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20-11-19, 15:50
Inside my left eyelid on the bottom theres a small smooth lump. It's been there for a month. My OH says it looks like a stye but they don't last that long.

29-11-19, 08:47
I feel like my whole body feels inflammed. My wrist hurts everyday, my left eye felt inflammed and a stye type thing came and it hasn't gone for 6 weeks, woke up and it hurts from my neck until my foot on left side. I'm constantly shattered. My minds in over drive thinking what it is 😯.

01-12-19, 19:40
I have had a small lump on the inside of my bottom eyelid. When i got it my cheek was twitching and my cheek felt inflammed. I have had it for 6 weeks now the twitching etc has stopped but lump still there. Hasnt grew. I keep googling it and scared its cancer .

01-12-19, 20:37
I keep googling it


Google stye

Positive thoughts

01-12-19, 21:29
A stye doesnt last 6 weeks plus

01-12-19, 21:40
Ok.... :shades: Have any of your fears come true the last 10 years? Let us know what you find out.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
02-12-19, 16:15
A stye doesnt last 6 weeks plus

Still doesn't mean cancer.

03-12-19, 10:19
Always does in my head.

03-12-19, 10:24
In that case, you need to work on your anxiety. What help are you receiving right now?

03-12-19, 15:43
A stye doesnt last 6 weeks plus

Except they can... as somebody who deals with chronic blepharitis, let me tell you that eye and eyelid problems can last for MONTHS from recurring and continuing infections. I had a stye inside my eyelid that lasted nearly 3 months, and was seen by two doctors before it went away.

09-12-19, 15:17
Can you upload photos on here?

09-12-19, 15:19
Uploading photos is frowned upon and admins tend to remove them - after all, we're not qualified medical practitioners, and without meaning to cause offence, they're seldom of anything anybody wants to see.

09-12-19, 18:55
I'm really worried but I'm going the opposite to what i used to be im scared to go to drs now. I used to never be away if i was anxious.

09-12-19, 18:58
A cyst?

10-12-19, 15:18
Have felt odd for about 2 month. Earache, sore throat on one side, Lost my voice. Just googled laryngeal and my body froze. Feel like this is what i have and its spread to my lump in my eye.

10-12-19, 15:41

I'm not a doctor and I know providing you reassurance isn't gong to help you in the long run but I can emphatically say that this is not the case. Take a deep breath and ground yourself in logic.

Best Wishes

10-12-19, 16:15
Just googled laryngeal and my body froze.

How'd that work for ya?

Have you really never seen the warnings about googling??

10-12-19, 16:20
Makes me worse and panic stricken. I think its going to help but never does. My symptoms fit and havent felt right for a couple of months.

10-12-19, 16:25
Apologies for being blunt, but stop being stupid, take a break from Google and do something productive instead.

Gary A
10-12-19, 17:06
Not only are you ignoring advice on not Googling, you’re also doing so then bringing it here. So, people who are perhaps worrying about the same thing, but avoiding Google, now think that earache, one sided throat pain etc are confirmation of their worst fears. You’re now a middle man between them and Google.

Honestly, I do sympathise with anxiety, but this site really does contain some of the most selfish individuals I’ve ever encountered.

10-12-19, 17:45
I don't think there's anything selfish about what he posted, he has a concern, and he brought it up to a SUPPORT forum. I honestly think it's incredibly ignorant to chastise somebody who suffers from HA, which has loads of overlap with OCD tendencies, for Googling. Telling someone to simply "stop Googling" is about as effective as telling someone with HA to "just relax".

If ignoring our HA/obsessive tendencies were that easy, I assume the traffic on this site would be much much lower. Why don't you suggest some actual strategies to avoid reassurance seeking or obsessive checking, rather than throwing a bizarre accusation of promoting health anxiety on behalf of a widely available search engine to someone who needs help?

10-12-19, 18:43
Thanks Gary A for the nice words. Had my bloods took 2 1/2 months ago and all ok apart from menopause.

Gary A
10-12-19, 18:44
Nah, I think I’ve offered this poster enough advice etc over the years they’ve posted here. At a certain point you need to start putting it into practice.

You reckon it’s a bizarre accusation, would you also be willing to bet this post hasn’t set alarm bells ringing in other posters? Perhaps other posters who actually do take advice and are proactive?

10-12-19, 18:48
Do you suffer with HA?

Gary A
10-12-19, 19:37
Do you suffer with HA?

For the past year I’ve been battling depression. Ok, it’s not HA, but it’s a mental illness that affects me every day and without actively trying to battle it I’m not really sure I would still even be here.

That’s why I can’t understand why anyone would want to just constantly reassurance seek and get pats on the back. I mean, it’s nice and all, but does it really fight the problem?

10-12-19, 19:59
Do you suffer with HA?

Yes, for my entire life and everytime I see someone freaked out and spiraling because of Google when I know for a fact they know better I'm responding pointing that out, it's a clear reminder and example to anyone reading... DON'T GOOGLE.

If it stops one person, it's worth it.

Gary brings up an excellent point, the googler brings that sh*t here.. way to go :-/

10-12-19, 20:33
I obviously cant help it. I always think if i dont go drs this time it will be. The lump in my eye set it off ive had over 6 weeks. I'm scared to go drs.

10-12-19, 20:44
I obviously cant help it.

That's BS.

10-12-19, 20:55
What's BS ?

10-12-19, 21:08
Zippy, you have to learn to sit with the discomfort that comes from avoiding Google. I've been there and done that, it's horribly tough but it gets easier and it really is the only way.

Gary A
10-12-19, 21:40
What's BS ?

That you can’t help it. You can, it’s not like someone is breaking into your house and ordering you to punch in “laryngeal cancer symptoms” at gunpoint now is it?

By thinking “I can’t help it” you’re giving in to nothing more than an urge. You’re surrendering by convincing yourself that you don’t have a choice.

11-12-19, 00:52
Why don't you get it checked out by your Dr (who's the expert) and take it from there. Tell the Dr of your cancer fears.

