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View Full Version : Dealing with HA when feeling ill

14-12-19, 14:06
Hi all. I'm currently suffering with a cold/a lot of nasal congestion, cough, aches and pains and generally feing rubbish for the last 5 days. I had a croaky voice for the last 2 days and this morning my voice has completely gone. It's not sore, just hoarse and irritated. I know it's probably laryngitis which is fine, I know what it is and I've had it many times before. The thing is, with the health anxiety I just can't seem to stop the intrusive thoughts. I'm constantly thinking "what if I wake up tomorrow and I'm worse?". "What if I get a fever?". "What if I get an infection/complications?". I am always self checking and self obsessing over my symptoms. Instead of thinking that this is just a cold I have visions of myself having to be admitted to hospital with serious illnesses. I think the time of year doesn't help because of all the bugs and viruses going around. There are loads of stories in the news about the NHS struggling to cope with the numbers in a&e this winter. I normally steer clear of the news anyway because I find that I am constantly triggered by the health stories but I read the news the other day because I wanted to read about the general election result. Low and behold there was a picture of an elderly gentleman lying on a trolley in a hospital corridor dying because the hospitals are too busy. This frightens me because it makes me worry what would happen if I needed to go to a&e? I'd be terrified I'd be left to die or I'd be misdiagnosed. That's why whenever I get I'll I get so anxious because I'm terrified it's going to be bad enough to warrant a hospital trip.

Can anyone help? I'm just not coping well at all. My history is complex and I'm having EMDR for PTSD following a difficult pregnancy last year but find that it doesn't help me cope with the here and now thoughts.

How can I survive winter and all these illnesses and how do I cope when I'm I'll myself? I cant seem to rationalise my thinking. I have a bad cold. I've lost my voice but my brain will tell me I'll end up with meningitis...

Thanks x