View Full Version : If your feeling rough out of the BLUE this is for you (warning triggers)

15-12-19, 19:24
It's that time of the year and it effects a lot of us as an episode during some part of it, either before or after Christmas. The change of routine, all the bugs, flus this time of year.

Not to mention we anticipate the day in question then when we get past it it takes time for us to restart.

Just remember if your effected you probably had the same blip last year, and probably the next year, with anxiety and feeling a loss of control only practice makes perfect.You just remember you crushed anxiety time and time again, and you will do it this time,

and also remember with every anxiety episode a new symptom will be your main focus noting you have had int he past noting you can deal with it will be new and scary but you ill crush it you always do!

17-12-19, 18:43
Thank you - I needed this inspiration today ��

18-12-19, 15:41
This is interesting as I was just talking to a friend yesterday and saying I always seem to be ill before or during Christmas and I think it's because I work in retail and put a lot of pressure of myself thinking 'I can't take time off' because it's so busy.
But you're totally right it's a funny time cos all routine goes out the window and I think routine is important for anxious folk

Best wishes for Christmas

18-12-19, 16:19
I'm another "needed to read this today" vote - it's been an odd day! But I survived the majority of my working day and left at an acceptable time. Feel much better now I'm at home with a cuppa and tomorrow is another day to try again.

Only a week to go and most of this Christmas stuff will all be over and we can get back to routine :)