11-12-19, 15:56
Going drs in morning 😕

11-12-19, 16:30
Please speak to your GP about your HA

12-12-19, 10:30
Been to drs and she said it's a stye that can be a chalzion. Gave me eye cream.

12-12-19, 11:53
Been to drs and she said it's a stye that can be a chalzion. Gave me eye cream.

:shades: "Told Ya So"

Positive thoughts

12-12-19, 21:25
Anyone had it?

12-12-19, 21:32
Why are you asking?

12-12-19, 21:35
Because I had a cut a few weeks ago and the dog licked it and it was infected. Since then my joints have been really inflamed. The cuts healed.

12-12-19, 22:03
If you had sepsis, you wouldn't be wondering about it on a forum a few weeks later.

12-12-19, 22:57
I agree - sepsis is life threatening

13-12-19, 03:24
I don't think there's anything selfish about what he posted, he has a concern, and he brought it up to a SUPPORT forum. I honestly think it's incredibly ignorant to chastise somebody who suffers from HA, which has loads of overlap with OCD tendencies, for Googling. Telling someone to simply "stop Googling" is about as effective as telling someone with HA to "just relax".

If ignoring our HA/obsessive tendencies were that easy, I assume the traffic on this site would be much much lower. Why don't you suggest some actual strategies to avoid reassurance seeking or obsessive checking, rather than throwing a bizarre accusation of promoting health anxiety on behalf of a widely available search engine to someone who needs help?

If people were so triggered the last place they would ever visit would be the HA board. It's not a safe space away from all talk of disease. But then why is HA so special that this is needed? Anxiety sufferers outside of HA are met with their triggers all day every day and yet it's HA where this issue seems to come up. Just waking up is a trigger for many let alone a post on a forum (which can be skipped over or not even opened). It's the nature of inclusivity.

Sadly if you want to tackle your anxiety you will get exposed to it. Unless you only do 1-2-1 therapy you have to expect to hear the problems of others.

Zippy - I get what you mean when you say you can't stop yourself. It's the nature of OCD in that the more severe the harder it is to resist. You can resist though, it can just feel like an instinctual urge you have to do it. It may take time to see progress but look towards compulsion elimination techniques because they will make you feel you are more in control of the decision to act on a compulsion. The overall anxiety will also decrease as you do this.

13-12-19, 08:42
How do they check? Going drs todaý to tell her my worries.

13-12-19, 08:47
Are you going to discuss your rampant health anxiety?

13-12-19, 09:16
Symptoms of sepsis include;

patches of discolored skin.
decreased urination.
changes in mental ability.
low platelet (blood clotting cells) count.
problems breathing.
abnormal heart functions.
chills due to fall in body temperature.

If you had sepsis you would not be posting on this forum, you would be in A&E with a number of debilitating symptoms

Nothing about what you've said indicates sepsis. It's a complication of untreated infections which is very obvious and very life threatening, so try to relax while you wait for that Dr.!

13-12-19, 09:36
Are you going to discuss your rampant health anxiety?

Agree with BI here. I did ask the same question regarding your GP appointment earlier this week.

13-12-19, 10:37
I'm going to a councillor. She took everything temp, sats, blood pressure. Not sepsis. Maybe a bit of inflammation going on with the stye/chalzion.

13-12-19, 10:40
No s*** it's not sepsis.

13-12-19, 10:43
I'm going to a councillor. She took everything temp, sats, blood pressure. Not sepsis. Maybe a bit of inflammation going on with the stye/chalzion.

And do you think counselling is helping with HA?

Status: TYS issued

13-12-19, 10:55
I haven't been yet.

13-12-19, 19:47
One side of heads awful, cant think straight, to think before I say something, sweating, rubbing hands etc. Eye feels weird, cant sleep but shattered, cant switch off. I feel exhausted.

13-12-19, 19:54
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


What did you discuss with your GP today?

13-12-19, 20:45
Just how I think every thing is worst case scenario.

13-12-19, 20:51
This is something you need to work on.

13-12-19, 20:55
Just how I think every thing is worst case scenario.

Does that mean you didi not discuss with your GP..

This is the root of your problem, not your "symptoms"

14-12-19, 14:23
Nah, I think I’ve offered this poster enough advice etc over the years they’ve posted here. At a certain point you need to start putting it into practice.

You reckon it’s a bizarre accusation, would you also be willing to bet this post hasn’t set alarm bells ringing in other posters? Perhaps other posters who actually do take advice and are proactive?

Seriously? I think you need to take some
advice or a class or simply employ compassion
and common sense into your comments. I mean being mean to someone who suffers with HA and OCD completely negates this site and its purpose. Sorry we aren’t all as perfect as you when the urge to google arises.

There is a way to say things kinder and more
Compassionately than scolding or chastising someone’s fears.

15-12-19, 00:00
Seriously? I think you need to take some
advice or a class or simply employ compassion
and common sense into your comments. I mean being mean to someone who suffers with HA and OCD completely negates this site and its purpose. Sorry we aren’t all as perfect as you when the urge to google arises.

There is a way to say things kinder and more
Compassionately than scolding or chastising someone’s fears.

Just to give some perspective. This is not an excuse nor judgement in any way. Depending on the member, a reply that seems less than compassionate often has it's reasons. The OP has been on the forum for ten years. I, along with many others have taken the time and effort replying to the numerous threads offering advice. As with other serial posters, the pattern is the same. While one can debate whether to respond or not, to those who have donated their time, experience and advice and had it ignored, the push back is not unexpected. It's like saying to someone you know: "C'mon man.... Really?". It's one of those "been there, done that" responses.

