View Full Version : had another episode in the shower

11-12-19, 02:52
hi all, more health issues again...

i got a shower tonight and before the shower, i suddenly felt really weak and i couldn't breathe, like i was going to pass out.
im out now, and im terrified. is this panic??? i felt a little better earlier, but now i think the panic is starting to set back in.
please help tell me that im okay and that im not having a heart attack or a stroke or anything

11-12-19, 03:10
my neck and shoulders were also really really tense, i dont know what's wrong with me? this is just panic, right?

11-12-19, 05:09
The tense neck and shoulders says panic to me but if you're worried get it checked out.

11-12-19, 05:31
i asked my mom if we could go to the doctor at some point, she said we would, but we dont have a doc that takes my insurance right now. i am so afraid and worried something might be wrong with me but i dont know it...i have severe hypochondria and not knowing what's happening to me is giving me severe panic attacks and im afraid that it might be too late once we find a doctor

11-12-19, 05:37
ive been to the doctor for unrelated things before and im sure if they would've found something wrong they would've told me? they listened to my lungs and i had an EKG five months ago, and everything was clear, they didnt say anything about my lungs

11-12-19, 06:33
im honestly really scared that it could possibly be a brain tumor or something, i've had neck spasms for a while now, but no other symptoms other than anxiety and shortness of breath sometimes, i feel like im unraveling and going crazy

11-12-19, 09:22
Sounds exactly like panic.

It's common in the shower because of heat, noise, enclosed space, no quick way out etc.

Just file it under 'sh1t happened' and move on. Take another shower later/tomorrow and keep telling yourself that you're doing something completely normal and not dangerous.

There is no way this is medically sinister.

15-12-19, 23:17
im scared to death of pulmonary fibrosis now!!! i felt like i wasnt getting enough air into my lungs so i accidentally started googling and then i started reading about pulmonary fibrosis and now im terrified that i might have it?? i have two cats and i use a kitty litter with sodium bentonite and im scared that it's gotten into my lungs and now i only have 5 years to live and my breathing is only going to get worse?? please please please help me,,

15-12-19, 23:21
C'mon LanerB, one doesn't "accidentally" start Googling :lac::doh: You do have quite an imagination though ;)

Positive thoughts

15-12-19, 23:28
you're absolutely right,

idk i just noticed sometimes i have a small, sometimes dry cough and there are times where i feel like i'm not getting enough air in my lungs...
im terrified now honestly,,

16-12-19, 03:13
i've been resisting the urge to google more about it, i think i've googled about it enough...
i mean, im 19 and worrying about things that probably have no relation to what im going through.
i dont have a consistant, dry hacking cough, i dont have clubbing of the fingers, i don't really have any of the symptoms other than a small issue breathing, which i can probably chalk up to anxiety.
its so frustrating because i JUST got over a brain tumor fear...and now this.
i wish i hadn't googled, i really do

16-12-19, 03:44
Make a sign and put it by your computer to remind you not to google.

16-12-19, 03:56
i will! i think that'd be helpful :D

16-12-19, 03:58
Make a sign and put it by your computer to remind you not to google.

That's great! Love it!

16-12-19, 04:10
i do too! it will definitely help my anxiety and help me resist that urge :)

16-12-19, 05:35
IN my worst days of depression, I used to put reminders and motivational signs around my house.

16-12-19, 11:46
Make a sign and put it by your computer to remind you not to google.

Better yet, create a screen saver/background that says that!

Positive thoughts

16-12-19, 11:55
Better yet, create a screen saver/background that says that!

