View Full Version : Symptoms Help - Anyone else?

29-09-07, 13:52
I was wondering if anyone suffered from any of the below symptoms, recently I have become really worried about my health. I constantly seem to have aches, especially in my left side of the body. I have cramps in legs and feets and my arm seems as though it is heavy and almost "not mine". As well as this I sometimes feel really lightheaded and floaty, almost like I would faint.

I went to the doctors and he sounded my heart beat and did some tests on my arm and said I appeared fine. I wouldn't say I am an axious person, but this is starting to take over my life. The more I think about it, the worse it becomes and I send myself into overdrive thinking I'm going to drop down dead.

29-09-07, 14:08
hi most of the "heavy arms or legs" get put down to adrenalin.
Light headed and floaty - welcome to the club....
Most of us feel this sensation and as your doctor has checked you over you should be OK.
The giddyness / floaty / lightheadiness is usually down to over breathing (being anxious).
The fear of "going to drop down dead" is another symptom of Panic / anxiety.
Termed "irrational fears" they are just that. They are not life threatning just horrible.
Saying that I have yet to make myself believe all I have relayed to you.
I KNOW IT IS ALL TRUE BUT when panic strikes you have to be brave - distract your thoughts / play an instrument / sew / knit / do a crossword / go for a walk.
Hope you feel better soon
Best wishes

30-09-07, 09:49
:hugs: Matty these are typical symptoms of anxiety. They seem to creep up on you, starting off mildly and then when the anx isnt addressed get worse. The symptoms are all caused by adrenaline which we produce by the bucket load when we are stressed.
hope you feel better soon!
TC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

30-09-07, 16:31
Hi Matty

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here.:)

Sounds like classic anxiety symptoms to me hun, check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page im sure they will help also:)


30-09-07, 20:52
hi Matty
I too have had the heavy arms and legs - particularly my left side. Its very frightening as you immediately think "heart attack". Just lately, i've had a couple of attacks of "chronic fatigue", where my whole body feels heavy and very tired. This is usually accompanied by lightheadiness/dizziness and can be especially worrying.
All these sympton we experience are so frightening and however much i keep saying to myself that its all down to anxiety - sometimes they seem to just come out of the blue and take me completely off guard. I know a lot of my symptoms are caused by my breathing - or i should say, my inability to breath correctly and my obsession about every ache, pain, twinge etc. I hate being like this and i get so fed up with myself.
Its good to know you are not alone - this site has been my saviour.
Hope you feel better soon


30-09-07, 20:59
Hi matty

I also get the exact same sensations, i try and do something that gets me totally involved so i forget about what i am feeling, and a couple of hours later I will suddenly remember and hey back they come, so keep telling yourself it will pass, though it is difficult to do sometimes.

01-10-07, 10:25
Hi Matty,

I can defo relate to the left sided symptoms mine are always on my left side. xxx