View Full Version : IBS or ovaries or cervix issues?? What are your symptoms of IBS?

16-12-19, 09:14
Good morning all :)

Just wondering what other peoples experiences are of IBS are and whether these issues are ibs or lady probs?

Last few days, on and off, I have had pain very low down in middle of stomach, think just above pubic bone. It hurts, (a bit) when moving my pelvis and is a good 90% relieved when going to the toilet. I have had diarrhea on and off and was diagnosed with IBS years and years ago and know that sharp pain lower down relieved by opening bowels is IBS. I have had the gurgling stomach, wind. It started after eating a crappy Mcdonalds breakfast saturday morning...

However, this morning, on the way to work I started to feel a pressure like feeling in one spot, 2 inches below and 1 inch to the right of belly button. Like something pushing out of me?! Is this wind?! I'm just worried could it be my ovaries or cervix? As I had sex Saturday morning (sure you wanted to know that!) and my stupid brain thought the pain was from that as it is very low? No pain during or couple hours after sex, no bleeding.

I have been eating a bit rubbish and have had a very stressful week. So IBS? or dreaded lady probs?

EDIT: Just realised I should have ovulated yesterday/today. Could be that? It is very localised? like something popping??

Thanks for any experiences guys :)