As with everyone here suffering, knowing there are others that feel the same way as you do is comforting and offers reassurance. Being able to write out your thoughts and fears can be cathartic as well but treating the root of the problem lies within you. Words on a screen or in a book do nothing unless you act on them. That IMO, is the bottom line and the root of the frustration shown in some replies on many serial poster threads.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
15-12-19, 02:58
Seriously? I think you need to take some
advice or a class or simply employ compassion
and common sense into your comments. I mean being mean to someone who suffers with HA and OCD completely negates this site and its purpose. Sorry we aren’t all as perfect as you when the urge to google arises.

There is a way to say things kinder and more
Compassionately than scolding or chastising someone’s fears.

That would be a good point if the OP hadn’t already proven me right. Ignore my comments for a second and concentrate on the responses the OP got that were “compassionate”. Did they get a response? Acknowledgement? No, they didn’t. What they got was a “going to doctors” response from the OP then cricket noises.

What that means is that the OP is going to ignore the “compassionate” advice, hit up their dr for some nonentity of a symptom then disappear into the abyss. Next time we hear from them will be in a month or two with their latest “OMG I’m going to die” post and the cycle continues.

Ten years of this nonsense is too much, frankly. What is the bloody point of this site if we are just going to keep enabling anxiety? You talk about “negating” the point of this site, yet you seem to be encouraging more years of suffering. I’m trying to get results. Who’s really “negating” the point of this site?

15-12-19, 05:29
I can well understand how some of the responses here might look harsh, but it's a harsh world. The root of anxiety is faulty thinking patterns, and speaking as somebody with fairly severe health anxiety, I actually find it useful sometimes to be told I'm being irrational and/or making myself worse.

15-12-19, 12:13
I can well understand how some of the responses here might look harsh, but it's a harsh world. The root of anxiety is faulty thinking patterns, and speaking as somebody with fairly severe health anxiety, I actually find it useful sometimes to be told I'm being irrational and/or making myself worse.

It's the old "blunt or enabling" nonsense argument that rumbles around on NMP every so often. I've been seeing it since I joined and to now nothing has changed. We get the usual "if you don't bollock the OP you are an enabler" and a load of binary arguments as usual. And that's why we have 2 long Admin threads (which continue to be ignored by some) and Admin (fellow sufferers) end up having to deal with reported posts because people won't do as they ask (worth noting this is a general comment and no necessarily aimed at this thread). The point is that we all disagree on the best ways and it came to Admin defining what & how we post.

The simple fact is - don't like NMP? Don't like how Admin want us to be on here? Tough, it's their website, not ours. Otherwise it's like switching X Factor on to moan about X Factor being rubbish.

People challenging behaviour doesn't make them an enabler but some feel that is the case. Some feel blunt is throwing insults at others whereas some believe blunt has never been that.

There is a long thread on Misc about improving NMP and it got us nowhere just as it hasn't on all the threads that preceded it. Some have always said they appreciate a verbal slap whereas some have said they find it unsuitable. I've always taken the view that you have to know the OP will be responsive to bluntness and not reactive to it in a negative way i.e. they won't be hurt, take it as a bad criticism, feel ashamed and turn inwards. Just the same as having a laugh at someone's anxiety, you first ensure they are happy with that or they may find it demeaning or stigmatising.

16-12-19, 18:01
Anyone ever had one?

16-12-19, 20:42

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


16-12-19, 21:07
Anyone ever had one?

I had one in August and got prescribed some chloramphenicol ointment. It's a painful nuisance but nothing sinister and very routine.

16-12-19, 21:33
I've got that cream but it's not going.

16-12-19, 22:57

What factual logic are you drawing upon that is causing you to think it should be going after 3 full days?

Best Wishes

17-12-19, 11:24
5 days.

17-12-19, 11:25
These things can take longer than that. You really need to focus on your anxiety rather than minor matters like this.

18-12-19, 15:24
I googled chalzion because I'd never heard of one and it literally says it's a style that can last for several weeks... So...

18-12-19, 19:00
I googled chalzion because I'd never heard of one and it literally says it's a stye that can last for several weeks... So...

I know right? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

20-12-19, 11:30
As you know I came on here about the chalzion. I feel utterly crap, the left side of my face feels like I've been punched, feel like I can't see properly out of left eye, joints flaring up, no energy. Both my eyes feel stuck together in the morning. Now i have a cold, sores up my left nose, no energy and very irritable. So hard to not google or go drs.

20-12-19, 12:42
Good morning Zippy, sounds like nasty cold symptoms, which DO make you feel like crap.
Bravo to you for not googling, nothing good comes out of it.
Our bodies are quite the miracle workers, give yours a chance to fight the virus in your system.

20-12-19, 18:02

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


24-12-19, 10:43
Started last week with a cold and I have scabs up my nose on left. Sweating at night, coughing phlegm up, feel like breathless, tired etc. Dont know why I'm thinking lung c. Sick of HA. Had my sats took week before that and were 99% but that was before cold.

24-12-19, 13:18
Started last week with a cold and I have scabs up my nose on left. Sweating at night, coughing phlegm up, feel like breathless, tired etc. Dont know why I'm thinking lung c. Sick of HA. Had my sats took week before that and were 99% but that was before cold.

You’ve got a bad cold or a chest infection. You’ll need to rest, drink warm drinks, take painkillers as directed. You’ll feel better soon.

24-12-19, 13:36
No not me I jump to everything's the big c.

24-12-19, 15:19
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


I will merge your threads for you to keep them in one place.

24-12-19, 18:40
I'm so peeved off. I feel no xmas joy at all. Can't stop thinking its my last xmas.

Gary A
24-12-19, 18:55
I'm so peeved off. I feel no xmas joy at all. Can't stop thinking its my last xmas.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day....

you gave me HA.

25-12-19, 13:53
No appetite, sweating, just want to lay down and sleep. Not well at all but trying.

27-12-19, 16:54
How can you tell if your breathlessness is with anxiety? I feel like I can feel myself breathing from my upper chest but cant stop it.

27-12-19, 18:35
Zippy what's going on, you're all over the place. What happened to set you off?

27-12-19, 18:49
Why would you want to stop yourself breathing? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

In any case, breathlessness is extremely common with anxiety, even more so when you focus on it.

