View Full Version : Reccuring Symptom Log

16-12-19, 23:56
I’ve just had a headache come on suddenly been doing really well recently but now I’m overthinking It could lead to a stroke. I’m a smoker and I’ve been through a lot of stress in the last through months of paranoia and health anxiety.
I’m trying to rationalise ninny head what it might be but my short circuit brain is on which is saying, nope it’s none of the normal reasons it definitely a stroke it’s going to turn into a life threatening stroke.
Just need some support right now [emoji19] sorry guys x

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17-12-19, 05:37
It's just a headache, promise!

17-12-19, 07:23
Have something to drink and have a nap. It'll help lots.

17-12-19, 08:56
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


17-12-19, 09:17
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


Duly Noted!

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18-12-19, 20:08
My headache came back with avengence I’m in bed feel sick as a dog it’s a full blown migraine attack. Not had one of these since I used to have hangovers I’m lying in a pitch black room feeling awful.

Been her for two and a half hours and it’s flown by don’t know why time flies when your I’ll in bed. Been sick too just want it to stop now this is horrible. Wish this builder will shut up he just came to collect something from my mum but he talks so loud it’s ludicrous!!!!!!!!! I have never wanted to shoot such a loud rabbiting cowboy before myself in all my life lol [emoji23]

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22-12-19, 00:09
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


Can I rename this thread as I would like to talk about completely unrelated symptoms as I am unable to start a new thread therefore I can add multiple issues within this one thread?

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22-12-19, 00:11
I just wondered if anyone else experienced dizziness Well not 100% dizziness like moments of broken dizziness if that makes sense?
Also when falling asleep waking up in a state of semiconscious? I get this frequently often it’s my trigger for heart racing and panic except now I control it except I feel like my heart is racing when it’s not? Anyone else

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23-12-19, 15:13
Just had to go for a blood test still had my stupid dizziness on and off. I was in the waiting room at the hospital trying to stay calm about my dizziness when I got really hot and hotter and hotter I recognised I was going into a panic attack so I took my coat off and tried to calm myself down and it slowly subsided. That’s the first time I caught one without ending up in a massive state and crying. Feeling a bit down it happen and worried about if I’ll ever be ok again. Just has enough of it now.
Oh yer I want to rename this thread as I was warned about starting new threads about different things...any ideas how I can rename this? X

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25-12-19, 22:02
Hi Phoenix - I hope that your headache has eased a bit. I *very* often suffer with dizziness with my headaches. I have also had my blood checked and have a vit D deficiency. However, I still get dizziness even though my VD levels are back up to normal now. I am sure you are aware that dizziness is a common symptom of anxiety. Even if you whole-heatedly believe it is something more significant - I promise you it isn't. I've been there; and I have MANY tshirts to prove it. This is even more likely for you as you have described having a panic attack at the doctor's. You've done the right thing by having your blood checked - if they say you're good to go - then you are.

25-12-19, 22:50
Hi Phoenix - I hope that your headache has eased a bit. I *very* often suffer with dizziness with my headaches. I have also had my blood checked and have a vit D deficiency. However, I still get dizziness even though my VD levels are back up to normal now. I am sure you are aware that dizziness is a common symptom of anxiety. Even if you whole-heatedly believe it is something more significant - I promise you it isn't. I've been there; and I have MANY tshirts to prove it. This is even more likely for you as you have described having a panic attack at the doctor's. You've done the right thing by having your blood checked - if they say you're good to go - then you are.

Thanks Lucyy today has been a bundle of ups and downs. I was quite pleased whilst I was cooking I was occupied and ok but whilst I opened my Christmas presents I had a lot of sharp chest pains which make me worry and get upset. This evening has been paired with the same. I was dizzy at the dinner table at lunch and on and off throughout the day and then all yesterday had awful headache all day. Really got me down.
Been crying tonight with this awful pain. I’m on high alert thinking it’s something terrible I just feel like crap
Hope you’ve had a better Christmas than me. Xx

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27-12-19, 21:34
Having a bit of a bad night tonight i have managed to convince myself im going to have a heart attack again....again with convincing to again as in heart attack i have never had a heart attack. I just feel a bit on edge and i got my blood test results back today, initially my liver was way off whack and now it is 100% normal because i am tee-total and very proud to say i gave up this coping mechanism. But my cholesterol is still high and its making me worry again i will have a heart attack my ratio is 4.3 in the summer it was 5.5 i know it has reduced but still my good cholesterol is too low and my bad cholesterol is high and i keep getting muscular chest pains near my heart and now im worried i am definitely going to have a heart attack....help x

30-12-19, 00:53
I had been out this evening and had a lot of muscular pain and didn’t feel great. When I arrived home my face was burning hot for a good hour I didn’t feel too panicky about it just took it as a hot flush.
Now for the last three hours or more I’ve been lay on my bed in and out of panic without panic of that makes sense.
My mind is spinning I feel sick, I’ve got a headache I feel achy....
I’m scared and I’m alone as my mum isn’t talking to me tonight I don’t know if I should be concerned I’m having a heart attack or neurological problem or if I should just put it down to anxiety and stress (again) my head it hurting on my left side I have just taken paracetamol to see if it helps I’m just scared [emoji45]

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30-12-19, 03:04
Sounds like anxiety or maybe you're coming down with a cold? I think the tylenol will help maybe sip some cool water as well.