Positive thoughts

Failing that, a sledgehammer by the computer or phone is a drastic yet effective option :wacko:

17-12-19, 08:46
hi everyone,

i had another attack in the shower again, again i felt fine when the water wasnt hot, but when i turned up the heat i started feeling like i couldn't breathe. in the past i never had a problem with the steam in the shower? but for the past three showers now i come out more stressed and anxious than i should. is this a sign of asthma, or COPD? im only 19 but both my parents smoke...although my dad doesn't really smoke much anymore (he vapes)
im just so afraid i've got a lung problem...i know nobody can diagnose but i could really use some reassurance that it's nothing serious.
everyone i've talked to said it was the steam, but even if it is, it's worrying, because i've literally NEVER had problems breathing in steam before like. a week ago?

im trying to get to a doctor to get a chest x-ray just to make sure nothing is wrong...but i don't have a doctor right now, my mom is trying to find one that will take my insurance, she's waiting on a referral.

im just so scared. the anxiety has diminished my appetite, made me into a couch potato, i cant go anywhere without fear of having an attack and passing out....
i've had docs check my lungs before this a few months ago and they didnt say anything about it...but god im so scared, i really really am
any advice?
oh, i also have like. this tightness in the muscles on my ribs....im terrified honestly and i cant wait to get to a doc and get that x-ray and feel some relief..

17-12-19, 10:14
i heard that you can also get COPD through secondhand smoke as well...and my parents have smoked for a very long time, before i was born...i think im starting to spiral

17-12-19, 10:23

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


17-12-19, 10:24
oh yes yes ok! sorry about that hon

17-12-19, 17:37
i did the weirdest thing to self check myself- i stood in front of the sink in my bathroom, turned the water on till it was steaming hot, then i inhaled as much steam as i could.
i didnt feel what i felt in the shower, and even when i stopped, i still felt okay.
today though, i woke up kinda stressfully and when i stood up, i felt sick. well, i walked a little and then my stomach started to burn a little, and i felt like i was gonna throw up.
i still have that tightness in my tummy muscles...but i feel like i dont need to focus on my breathing as much.

17-12-19, 18:20
All of your symptoms are things that anxiety does to you.
When we are tense we breathe differently, and this can cause shortness of breath, dizziness and chest aches. When you breathe in steam it can sometimes take you a bit by surprise.

You said that you’ve got over one fear recently, did you do anything to help your anxiety? Because this is common - the anxiety needs an outlet, and it’ll often make you believe that little feelings are huge ones.

17-12-19, 19:25
usually the anxiety comes and goes, i try to take care of myself as best as i can during that time
i feel actually pretty ok today! i had a little bit of a sick minute when i woke up but i drank some water and ate a pomegranate, also took some tums and now i feel better.
my breathing hasnt changed, even though ive been kinda keeping a close eye on it. i can't tell if it's just symptoms of anxiety or something more sinister sometimes, which freaks me out lol

17-12-19, 22:43
It's very common to have panic attacks in the shower. It seems alone time like showers, driving to/from work, trying to go to sleep, etc. seem to be the times the thoughts close in on us.

19-12-19, 05:36
i was looking up chest stretches (cause the muscles in my chest get tight from time to time) and one of the results that came up was "chest tightness from COPD"

:( damn you, google

on a more serious note, i AM really worried that it could possibly be COPD? i mean like im not hacking violently or becoming massively out of breath but i feel like my lungs hurt sometimes whenever im moving around and i focus on my breathing more, also a loss of appetite which i think is just from being anxious about this whole ordeal...also i get some reflux sometimes, like my tummy is slightly burning... i cant tell if its from reflux or it could be COPD
but im 19 and i dont have any risk factors other than secondhand smoke... also whenever i go outside it doesnt seem to be as bad?

is it alright to ask for reassurance? been trying to get mom to schedule something so i can have some relief but nothing's come out of it.

19-12-19, 06:37
is anybody around? :(

19-12-19, 07:28
It’s not COPD.

Dr. Google is a quack. You make that sign yet?

19-12-19, 07:35
i havent made the sign but ive made it a point to not google ANYTHING that has to do with the condition that im struggling with, no names especially
i guess that hasnt worked out so well. ill make the sign now