27-12-19, 20:51
I'm not trying to stop breathing im not breathing properly. Shallow breathing.

27-12-19, 22:08
I think the best way is to youtube relaxing breathing and try and follow it. It takes time though.
Or you could try distracting yourself by playing a game or calling a friend.

30-12-19, 13:00
I'm constantly tired too.

30-12-19, 13:08
Zippy what's going on, you're all over the place. What happened to set you off?

Answer please ^^^

30-12-19, 14:04
I haven't been right since this thing in my eye, set off my cheek twitching and my cheek etc feeling swollen. Got antibiotic cream but it still hasn't gone. Now i feel sick everyday and tired and generally don't feel well.

30-12-19, 19:16
Zippy are you aware that our bodies do weird, unexplainable things that there are NO explanations for.. and they are NOT anything serious?

You're hyper focusing. Once anxiety comes into play it muddies the waters, you're not sure what's coming from what.

Somewhere in your mind can you accept that you're not in a crisis?

01-01-20, 17:36
I just wish this feeling of not breathing properly would go. Doesnt help I had a cold before xmas and still got it. So thinking its my lungs.

01-01-20, 18:19
You need to try and be rational.

01-01-20, 19:39
Zippy are you aware that our bodies do weird, unexplainable things that there are NO explanations for.. and they are NOT anything serious?

You're hyper focusing. Once anxiety comes into play it muddies the waters, you're not sure what's coming from what.

Somewhere in your mind can you accept that you're not in a crisis?

Answer me please ^^^^^

02-01-20, 10:57
I know. But I've got a cough now. 2 weeks of a cold and now a cough and wheezing.

02-01-20, 12:07
I know. But.....

"And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run. You missed the starting gun" - Roger Waters

Positive thoughts

02-01-20, 12:37
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

02-01-20, 13:47
The bottom of my neck inside feels raw like ive been exercising. Is this how it feels if I'm shallow breathing? 🤷

02-01-20, 14:04
Why do you want to be ill, zippy?

02-01-20, 14:07
Errrmm I don't want to be ill at all.

02-01-20, 14:20
[QUOTE=zippy;1917516]Errrmm I don't want to be ill at all.[/QUOTE

So accept that you've just got a virus and carry on as normal.

02-01-20, 15:16
Hard to carry on when i feel like I can't breath properly.

02-01-20, 15:31
Distract yourself. It's horrible, I know, but you're still here so you're clearly basically physically okay.

02-01-20, 17:57
Hard to carry on when i feel like I can't breath properly.

If you seriously can't breathe get to the hospital .. if you're exagerating and hyper focusing on your breathing because you have the common cold .. get off your rear end and do something productive.

02-01-20, 18:10
I have just been out with the dog.

03-01-20, 16:09
Been drs listened to my chest, no temperature, 99 sats, blood pressure ok. My pulse was high.

03-01-20, 16:48
So nothing wrong then - good news :yesyes:

04-01-20, 04:37
Been drs listened to my chest, no temperature, 99 sats, blood pressure ok. My pulse was high.

That's great news! Now you cam put this behind you and move on

04-01-20, 10:24
I still feel full of cold and a productive cough, sweating, no energy. I can hear my breath wheeze at night in bed so how come my chests clear?

04-01-20, 13:20
Been drs listened to my chest, no temperature, 99 sats, blood pressure ok. My pulse was high.

This ^^^^^^

04-01-20, 13:51
I still feel full of cold and a productive cough, sweating, no energy. I can hear my breath wheeze at night in bed so how come my chests clear?

Because it is. You don't have an infection. Are you disappointed?

04-01-20, 13:54
No not at all. Just don't know how it can sound clear and I can hear it when i breathe and feel so crap for weeks.

04-01-20, 14:38
No not at all. Just don't know how it can sound clear and I can hear it when i breathe and feel so crap for weeks.

I'm not a doctor but I assume "clear" means there isn't any fluid or mucus in your lungs that could trap bacteria. Wheezing is most often caused by inflammation in the airways which is perfectly explainable in your case if you've been battling a cold. Just let it run its course.

04-01-20, 19:30
I'm getting worse not better.

06-01-20, 12:42
This crackling and noises are getting worse when I breath. I'm also shattered constantly.

06-01-20, 17:06
You will have to just ride it out I am afraid.

06-01-20, 17:22
I have no appetite and So tired. So scared its something worse.

07-01-20, 11:16
Every breath out I can hear and feel chest congestion.

07-01-20, 11:19
Because you're recovering, it's not an instant process. Find something more fun to focus on.

07-01-20, 11:38
Been drs listened to my chest, no temperature, 99 sats, blood pressure ok. My pulse was high.

Positive thoughts

07-01-20, 12:52
I just don't know how my lungs sound clear but I can feel and hear crackling and noises every breath.

07-01-20, 12:55
It's not relevant. You've been told by a professional that you're okay, now you just need to trust them and get on with your life.

07-01-20, 13:18
I'm not eating much because i dont feel hungry and I'm shattered. Got a telephone consultation with nhs tmoz for anxiety.

07-01-20, 13:57
Good! Be as honest with them as you can and you might find they can help you turn things around.

07-01-20, 17:25
I will be honest. Been here before and when ive convinced myself im this bad nothing helps.

08-01-20, 14:18
Sick of feeling like this. Had my telephone consultation for cbt but will be 2 month before apt. Unless your suicidal. I am thinking now I have left sinus cancer. With my left cheek twitching for weeks, teeth pain, ear ache, awful head ache, stye, cold symptoms, scabs up nose etc.

08-01-20, 14:21
Of course you don't have sinus cancer.

Try using some of the CBT workbooks on the site?

08-01-20, 14:31
Which site?

08-01-20, 14:34
This site, there's more to it than just the forums.

08-01-20, 17:35
All my symptoms point to nasal/sinus c.

