View Full Version : Fainted in Work Today

16-12-19, 01:40
So...like the title said. I fainted in work today, I've been feeling run down for about two weeks now. Slowly I was getting sicker and I guess apart of me guessed it was heading for flu. Today at work I suddenly got cold chills but my skin felt hot- and before I knew it. I was on the floor. It was horrible- the panic I felt waking up and having two co-workers leaning over me was a horrible feeling.

They made me go to a out of hours doctor, who said I have sinusitis- with a high fever. So, alot of the reasons as to why I felt so shitty have been explained. It's still shit being this sick, I nearly coughed up a lung five times ago alone. Like I couldn't even write this i peace without going in a coughing fit. I just...bad overall feeling,

Fainting, as some may know here is one of my biggest fears is fainting and what happened today has let me really unwell and filled with panic. I'm also embarrassed about go g back and seeing my co workers after they saw me faint.

16-12-19, 05:37
Well, on the bright side, at least no one will think you’re calling in “sick” to get off the holidays!

hope you feel better soon!

16-12-19, 13:01
That must have been a scary experience. Thankfully I've never fainted. But, at least it's nothing too serious and you get to put your feet up and watch some Christmas movies :roflmao:

Hot water with lemon juice and spoonful of honey works wonders for coughing fits. I thought it was an old wives tail but it's worked for me in the past when I've had chesty cough.

Hope you feel better soon.

16-12-19, 13:38
That must have been so scary, but you got through it and now you can recover.
Do you think you’re pushing yourself too hard? Now it might be a good time to rest up, which is what your body is trying to tell you. Feel better soon x

16-12-19, 19:38
Thank you all so much for the replies! I would say I was feeling very, very sorry for myself when I wrote this last night :roflmao:

I have a doctor note for the rest of the week off- and next week I'm flying home for Christmas! So, it's a loonngg break for me. Just hoping I can heal up abit before the flight!

@WiredIncorrectly Thank you for the advice! I'm defo going to give it ago! Sure it's all wroth giving ago- wiese tale or not!

@Scass I guess maybe I'm abit run down? Since I moved I've been on the go non-stop, it's hard to give yourself a break sometimes! Like it's a new job so it's hard to take time off right away for when you're feeling unwell but I know, I need to take better care!

I have felt awful today to be honest, I couldn't hit really get up till a few hours ago. I've taken a few doses of the tablets the doctor gave me, so hoping it settles down soon. I guess I'm also really high on anxiety because fainting is such a horrible thing for me, plus there also that little voice that tries to tell you it's something alot worse that happened. Like my heart has been pounding today, I know that it's just because I have a fever and anxiety ofc so I'm trying to push that idea down and away. I guess it's because when they took my blood pressure/heart rate last night, it was well into the 160's. Like I said before, it's probably a mixture of everything.

I'm going to try and get some more rest now! Thank you all so so so much again for replying xx

17-12-19, 08:39
I hope the meds kick in soon, Sarah but you must make the most of being able to rest..You must be knackered and you need to feel better and stronger for the Christmas marathon ahead!! What are you going to do once you are home again? Any special plans? xx

18-12-19, 20:39
@Pulisa, thank you for the reply x Oh! I'm really hoping to feel better for when I'm home. People have asked me to do something nearly every day for the week I'm home! While it can be alot, it's lovely to know you've been missed also!

I was hoping to be a bit better at this stage but instead I've got a ear ache also now, plus my heart rate is still quite high (around 120-ish from the feeling of it) even though the fever has gone down. This makes me feel very uncomfortable :/. I nearly feel worse then better!

19-12-19, 21:27
I went out today- the first time I've gone out since Sunday! It was hard, I think my body isn't used to moving as much because I've been resting maybe abit to much! I'm no where near 100 percent but I still manged to get out for awhile! My ear is now blocked to the point all I can hear is ringing and there's some other issues but I'm trucking along!

20-12-19, 00:35
Nope. Don’t overdo it. Lots of fluids and bed rest

21-12-19, 22:06
Thank you AntsyVee! I've rest alot- today I had to go out to get a few bits as I'm flying home tomorrow! Which I'm so excited for. I got a at home kit for clearing out my ears before the flight so I hope that helps with the blocked feeling! Over-all I'm feeling alot better, I'm still rough in certain ways but like at least 75 percent better compared to last week!

22-12-19, 06:58
Good to hear! Don’t overdo it on vacation!

22-12-19, 17:53
Wishing you a smooth flight home and I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends! I'm sure everyone will be so pleased to see you and I reckon you'll be spoiled rotten once you step through the door at home! xx

30-12-19, 13:40
That must have been really scary, I'm sorry you are so run down, take your time to recover mentally as well as physically. Your co workers will be relieved to se you return since they were concerned enough to send you to the doc, you should be happy they were leaning over you and not leaving you to revive staring up at a blank ceiling lol! Your body is surely at its absolute limit because people don't just faint for no reason if they've got the strength to make it to work, I'm sure you're a strong person but you must accept this is a time where it's necessary to recuperate and see what led to that unfortunate disconnection.