
I need help guys or reassurance or something. How am I supposed to know what is a breast lump and what is normal :( I'm so scared all the time.

15-12-19, 09:48
Ah yikes. The breast anxiety is a deep, dark rabbit hole! Please try to get it under control before it consumes you as it has for many others on here!
There is a “female health” sub catergory in the forums where you will see how consuming it is!
I have very lumpy breasts....my GP always comments on how difficult they are to examine because of this! They call it “nodularity”. I think that’s where my HA started.....having soooo many lumps and not being able to know if they were normal or not. Over the past two years I’ve had countless breast exams off my GP and x2 referrals to the breast clinic. Because of this, I’ve learned to identify what is normal for me. And rather than look for lumps, I’ve been advised to feel for “rocks and pebbles”. Because, the thing is...lumps are normal. Our breast tissue is made up of lumpy, glandular tissue. If you google “breast anatomy” and look at the images, it will help you to identify what you are feeling.
However, if you feel something rock hard (like a marble or a piece of coral/rock/pebble), immobile and painless...that “could” be a bad lump, and WOULD need checked out.
But remember, 80-90% of lumps that result in a referral to the breast clinic still end up being benign!
It takes practice, but you’ll soon learn what is normal for your own boobs to feel like. But if in any doubt, just ask your GP to do a breast exam and to guide you through what is normal! You’ll feel much better for it.

15-12-19, 12:31
Hi thank you for your reply I don't think what I'm feeling is anything like what you have described but then I don't trust my own judgement lol I am going to call the doctors tomorrow and hopefully get an appointment. I jsit don't want to be fobbed off that's my biggest fear.

15-12-19, 16:05
They won’t fob you off! They wouldn’t put their career at risk like that!
I’m sure everything you’re feeling is fine, but sometimes it helps to hear it from a professional!
Make sure you tell them that you’re uncertain about what you are feeling, and ask them to guide you through it so you can be more confident next time!

15-12-19, 16:45
Thank you for your reply. Yes I will tell them because I genuinely don't have a clue lol. Its hard to know what is normal and what's not when you have never been told. I jaut hope I get an understanding receptionist in the morning sometimes they think they are doctors and know what's best for you when really they don't. I'm going to be very firm and say I need to see someone on the same day and then take it from there.

16-12-19, 15:07
Ah yes, BC is where my HA began and the one I return to again and again. I also have lumpy breasts that change a lot, depending on my cycle. I constantly have a go at touching them. I have been to the doctor so many times over lumps. What I have found fascinating is that whenever I am examined I notice that the doctors' examination is much softer than what I am doing. I am poking, pushing my fingers way down into my tissue, pressing hard, etc. They are using tender motions with just the pads of their fingers, gliding over the surface. Doctors have let me feel what I should be looking for, but that does not stop me. I definitely agree with others who have suggested that you go to a professional and have one do an examination and show you exactly how to do it and what to look for. It may help!