08-01-20, 17:47
And a lot of other things. I won't continue commenting just to be told I'm wrong, though. Either you want help with your anxiety or you don't. I have no interest in listening to people tell me they have cancer.

08-01-20, 17:53

09-01-20, 10:15
How do you get your appetite back. I feel sick all day and thought of food makes me gag.

09-01-20, 11:36
How do you get your appetite back. I feel sick all day and thought of food makes me gag.

Start out by eating small light meals or snacks a couple times a day. I have trouble with my appetite a lot of the time, I know I need the fuel though so I eat it anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-01-20, 15:22
I have zero appetite and feel sick constantly. I heave all day and its yellow stuff.

09-01-20, 17:34

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


11-01-20, 11:16
I've been on 20mg of fluoxetine for 5 years but been really anxious and depressed lately. My gp suggested upping to 40mg and see what i am like . Or if no better try HRT. Does the anxiety increase when you up the tablets like it does when first taking them?

11-01-20, 12:27
yes you tend to get a return of the side effects BUT they are normally less severe and last for a shorter time

11-01-20, 14:27
Anyone perimenapausal ?

11-01-20, 14:57
Been there... glad its it's over.

11-01-20, 15:19
My drs told me to up antidepressants or try hrt.

11-01-20, 15:51
My dr told me it's a natural occurring event, not always pleasant but normal and a process that will complete on it's own.

I went natural..

11-01-20, 16:24
I've been on 20mg of fluoxetine for 5 years but been really anxious and depressed lately. My gp suggested upping to 40mg and see what i am like . Or if no better try HRT. Does the anxiety increase when you up the tablets like it does when first taking them?

I have found that, yes, there will be side effects from upping the dosage and they may last for a few weeks, however, I find that they are nothing that cant be managed properly with other med's, if needed, until the new dosage takes effect, whic is what I'm going through right now...

11-01-20, 16:46
Yes, I am in it now.

I don't have many symptoms, though.

11-01-20, 17:56
Right at the start of it, I think. It's gonna be an interesting few years.

always scared
11-01-20, 18:06
It's horrible :weep: It started about a year ago and I feel terrible . My body is falling apart. Everything hurts all the time. My HA is through the roof. I have every symptom of every god awful cancer. My periods are hell. My stomach issues are scaring the hell out of me.

11-01-20, 18:09
8 years peri thus far - now 51 years old with the most erratic of periods and moods/emotions imaginable. Have to go 'naturally' so just going with it - as tough as that is much of the time.

11-01-20, 18:32
Please stop starting new threads as this causes Admin extra work.

If you ignore this request we will be forced to close new threads started by you.

Thank you for your cooperation


12-01-20, 13:39
Went drs again on Friday and she said to up my fluoxetine, see a therapist and consider hrt. I felt optimistic yesterday. The thing thats stopping me accepting everything is anxiety/depression is I feel sick/nausea as soon as I get up all day. I love my food so it worries me.

13-01-20, 15:48
Can't shake this nausea and feeling bloated and lose bowels.

13-01-20, 16:02
If you've lost your bowels it's not surprising you're feeling poorly ;)

13-01-20, 16:05
Loose 😁

13-01-20, 18:00
If you've lost your bowels it's not surprising you're feeling poorly ;)

Maybe you have Invisible Bowel Syndrome, zippy?:D

Sometimes it's good to see the humour in all this. Just to get away from all the symptoms talk which keeps you focused on low mood and misery.

14-01-20, 10:30
I can't shake this that somethings growing in my nasal passage. Cheek twitching, left side headache, watery eye, postnasal drip, feels like a ball in my cheek.

14-01-20, 10:35
Just because you're afraid, it doesn't mean there's anything to be afraid of.

14-01-20, 10:43
What else could it be?

14-01-20, 10:47
I have no clue, I've trained myself not to worry about this stuff. Everyone gets aches and pains all the time and the vast majority of them are nothing serious. You're still upright and typing on an internet forum, so chances are this isn't serious either.

14-01-20, 10:51
This has been going on 2 months these on going symptoms.

14-01-20, 10:53
2 months is nothing in the scale of things. Sure, chat to your GP if you want, but don't waste time worrying about it.

It's up to you: do you want to be this unhappy every time your body does something weird?

14-01-20, 11:04
No I don't but I can't help it if symptoms arent going.

14-01-20, 11:07
True, but you can help how you react to it.

If you want to.

14-01-20, 11:53
I want to and try everyday but when I have symptoms it reinforces that somethings wrong.

14-01-20, 11:56
Serious question: what are you hoping to gain from being on here?

I and so many others have been exactly where you are now, and while I'm not sure how many of us would say we were completely out the other side, we're at least at a point where we're coping. It doesn't mean our bodies have stopped throwing weird curveballs at us (mine certainly hasn't!) we're at the point where we can react proportionately and rationally to these.

Isn't this a place you'd like to be?

14-01-20, 12:07
Yes but it's like my brain cant think clearly and rationally.

14-01-20, 12:09
That's something you need to start working on, then. It really is hard work, too, but it's worth it.

14-01-20, 12:11
I can't seem to get the what if it is something bad òut of my head.

14-01-20, 12:14
And this is what you need to work on - these thoughts are just thoughts, they can't hurt you.

I know it can be hard to get counselling on the NHS, but there are free books and online resources you can use while you're waiting.

14-01-20, 16:25
When I have gone this far I feel like nothing works. I feel so ill. Nausea, undigested food/diarrhoea etc.

14-01-20, 16:43
So, what are you hoping to gain from posting here if you have no plans to help yourself?

14-01-20, 17:07
I've come to the conclusion (and forgive me for adding it to this thread Zippy, its not exactly personal as such, just I've come here after a few others threads similar) that the difference between those who recover, those who move forwards and those who go on to break the cycle of fear is one simple thing - willpower. Serial posters here appear to have none. Personal ownership of the problem, a desire to do the hard work and strength to look beyond others and use WILLPOWER is needed.