30-12-19, 03:06
I managed to sleep for two hours it’s helped a lot I’ve got chest pains when I breath so I think it’s just a UTI I hope. Feel rough thanks for message

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30-12-19, 03:07
No problem. We're here if you need us.

30-12-19, 08:55
As requested title changed and threads merged

30-12-19, 09:36
As requested title changed and threads merged

Thank you very much

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30-12-19, 09:37
Feeling any better today?

30-12-19, 09:37
Slept poorly feeling not great can’t work out if it’s a virus or just pure stress [emoji53] feeling crap

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30-12-19, 09:41
Feeling any better today?

Not really I’m just lying here trying to wake up. Two people have recommended exercise to me which isn’t a bad shout. It’s just finding somewhere where I feel safe enough to walk. Even if I am a bit ill some fresh air won’t do me any harm

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30-12-19, 09:41
Can you spoil yourself a little today?

30-12-19, 09:42
Can you spoil yourself a little today?

I’m on the end of broke at the moment so I can’t justify any spending apart from essential spending some time in the fresh air would be just as good to me

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30-12-19, 19:43
Finally made it for that walk all in the dark on my own I made a point of walking to one corner shop and then down the main road to the other one. Feel super proud and energised feel like I want to do it again and again!!! [emoji16]

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30-12-19, 19:49
That's awesome! Congratulations!

30-12-19, 20:09
First time since September I’ve been for a proper walk on my own without any appointments and without having a panic! Fingers crossed I’ve got this! I treated myself to some white chocolate cookies xx

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31-12-19, 00:46
So now I’m extremely pissed off. I was ok dealing with pain all night of my unofficially diagnosed chostrochondritis. So I wasn’t asleep so I went down stairs I thought the crisps I found were cheese and onion but I found out they were wotsits. I ate some a while ago and they gave me a fast heart rate and a panic attack....hmmm didn’t think of that too bad so I had a pack I felt fine I ate another two and now I’m sitting here rocking like a anxious wotsits eating idiot! So pissed off at myself can’t work out what ingredient triggers me....not pleased!
Oh well nearly the end of 2019 let’s hope I remember not to not eat wotsits ever again!!!

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31-12-19, 00:54
So just discovered that “disodium 5’- ribonucleotide” IS ACTUALLY monosodium glutamate! Oh fun times of a sleepless night ahead of me....there you go anxiety peeps another one off the eating list of your as strict with diet as I am!!

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10-01-20, 19:33
Last night and this morning has worst row ever with my mum I was crying non stop I didn’t sleep well I had six panic attacks in the night thought I was going to die. And then I had to go to the vet this afternoon I made it and did that ok but when I got home I came over all funny I don’t feel right at all. My hearts been pounding I’ve been sick I wanted to go and buy something for dinner but I had another panic attack before the taxi arrived so I couldn’t go had to cancel the taxi. Tried to have a shower and wash my hair but I feel genuinely off and I’m hoping it’s just my anxiety but I’m scared something serious will happen and I will die. I also have a mosquito type bite on my leg which I’m scared will give me sepsis and I feel really off. Please advise I feel so scared an dreadful

(Note to moderator can’t find my symptom log thread or else this would have been posted there too ill to look right now I needed to reach out for support move as you see fit)

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10-01-20, 19:42

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


10-01-20, 20:45
I spoke to my dad who said it was definable stress and asked if I’d eaten I hadn’t eaten all day. So he recommended I eat something with bread so I ordered a chip cob and a battered sausage from the chip shop it went down a treat and I feel calmer now I’ve eaten let’s hope it stays that way

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16-01-20, 22:57
I feel terribly ill. I have had this cold flu thing for the last 72 hours and its not gone.... tonight ive had a panic attack about my heart and become obsessivly googling.....come here helps ground me a bit its a slippery slope especially if your not well already you start to question if it is a simple bug or if your going to die having a bad night

17-01-20, 04:40
Flu tends to last for up to a week. Hang in there, okay? You'll feel better soon enough.

17-01-20, 11:17
Flu tends to last for up to a week. Hang in there, okay? You'll feel better soon enough.

Thanks blue still rough and feel sick today had a few panics trying to get through today one step at a time

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17-01-20, 11:24
That's the only way to do it. I've been swamped with stuff to do lately and some mornings I just want to hide under the bed ;)

17-01-20, 11:26
That's the only way to do it. I've been swamped with stuff to do lately and some mornings I just want to hide under the bed ;)

Bless you keep up the good work sweetie things will get better or else I’ll join you under the bed lol [emoji23]

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