View Full Version : Panic before diagnostic scans/tests.

15-12-19, 21:29
Tomorrow morning. I've had quite literally at least 30 diagnostic tests/scans done in my 26 years with thanks to my HA. I'm the most scared I've ever been and I am shaking with fear about tomorrow's ultrasound. How do you keep as calm as possible before scans?

Thank you,


15-12-19, 22:15
Lucy what are you having an ultrasound for?

Why so many for you?

Honestly the only thing to do now is keep busy and keep your mind occupied.

I'm right with you on this though, I hate medical tests.

15-12-19, 22:47
My heart goes out to you. I know the fear all too well — it’s overwhelming. I have to get some tests this winter and just thinking about it makes me want to puke. On the plus side, ultrasound results are usually available pretty quickly. And chances are you will get some good news and soon have peace of mind. I know it’s hard when you’ve convinced yourself of the worst, but hang in there just a little longer — your mind is playing tricks on you. This will all be over with soon. <3

Tomorrow morning. I've had quite literally at least 30 diagnostic tests/scans done in my 26 years with thanks to my HA. I'm the most scared I've ever been and I am shaking with fear about tomorrow's ultrasound. How do you keep as calm as possible before scans?

Thank you,


16-12-19, 16:56
Thanks so much for this Elsa. I read this before I went to sleep and it made me cry. I held on to your words as I tried to sleep and it really helped. I also had my US done this morning and begged the sonographer for the results - he was good and told me there's nothing sinister going on. I'm still having pain so will go back to GP but at least I know right now it's not what I feared. I hope yours go just as well.

16-12-19, 17:35
Oh thank goodness he was able to reassure you.

My last ultrasound was a female issue, I was told right then and there, it was nothing bad... I could have kissed her.

They do this work every day and know their business, I hope you feel better about it now.

17-12-19, 06:50
Oh thank goodness he was able to reassure you.

My last ultrasound was a female issue, I was told right then and there, it was nothing bad... I could have kissed her.

They do this work every day and know their business, I hope you feel better about it now.

Thanks so much Nancy! I do feel so much better about it now - it was so lovely to wake up this morning and not panic! My US was a female issue too, but the man was so good and really reassured me.