14-01-20, 18:02
Some people must be comfortable to be "always ailing"..There must be something in it for them. I can't really see what other than they like getting sympathy of sorts and it's a way of getting attention.

14-01-20, 18:07
Pulisa, it's driving me crazy right now; I've worked so hard on getting my anxiety under control but there are people here who aren't even willing to try.

14-01-20, 18:12
Yeah, P and B.......its so deeply irritating. However, I guess we are making the choice to go to these threads - so, talk to me Blue, I'll give you a slap lol

14-01-20, 19:20
Believe me I don't want attention I just want to be ok. I dont want to feel constantly nauseas and no appetite, tired, diarrhoea, headaches etc.

14-01-20, 19:27
Then, what do you plan on doing ? How are you going to take ownership ?

14-01-20, 19:35
Believe me I don't want attention I just want to be ok. I dont want to feel constantly nauseas and no appetite, tired, diarrhoea, headaches etc.

But this is still documenting your symptoms and you obviously need "comments" on how poorly you must be?

I prefer to make no comment re symptoms and just challenge the purpose of listing symptoms.

14-01-20, 19:57
Maybe not, but that's your reality right now, so you're going to have to learn to cope with it like the rest of us.

Telling us (and yourself) how awful you feel is unhelpful to everyone.

15-01-20, 16:19
If you have a tense tight stomach constantly can that cause nausea and no appetite? I don't realise how tense it is until I breath out and try and relax.

17-01-20, 14:48
Had my bloods done on Monday and had no word back. If they are ok I know they won't take me seriously.

17-01-20, 19:24
Bloods ok.

17-01-20, 19:40
OK (and thats the second lot of bloods in only a few months). So.......what won't they 'take seriously' ?

BY the way, are you actually in menopause (as months without a period) or in perimenopause ?

Being in peri or meno, and having ME (which I believe you have) may be all you need to know about why you feel as you do !

17-01-20, 19:55
Perimenapause. I feel awful like I am dying.

17-01-20, 19:56
Oh Zippy. Let me share something with you that you might relate to.....I'll be back shortly.....

17-01-20, 19:58
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/nov/19/healthandwellbeing.health (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/nov/19/healthandwellbeing.health)

17-01-20, 20:04
Some women feel like shit during peri, if their bodies are sensitive to hormonal changes. I know how hard it is, I am there myself.

You keep searching, and have done for 11 years now according to your history on the forum, for something else ! There doesn't have to be anything else, peri and ME are enough. You know what, if you reduce you anxiety, practice acceptance that everything could be part of those conditions (as tests show) and buy some books on things you can do to help yourself during the process of 'the change' things could be a bit easier ?!

Read that article, read it a few times......

17-01-20, 20:14

17-01-20, 20:21
...and what do you think, about the Guardian article ? and what I've talked about ?

17-01-20, 20:36
I can relate to alot of it. If it is hormonal why do I feel worse all of a sudden because my hormones have been out of whack for a few years? I've never felt like this in the 10 years of being on here.

17-01-20, 21:01

'out of whack' doesn't stay the same out of whack, peri is a process and throughout it things keep changing and altering. Peri for me now is not what it was 8 years ago, there are stages and each stage brings its own challenges. Of course some people sail through it with minimal discomfort, or none at all. The definitive stages outlined in this process can take a few months, or a few years (STRAW it is called) and I have no idea where your doctor thinks you are on those stages, but for all you know you might be close to periods stopping ?

You are allowing the anxiety to take control, which is another reason you are feeling so bad; anxiety is a major symptom of peri, and can be hormonal in origin, but you can help with your response to it. I have panic for no reason at all, a purely physical type of adrenaline panic for 2 days before a period, if one happens - I have night sweats, aching, twitching, exhaustion, constipation,appetite changes (up and down and up and down), insomnia, dy skin, itching....blah blah blah...I could write a long list and I'm not alone in that I'm sure many others here could too.....BUT the difference between me and you is that I know its hormonal change whilst you are chasing other diagnoses. I know that it is part of the changes that are happening to me, you don't believe it is, so its making you more and more anxious and feel worse and worse.

Go and get the HRT. You have been offered it, and in my eyes you are fortunate to have that offer - I can't personally have it (though I desperately need it). Start doing some reading on this stage of life as well would be my advice. You will find out a lot about things you can do to help the symptoms and ways to make life more pleasant whilst things are changing. I 've had to do that as I have to go through this 'au naturel' and I am someone who was told 20 years ago that HRT would be critical for me during the change due to hormonal problems I have. So, if I can do it and try and take control as best I can, then so can you....

19-01-20, 15:51
Sorry i can't cope with feeling like this. Body feels all tense and anxious 24/7, zero appetite, bloated, fatigued, headache and cant get up in mornings.

19-01-20, 16:22
Well, I've said all I can say; which you've not actually replied to anyway or even made mention of, its as if I've whistled into the wind.

19-01-20, 18:01
I am grateful for your replies. I'm going to drs in the morning about HRT. Its just so hard when feeling like this to think straight and rationally. Just keep trying to reassure myself my bloods were ok apart from hormones.

19-01-20, 19:36
Why not just make a routine appointment, zippy? You don't need to be seen urgently.

19-01-20, 20:17
Yeah, the HRT discussion doesn't need to be urgent !....anyway its my opinion that it alone won't be enough. Your HA mindset has been ingrained for many years prior to peri and some major work on controlling the anxiety state will also be needed.

I am grateful for your replies.


19-01-20, 20:29
I agree. Not sure this is about hormones, more the rigid HA mindset and catastrophising every perceived ailment into something sinister. Also resistance to evidence that rules out physical illness.

19-01-20, 20:57
I'm not sure either, but I reckon if the GP has already offered and thinks it could be useful ?! She's clearly not coping with the peri symptoms and some do start HRT at this stage for mental and physical health reasons, mind, with the right mindset they can be coped with/and have to be by many. Hard to know isn't it when Zippy already had out of control HA before peri. Well, thats something she can talk about I guess. Over to Zippy now to take control, do some reading, have some discussions, find some help for her anxiety state......cos one thing is for sure theres no point sitting all day and saying 'it can't be coped with'.

20-01-20, 08:12
Taking hormones will just be another minefield though with untreated HA.

20-01-20, 08:34
Between all the scare stories in the newspapers and the potential effects on mood, I think it'd be a risky move at best.

20-01-20, 09:41
I guess it depends how badly your mood is affected and what blood tests show for oestrogen or progesterone levels ? When I had true sudden oestrogen depletion twice in my life (something went wrong after birth and during tamoxifen) I was so ill mentally and physically that it was worse than having a cancer diagnosis (and I won't go into details of how bad mentally but the first time I was taken to a psychi unit for 6 months and the second time was heading that way) and I can truly tell you that I nearly didn't 'make it' - the rarity of my responses were high though and my sensitivity to hormone changes extraordinary. For some HRT can be a life-saver, but thats for the doctor to test for and know and for them to monitor and determine how much is HA and how much is meno symptoms.

It indeed could be that Zippy's symptoms are no worse than most other peri women, and due to her HA she simply can't cope and rationalise them - I don't know the answer to that but I appreciate that you guys are giving the alternative perspective on HRT and taking into account that it can be badly prescribed, without follow-up, and cause additional problems for some women. If her GP takes necessary bloods before prescription, and monitors levels (as should be done ideally) then all should be ok ?!? Of course, Zippy's hot sweats and twitching and this and that could be sorted by the HRT and then she literally moves onto another illness as she has done for all these long years of NMP. I don't know the answer to Zippy's situation, but I know that having been on a meno forum for years, there are some for whom it is fantastic and some for whom it doesn't work. Maybe I presumed I was seeing my situation in Zippy when she said 'I feel like I'm dying' , maybe her situation isn't the same - I don't know. I do take on board the points you are making P and B.

I would say to Zippy to proceed with caution and the continued advice and monitoring of your GP, if the descision is made to have HRT and to be clear - it is her own GP who has made this suggestion a few times before. Also, I don't think it will be the big 'curer' of everything and the patterns of HA will persist and need work anyway.

20-01-20, 12:07
I've been to see the gp this morning and my blood pressure was high so she can't give me it yet. Have to get it re checked in 2 weeks.

23-01-20, 12:50
Sorry to keep posting but I have to on this one otherwise it gets moved. I felt so so this morning and its first time for ages ive fancied something to eat. I had cereal and ever since I've felt awful, nausea, brain fog, feel like I could be sick. How can you make a conscious effort to try and then feel this bad with eating cereal.

24-01-20, 09:43
2-3 months ive felt like this. I've usually got over it by now. I'm getting worse, I've looked back at my old posts and I can't see anything that matches what I'm feeling now. I'm absolutely shattered, constantly nauseous, loose bowels,constantly sweating, pains in neck/back/ left ovary area, irritable, depressed, anxious. If even the fatigue or nausea would give me a break.

24-01-20, 10:04

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


24-01-20, 17:12
Been drs again and said I was worried about ovarian cancer. She felt around my stomach and further down. It was tender but she said she couldn't feel anything. She said colon goes that far down too. I just wish my appetite and fatigue would go back to normal.

24-01-20, 17:45
That's a lot of on the day appointments for health anxiety..Has any GP challenged you and suggested that you should be treating your HA and not asking to be examined by the GP?

24-01-20, 19:50
I'm waiting for cbt.
(That's a lot of on the day appointments for health anxiety)
What does this mean?

24-01-20, 19:52
At my surgery routine appointments mean a 4 week plus wait. Emergencies only are seen on the same day.

24-01-20, 19:59
You can get in our drs on the day if you phone early.

27-01-20, 13:29
This fatigue is unbelievable, how can I be so tired and bloods be ok and not have a serious illness?

27-01-20, 13:35
Peri. I'm the same. (add in anxiety for you also and ME)

27-01-20, 13:45
Never been so tired in my life.

Gary A
27-01-20, 14:36
This fatigue is unbelievable, how can I be so tired and bloods be ok and not have a serious illness?

Genuine question here, but are you looking for someone to tell you that they think you have a serious illness?

27-01-20, 15:15
I don't know i just feel so fatigued and nausea every single day. Never felt this bad ever.

27-01-20, 15:31
But repeatedly stating how bad you're feeling will only reinforce your negative mindset.

27-01-20, 15:39
Because I try and be positive everyday. I try and do stuff but I feel so shattered and nausea that it just re inforces that summat terrible wrong with my body. I've had m.e for 20yrs and never had fatigue like it.

27-01-20, 15:49
There is something wrong with your body. It has anxiety.

27-01-20, 15:58
I've had anxiety for 10 yrs too and never been so tired and felt so sick 24/7.

29-01-20, 09:32
Honestly it feels like the whole left side of my bodies inflamed. I hurt from my head down to my hip. I really don't know what's going on.

29-01-20, 09:44
Go for a walk and get some fresh air in the sunshine.

29-01-20, 09:51
What Carys says. Go out and listen to the birds, and stop focusing on your internal sensations.

29-01-20, 09:52
I do everyday with my dog but I still feel crap.

29-01-20, 09:58
Coming here and complaining about it without some sort of action plan won't help, though. What are you really trying to achieve by posting this constant stream of misery?

29-01-20, 10:01
When I had extreme HA fears in my early 20s, and was actually hospitalised I believed I had loss of sensation on the whole left side of my body. I was 'collapsing' and 'unable' to use it, it hurt down that side and felt like it wasn't in my control - it was my belief at the time was that I had a brain tumour causing all these symptoms. The more I believed it, the worse it got until I 'couldn't move it'. I lay there waiting to die one night on a hospital bed, thinking it was about to happen. As it happened, I didn't (ta da!!). There are people around in wheelchairs who have nothing physcially wrong with them, but for mental health reasons are 'unable' to move. The human mind is the most powerful thing on the planet.

Zippy - you saw your doctor last week, and were told you had high blood pressure, what is the plan from that visit ? I don't have ME, I 'only' have late peri and my fatigue is like nothing I've had before.

29-01-20, 10:09
I started propranalol and have to get it re tested on Monday.

29-01-20, 10:12
OK, so a dual purpose to treat anxiety and high blood pressure with the propranolol ?

29-01-20, 10:26
Yes. I know anxiety can cause all kinds but i seriously have never felt like this. From my eyebrow to my ovary area it feels inflammed and sore. I feel like that's why I'm shattered.

29-01-20, 10:38
You have inflamed eyebrows? That's actually kind of impressive.

Seriously, anxiety's a pig, depression's a pig, but they're also bloody horrible ways to define yourself. Be stronger and braver than that!

29-01-20, 10:54
I mean my eyebrow bone, eye, nose and side of my head, neck, upper back, lower back, groin/leg. Not surprised i think brain t etc.

29-01-20, 10:56
Wouldn't tense muscles be a more logical conclusion?

29-01-20, 11:06
I've been to see an osteopath twice in a week. Just hoping if it is something bad it would have shown something amiss on my bloods 🤷. Feels like all my lymph nodes are up.

29-01-20, 11:08
Okay, serious question: What are some things you enjoy doing?

29-01-20, 11:16
Walking with my dog.

29-01-20, 11:22
Anything else? I know my hobbies and interests help save me from my health anxiety.

29-01-20, 11:28
I've been to see an osteopath twice in a week

You don't think that could have caused aching bits and pieces ???

...that along with extreme tension.

29-01-20, 11:32
No because if you look back at this post it started 3 months ago so nothing to do with seeing an osteopath this week. Started with my cheek twitching on left and now all my left feels sore and inflamed.

29-01-20, 11:41
Probably because you're obsessing about it. And before you say it, no, not everybody would. Not even everybody with health anxiety would.

Are you not prepared to countenance the fact that your thought patterns might be irrational at the moment?

29-01-20, 12:06
Yeah, and did you read what I wrote about my whole left side, couldn't move it.........

29-01-20, 12:08
I'm obsessing over it because i feel awful, its seriously hurting from my head to hip. Earache, headache, neck ache, shoulder pain, left flank pain, ovary area pain, diarrhoea .Its wearing me out.

29-01-20, 12:09
But constantly talking and thinking about how awful you feel really isn't going to help.

Are you prepared to accept that your thought patterns might be irrational at the moment?

29-01-20, 12:16
Yes but my thought process wasnt yesterday because my mind was clearer and I wasn't in as much pain.

29-01-20, 12:26
Okay, I'm giving up now. You're too deep down the rabbit hole to listen to reason and I need to take care of my own mental health needs.

29-01-20, 12:29
My point is i didnt feel as tired and in pain yesterday so I would have thought if it was my mind I would have felt good again today.

29-01-20, 12:40
I find some replies to this thread quite nasty, simply because probably "googling" is how people found this site.

HA is all about fear and to call someone selfish is quite alarming. I have HA and years ago I "googled" and found this forum, you dont have to google, nowadays their are so many TV programmes that can put your HA into overdrive! I found comfort on here because I was chatting with people with the same issues and for the first time I was not alone and didn't feel I was going mad! So if you can't be honest and tell people how you feel on here, especially about googling, then what is the purpose of a HA forum?

29-01-20, 12:45
But health anxiety does make people selfish, or at least behave selfishly! The reason I got over mine was because I couldn't live with myself for how badly I was treating my poor husband. The fear gets under your skin and makes you neglect your friends and loved ones.

Tea and sympathy only go so far, and there are people who've been on this forum for well over a decade with exactly the same problems.

I don't want to be one of them, and I hope the OP here doesn't want to be one of them either.

29-01-20, 12:45
Where does it say 'selfish' ? Where is the googling stuff ? However, I would add, HA is a 'self centred' mental health position. I only got over mine by throwing myself into talking to others, helping others, trying to empathise with others. It is terribly draining on everyone around the person and when everything you can think of has been tried....what then ?

Lizee I appreciate that you don't like the tone of some posts (don't know which they were?), but you need to understand that everyone else on here is also probably having mental health problems themselves, and it is incredibly difficult to try and deal with someone like Zippy who has been on here for 14 years saying the same things over and over. She has had limitless support for those 14 years and sometimes there is nothing more to say, except home truths.

29-01-20, 13:03
I understand I have been on here for 14yrs but I honestly feel different this time. Just because it hasn't been anything serious over the years doesnt me it can't be this time. I've never felt so ill and tired in my life. Only thing ive had done is bloods.

29-01-20, 13:15
OK Zippy, I hear what you are saying - but what is your doctor (GP) saying to you about your symptoms ?

29-01-20, 13:17
Blaming it on hormones and anxiety after having bloods done.

29-01-20, 13:28
....but Zippy, that is what I think too and do you not think its entirely possible ? (after having had bloods done). You need to do some reading on how awful some women feel in peri, and read back this thread where I gave you the link to someone who said 'I felt like I was dying' due to the symptoms. I think you need to do some reading, get a book on meno changes and how they affect women. You keep searching and searching and saying 'this time I am ill' but this seems to be without actually reading up on the vast array of physical and mental conditions that affect women at this stage in life. Go onto


.....and talk to them, read on there, get an opinion from those struggling also.

29-01-20, 14:20
Would something show on bloods I.e fbc ?

29-01-20, 14:35
What is fbc ? OH full blood count, what do you mean by something ? Anything that needed further investigation ? I think that surely must be a question for your GP, drop them a line and ask that.

29-01-20, 14:49
Yes full blood count and yes anything that needed further investigation. I had fbc, liver, kidneys, cholesterol and hormones done all ok except hormones. Had them done 4 months ago too before I felt like this so hoping my bloods would have changed or something amiss since.

29-01-20, 14:51
How about practising acceptance?